Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 130: Worshiping The Sword God For Safety

Although Huang Hao was told that they would leave soon, Liu Shen and Cao Ye still stayed here and never left, but Huang Hao didn't know about it.

The restricted area of ​​Baiduan Mountain was in chaos and there were many crises. The situation was completely different from when he first came to Baiduan Mountain. There were crises that could kill Huang Hao everywhere.

Therefore, Cao Ye unsealed the sword without hesitation, and he and Liu Shen did not leave directly.

"You said you don't touch Karma, are you someone who transcends the whole world?"

"As far as I know, there are almost no people who cut off Karma, are alone, and are not restricted by the timeline Karma. The past events can find answers in the future, and the future results can be deduced from the past life. Everything has traces Can-follow.

"The so-called move the whole body with one hair, stir up a trace of Karma line, everything will change, you said not to touch Karma, it means that in any timeline, Karma line

I can't even find your existence..."

"But you said that before the endless years, you and I knew each other and became a companion. How should I understand what you said before and after?"

Liu Shen finished speaking word by word, and waited for Cao Dian to explain, but Cao Ye vaguely said: "You know that I have many secrets about me, and it is inconvenient to tell you now, but you believe that one day, you will find out about everything. Answer."

Liu Shen was silent: "You have a secret, I won't ask you, everyone will have a secret, but I want to ask, you said we are dao companion, is it true or not?"

"Naturally it is true." Cao Ye said firmly.

Liu Shen didn't know what answer she wanted, but when she heard Cao Ye say this, her first reaction was,

Obviously Cao Ye said it wasn't true to make her feel at ease. After all, she never thought about who she would form a companion with. When Cao Ye said that they were dao companions, he just felt curious and troubled, hoping that Cao Ye was just flirting with her as usual and cheating her while she lost her memory.

But I don't know when, her heart seems to have changed, but she began to hope that Cao Ye did not lie to her, and even acquiesced in the identity of the teacher's wife in front of Huang Hao.

She didn't make a sound for a long time, Cao Ye was a little worried: "What's the matter? If you have something to say, just say it. Even if I conceal something in words, it won't hurt you."

"It's nothing, but I have some thoughts in my heart, so I can't tell you. Liu Shen's voice is light, she needs some time to rethink what Cao Ye means to her

If before, Liu Shen passively forced himself to think about how to get along with Cao Ye because Cao Ye said that they were in a dao companion relationship, then now Liu Shen is thinking independently of Cao Yu because of her own subjective ideas. .

There seems to be no difference between the two states, but in fact, this is Liu Shen's first step towards Cao Ye.

For the first time, she seriously thought about this relationship, thinking that even if they were really not the dao companion relationship that Cao Ye said, then aside from these words, what should be the definition of the relationship between her and Cao Ye.

Cao Ye listened to Liu Shen's words and didn't ask any further questions. There was silence between the two of them, but there was no embarrassment, just silence.

Huang Hao was fighting with his sword, and several disciples in the cave were watching the battle in secret. Cao Ye and Liu Shen no longer talked, but one person had a sudden idea [to find a way to survive the attack of restricted creatures.

Things will start from the chaos in the restricted area that day.

Everyone heard Cao Ye's words that day, but no one thought carefully about the meaning of the two sentences. As soon as the terrifying breath disappeared, the creatures in the restricted area began to cholera the earth.

Therefore, everyone subconsciously attributed the mysterious existence to the god of the world of Baiduan Mountain. Besides, this inference is also very reasonable. Besides the God of Baiduan Mountain, who else can control all restricted areas within the range of Baiduan Mountain?

The Hundred Years of Baiduan Mountain opened once, and I have never heard of such an existence. Maybe the newly awakened god discovered that outsiders had intruded into his own territory. Out of anger, he launched a riot in the restricted area and revoked the restrictions between the restricted areas.

But there are some people who don't think so. They are those who watched the battle between the Yu Clan and Huang Hao. They witnessed the light emanating from Huang Hao's body. It was the sound group that appeared when the Rain God's decree was about to hit Huang Hao.

And directly injected the decree of the God of Rain into Huang Hao's body, thinking of the phrase "Who dares to be called a god in front of me?"

……… Ask for flowers……

All of them reveal a terrible fact to them, the master of the voice is his Master, the sword god.

This was the tacit secret of all the onlookers that day.

However, before they revealed this secret to the public, cholera in the restricted area began, and countless people died unexpectedly in the hands of the creatures in the restricted area.

That patch of Zeguo happened to be connected to a restricted zone, and after Huang Hao disappeared, a long-haired beast swallowed half of the onlookers with a huge mouth.

They fled desperately, and in the end, only a dozen people escaped to ascend to heaven, and nearly a thousand onlookers all died.

However, it was not safe to escape from Ze Country. In the next three days, the remaining dozen people died one after another. Up to now, there is only one person left.

And it was a coincidence that he survived.

He was going to die that day, but when he was about to die, he uttered those two words. He didn't know what to think, maybe he was dying, struggling to find a sustenance, maybe it was unconscious nonsense, in short, He said that.

"God of the sword, I hereby ask for your decree, please protect your believers."

With just this sentence, the fierce beast that attacked him abruptly stopped attacking, as if it had touched some taboo, or was bound by some law, it turned around and left, ignoring the frightened face under its feet, Bloody prey.

After narrow escape, he opened his eyes, touched Own's whole body in disbelief, and even slapped himself fiercely, the pain came from his face.


"I'm really not dead!"

"Hahahahaha, I'm not dead!"

He looked crazy, and shouted like a lunatic: "So it is! You have to worship the sword god to enjoy peace!"

"You have to worship the sword god to enjoy peace! The sword god's law aims at freedom, and there are no taboos to ensure safety!"

As the man yelled crazily, Cao Ye in the pendant seemed to sense something: "It turns out that the laws of heaven and earth in Baiduan Mountain have recognized my two mantras.

Liushen didn't speak. She has only practiced one qi and three cleanses for a short time, so her strength is limited. Now she is thinking about her and Cao Ye again, so she didn't observe the movement of Baiduan Mountain. .

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