The people of the Rain Clan tried their best to resist the power of the formation, but in just a few moments, they lost the initiative, from the leaders who set up an ambush to the beaten dogs in the water, ah no, the dogs in the rain.

"I didn't come to the door, but you are eager to throw yourself into the trap, do you really think I'm still the child who couldn't resist?" Huang Hao said without any emotion.

With his current strength, it is actually not suitable to confront these powerful sealers head-on, but with the power of the big formation, he can trap and kill these people.

This formation has not been used for a long time since it was created in the False God Realm. But it does not delay him to continue to improve the formation.

With his deepening understanding of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Cultivation Technique and the increasing refinement of the rune technique, coupled with today's comprehension of the subtleties of the overlapping formation, it can be said that the timing of setting up this reversal formation is just right.

Divine light flickered, and thousands of Sword Qi danced wildly across the entire area like wind blades, continuously passing through the bodies of the Yu Clan people.

They had to admit that they still underestimated Huang Hao's growth rate. They were also the ones who set up the formation. The Cultivation Base was good and they were well-informed. They quickly realized the power of this formation.

In such a short period of time, such a powerful overlapping formation can be deployed. If we don't try our best to get rid of him this time, the consequences will be disastrous.

If this child is allowed to grow up, the Yu Clan might face annihilation in the future. I only regret that they didn't directly kill the child back then, so that he~ had a chance to survive.

But killing him now is the same! Thinking of this, the members of the Yu Clan looked gloomy and made up their minds to do everything.

"Sacrifice the treasure! Do your best! Kill the master of the formation directly!" The leader shouted loudly.

With an order, everyone immediately changed their state of resistance and rushed towards Huang Hao.

Huang Hao stood on the back of the nine lions, completely fearless.

Although he could sit outside the formation and wait for these people to die in formation, but if he didn't do it himself, how could he dispel the resentment in his heart.

"Just in time!"

Huang Hao yelled, and flew forward, the Sword Intent was fired instantly, and he punched out.

This punch actually shattered the treasure of one of them.

"This kid has the blessing of formation, and his strength is doubled. Let's form a rain array and use the power of the rain to create the power of the blue sea!"

The rest of the people decisively changed their positions and made different moves, the runes on their bodies flickered and the rays of light radiated everywhere. The disappearing heavy rain poured down again, like a huge wave raised by a storm on the sea, sweeping towards Huang Hao like a hungry tiger rushing for food.

The rain curtain is intertwined like a net, ditching the ground, and its power is infinite.

"No, this technique is extremely powerful, why don't we avoid the sharp edge and go outside the formation." The nine lions under Huang Hao roared like a roar, reminding Huang Chen to leave quickly.

Although he thinks that Huang Hao's formation is very powerful, but people like the Yu Clan are extremely powerful, and at first glance they seem to be masters who paid a price to forcefully enter Baiduan Mountain.

The Nine-Headed Lions didn't understand the enmity between Huang Hao and the Yu Clan, so they couldn't understand why Huang Hao only used formation to weaken the strength of these people, and didn't use real killing moves.

He can clearly see the sword hanging in the sky, its power is extraordinary, as a beast, his intuition has always been very accurate, although it seems that the sword hanging in the air is only continuously providing Sword Qi for the formation, but he can feel it , this sword must have more than this power.

"This child is still affected by hatred. When facing the enemy, beheading is the first priority. If the battle is prolonged, I don't know what unexpected moves the enemy will make." Liu Shen looked at the situation in the field and pointed out that Huang Hao's actions Defects.

"When I was young, I was frivolous, and I was still facing an enemy who had a life-and-death enmity with me. It's quite good to indulge in sex like this."

Before Cao Ye could finish speaking, Huang Hao opened his fingers slightly, and Gold's lightning shot out from his palm, and the thunder light in the sky borrowed the power of the rain to be infinitely powerful, and the Rain Clan met their nemesis.

All things in the world, mutual generation and mutual restraint, the rain spells used by the Rain Clan were just restrained by Huang Hao's Thunder Supernatural Power.

"You dare to talk wantonly about the past in front of me, you must have guesses, I don't mind giving you an accurate information, I am indeed that child back then.

A calm voice came, and the members of the Yu Clan were horrified to find that Huang Hao was actually laughing. The smile didn't reach the eyes, and it appeared from a child's face, which made people feel fear for no reason

"He is calm and has not been affected by hatred." Liu Shen suddenly realized.


Screams came one after another, and the lower Cultivation Base Rain Clan genius was smoking under Gold's lightning, and his scorched body was torn apart with the screams.

In the next second, the shattered corpses reassembled and pieced together into a complete person. Their spirits felt the process of death and resurrection over and over again, and could not be freed.

It seems that there are thousands of evil spirits biting their souls with their mouths, and the degree of suffering is no less than torture.

"You have grown into an evil! Today, I will ask the decree of the gods to kill you, a demon!" The highest sealer of Cultivation Base shouted and sacrificed the fetish brought on this trip.

"Rain God's decree!"

This was not prepared for Huang Hao, but he acted in a hurry, it was too late to think about the current situation, if he didn't kill this child now, I'm afraid they would all die here.

……… Ask for flowers……

As soon as the god's decree came out, the whole world began to shake. This is the decree of the Rain God, which is more powerful than any treasure.

"The decree of the Rain God is a rare treasure in the clan, it is really unlucky for this kid to die under the decree," the members of the Yu Clan thought regretfully.

"Let's go!" Nine-headed lion anxiously said to Huang Hao, he felt the endless crisis.

The decree of the gods shone with golden light, and endless characters flowed on it, carrying the power of destroying the world. It is worthy of being a relic of the gods.

Needless to say, Huang Hao knew that the Yu Clan was going to kill him, but he didn't expect them to carry the decree of the gods with them. With his strength, it is far from enough to resist such a treasure.

In fact, not to mention the current Huang Hao, even the powerhouses at the princely level should temporarily avoid the edge when encountering the decrees of the gods, and cannot confront them head-on.


As soon as the decree came out, Huang Hao's overlapping array shattered, and the white light of the sword hanging in the air flashed back to Huang Hao's hand.

A water dragon roars between the heaven and the earth, the dragon head stands high, the water dragon is surrounded by golden light, and the body of the dragon is covered with unclear characters, exuding the prestige of the ancient times.


A dragon chant roared out, countless mountains were shattered, and the torrential rain stagnated in the air, as if the entire space was frozen.

I saw it waved its dragon prestige, opened its mouth and came straight to Huang Hao.

"The decree of the gods! Is the Yu Clan using the decree of the gods to kill a child?" An exclamation sounded, and it turned out that it was the person who was attracted by the great array of light.

When they came here, they couldn't see the situation in the formation, they could only see the dazzling light. Now that the big formation is shattered, it is such a shocking scene when it comes up, people can't help but exclaim.

"This child will definitely die." All the onlookers thought in unison, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

This world is like this, no one would be wrong to kill a child whose bone age does not look more than ten years old because of a group of rich people. It is quite normal to die accidentally when you go out to practice.

No one will stand up because of a stranger. What they do is just watch and marvel at the power of the strong. Maybe there will be a little pity and pity, but the only remaining emotion will also be because of the identity of the shooter. And the smoke evaporated.

Therefore, when everyone saw this scene, they just watched it, and no one stepped forward. After all, they were neither relatives nor relatives, so who would be able to act chivalrously regardless of everything? It was all about self-cultivation and taking care of oneself. .

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