Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 129: Rebellion In The Restricted Zone

Huang Hao and the nine-headed lion walked out of the cave, ready to search for Taiyi True Water, but unexpectedly, Baiduan Mountain was completely different from before.

After the gold channel between the restricted areas was broken by Cao Ye, Baiduan Mountain entered the Scarlet Underworld ahead of time, and the difficulty of the trial directly increased by more than a hundred times.

During the three days when Huang Hao was asleep, countless geniuses had died.

The most deadly thing is that before the time comes, they can't escape from Baiduan Mountain at all. At this time, Baiduan Mountain is like a cage for fighting beasts, locking a group of terrifying creatures and genius disciples together, and the separation between the two is still tight. Broken.

The situation of the geniuses of all races can be imagined, the favored son of heaven has become the prey to be teased, and the forbidden creatures are like cats playing with mice, constantly torturing their nerves.

Under such circumstances, disciples of many great forces have formed an alliance to fight against the terrifying creatures in the forbidden area of ​​Baiduan Mountain.

They have no chance to hide their secrets, and the immediate crisis makes them have to resist with all their strength so as not to be killed.

And they teamed up with the priority of avoiding and fleeing, they didn't dare to confront directly, the area was chaotic, the map originally brought from the clan became a piece of waste paper, everyone was like a blind man feeling an elephant, not knowing what Baiduan Mountain is now.

Except for some top geniuses, such as Double Pupils Shiyi, the daughter of the Human Emperor, Yu Zimo, a genius girl from the Rain Clan, pure-blooded, semi-pure-blooded beasts, these people can barely survive 393, and the others didn't just die in the restricted area In the hands of the creature, it is described as embarrassing and life hanging by a thread.

Let alone searching for treasures, saving their lives has become a problem now, and leaving Baiduan Mountain alive has become their biggest luxury.

Baiduan Mountain is devastated, and the corpses of various beasts and human geniuses can be seen everywhere. When Huang Hao and the nine-headed lion walked out of the cave, they saw a scene like bloody purgatory.

"What a strong bloody smell! What happened?" Huang Hao and the nine lions said in unison. They didn't feel it in the cave before, but now they found out that the Blood Qi was soaring, and the pungent bloody smell permeated the entire area.

"There must be a catastrophe here, we'd better leave as soon as possible." The nine lions shook his head uncomfortably, and the nine huge lion heads each had rattle drums, which looked a little funny.

Huang Hao was amused by the movement of the nine lions: "Don't worry, let's go find out what happened first, and then make plans. My Master has already told me the location of the fetish. As long as we find out our current location, we can find it." Can go straight to where the gods are.”

"That's great, let's go straight away without delay." Nine-headed lions nodded, carrying Huang Hao to find someone to inquire.

However, they searched the entire area, but they couldn't find anyone, not even the Gold passage between the various areas.

"What's going on here? How can there be no one? Could it be that I saw my Nine-Headed Lion like before, and didn't dare to offend me and avoided it early." Nine-Headed Lion said stinkingly.

"Something is wrong. Let's go further. This area is not the country we stayed in before. It should be another area, but I don't know where it is." Huang Hao looked a little serious, and his keen intuition told him the situation in front of him Something is wrong.

Little did they know that the way Huang Hao and the nine-headed lions swaggered and walked was already noticed by others.

"Is that person crazy? How dare you wander around like a target like this, don't you know the horror of Baiduan Mountain?" In the hidden cave, the person who used Magic Treasures to hide his breath looked at Huang Hao in the distance in amazement. and nine lions.

There are a total of seven or eight people in this cave, all brothers of the same faction, and a junior sister. At this time, they are crowded in a cave with the hidden Magic Treasures they brought. They have been hiding here for a day.

Since the turmoil broke out that day, they used Magic Treasures to hide decisively. They don’t have all kinds of Magic Treasures like the top forces, so it’s important to keep their lives alive during this trial.

This is what their patriarchs often say, "We should develop insignificantly, try to get up first, and learn to make a fortune with a low voice."

Although the words are strange, the master ancestor (chdb) has explained the profound meaning to them a long time ago, so the whole family has developed a meticulous style of painting.

Sure enough, the patriarch will always drop God, isn't it, are they lucky to save their lives?

"This kid is very famous. Look at the nine-headed lions under his seat. He ate and drank all the way some time ago [Specially catching Dagu Remains and other ferocious beasts with treasures in their bodies and killing the bear children who eat meat!" Jing Shen, who was wandering aimlessly, popularized Jing's stinky information to her seniors.

He is so powerful, why don't we call him over, the patriarch said, in case of a crisis, we must unite all the forces that can be united, so that we can get out of the danger and enjoy peace.

"But soon it will be time for that forbidden creature to come back. What if we make a scene rashly and are discovered?"

"Then let's see if his strength is really as powerful as the rumors say. When the forbidden creature comes, if he can survive the night, we will pull him over." The elder brother made a final decision and ended the discussion.

Outside, Huang Hao still couldn't find anyone, so he decided to look further afield, maybe all the people in this area were dead, after all, as far as he could see, there were corpses everywhere, and the soil was dyed red.

At this moment, it was as if the abyss giant beast was waking up from under its feet. Thousands of vines burst out of the ground, and Fang Yuan was covered with constantly dancing vines. Every vine was stained with blood-colored soil, and even the corpses of any wild animals were hung on strings.

Nine-headed lions and Huang Hao are in the middle, and vines trap them like dense forests.

The accident happened only in an instant, and neither of them were given time to react, but Huang Hao had experienced life and death crises many times, so the reaction was naturally not slow, he drew out his sword decisively, and the Sword intent shook all directions

He chopped down a piece of cane that was attacking them.

"He can cut off rattan with one blow, and his reaction speed is so fast!" Several people exclaimed in the cave. The rumors have always been unbelievable, but Huang Hao seems to be more powerful than the rumors.

"Have you unsealed the sword?" Liu Shen asked Cao Ye in the pendant on Huang Hao's chest. These days, he is used to chatting with Cao Ye anytime.

"That's right, the restricted area is in chaos. Unsealing the sword will not delay the little one's experience, and it will also give him the confidence to challenge the creatures in the restricted area. Why not do it?"

"Your Supernatural Power shows off your power, and your life is ruined, and you may be stained with evil Karma." Liu Shen was worried.

"Don't worry, I'm just advancing what is destined to happen, nothing will happen. Besides, I'm clean and I don't touch Karma. Even if I slaughter all souls, nothing will happen." Cao Ye said in a calm tone There was a fact that shocked Liu Shen. .

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