Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 131: Seriously, Do You Still Need A Junior?

Chapter 131: Seriously, do you still lack a junior?


With a loud noise, Huang Hao cut off a vine like a hill. This monster is very difficult to deal with, and Huang Hao has been wrestling with him for a long time.

The nine-headed lions are already scarred, Huang Hao can still fight with Zijian, but for the nine-headed lions, this is no longer a fight he can bear.

Seeing this situation, Huang Hao had a thought, and put the nine lions into the own ring again.

"If you want to charge me, say hello!"

In the ring, nine lions fell in, bared their teeth in pain, this time he already knew where it was.

After scoring twice and entering the palace for the second time, the nine-headed lions completely changed their minds. It has long been heard that among the pure-blooded geniuses of the White Tiger family, there are some who carry treasures, a pocket with heaven and earth inside.

It seems that this place is similar to the universe bag, but I have never heard that this kind of treasure that pretends to be dead can also hold people. He has been here alive for three days before!

During this period, it seems that time and space "six six three" stagnate, and there will be no changes in the body. He had observed carefully, what his wound looked like when he came in, and what he looked like when he went out.

Not even the slightest change in the angle of the wound opening, here, the passage of time seems to be frozen, no longer moving forward.

He looked at the environment he was in, well, nothing changed, it seemed that his little brother would not let him pry into the real secret.

He tentatively shouted to Huang Hao in the darkness: "Can you let me look outside?"

After the words fell, and after a while of silence, the nine-headed lion only felt that his eyes brightened, as if there was light shining into his eyes.

His field of vision suddenly changed to the outside scene.

The bloody rattan, and Huang Hao fighting with a sword came into view, it's really okay!

For a moment, the nine-headed lion felt as if he had eaten more than a dozen tons of lemons. As soon as he came out, he asked, these Magic Treasures were given by Master Huang Hao.

"If I want to have such a master, then my nine heads can wake up with a smile every day. God, please give me such a master!" The nine-headed lion was extremely envious.

At the same time, he was also shocked by the strength of Master Huang Hao. It was really beyond the reach of ordinary masters to forge such miraculous treasures with bare hands.

Like the Rain God's decree used by the Rain Clan that day, it came from the Rain God and is a relic of the Ancient God, but it may not be comparable to the ring he is wearing.

"In the future, I must pester Huang Hao to be his little brother. After all, hugging Huang Hao's thigh is equivalent to hugging half of his Master's thigh." Nine-headed lions made up their minds, "Ten times, I will pester Huang Hao and have sex with him." Good relationship.

Just like this time, if there was no Huang Hao, he would probably have been killed by that creature. If Huang Hao took it in again, he would definitely turn him into the braised lion head that he often talked about.

Isn't that why he and Huang Hao got married?

Nine lions in the ring Heavenly Horse imagining the sky, Huang Hao finally found the core of this forbidden creature, he shouted loudly, stepped on the rattan and hung upwards in the air.

The sword in his hand suddenly became a hundred times larger in the huge light, and stood in the air with the tip of the sword pointing downward.


The giant sword fell to the ground, slashed straight to the ground, and pierced through a sarcoma the size of a hill buried underground. Countless vines grew from this sarcoma.

These vines are like blood vessels, transporting flesh and blood to the sarcoma, so when they are cut off, a black and red smelly liquid will always flow out.

Now the giant sword pierced the sarcoid, splitting him in half, and the Sword intent was raging, rapidly dissolving the structure of the sarcoid. After a while, this disgusting creature quickly withered like a leaky balloon, and finally disappeared.

"Phew, I finally killed it. The sword given by the Master is really useful, but I feel that it is much more powerful than the last time I used it." The giant sword turned into a normal size with a flash of white light, and Huang Hao held the sword in his hand , puzzled.

But he soon stopped thinking about it. Of course, the more powerful the Magic Treasures, the better. He put away his sword, looked at the transparent object flying out of the soil under his feet, and hesitated.

This is the last thing left after the sarcoid disappeared. The things left by such a strong creature must be rare and good things, but after seeing the disgusting appearance of the sarcoma, Huang Hao really couldn't put his mouth down for a while.

Although he stuffed everything into his mouth and often swallowed it directly, it didn't mean he didn't like it or dislike it. He shook his head, put the things in his hand into the grass ring, and prepared to inquire about the situation before cooking. Eat again.

He released the nine lions, and the two were about to leave.

Just then, someone stopped them.

"Wait, little brother! The road ahead is dangerous!"

The one who made the sound was a brother who hid in the cave and watched the whole process of Huang Hao beheading the creatures in the restricted area.

Seeing Huang Hao's amazing combat power, they decisively chose to win Huang Hao over.

Just kidding, a person who can defeat the creatures in the restricted area without being injured has not yet appeared.

Even those geniuses of various races who formed the alliance could not be so reckless as a single person fighting against creatures in the restricted area.

What? You said that there are still nine lions. Didn’t you see that the nine lions almost died just now, and then they were hidden somewhere, but they appeared out of nowhere after the battle was over?

It must have been hidden by Huang Hao. Doesn't that mean that Huang Hao actually has a treasure that can hide a living person.

If you board Huang Hao's big ship and go straight into his Magic Treasures, why not leave Baiduan Mountain alive?

So everyone looked at Huang Hao with fiery eyes, as if seeing a rich man.

Huang Hao and Nine-Headed Lion looked at the group of people and spoke first: "Can any of you explain to me what happened in Baiduan Mountain in the past three days, and why it suddenly became like this?

"According to what you mean, do you dare to face the creatures in the restricted area alone without knowing what happened?"

The whole group was shocked, there are still people in Baiduan Mountain who don't know what happened in the past three days......

They hurriedly spoke: "Did you hear two whispers from the gods three days ago?"

Huang Hao and the nine lions looked at each other and nodded.

"Isn't it the two sentences my Master said?"

"Isn't it the two sentences that the kid's master said?"

The two thought in unison in their hearts, but neither made a sound.

Seeing them nodding, someone continued: "This is where the accident happened. After hearing these two words that day, all spirits worshiped, and everyone couldn't help but kneel down.

"But right after that, the barriers between the major restricted areas of Baiduan Mountain were all broken, and countless restricted area creatures began a bloody massacre."

"The Gold channels between the various regions are gone. If you want to go far away, you can only rely on mounts and flying Magic Treasures. In short, you can't rely on Gold channels to teleport."

"The creatures in these restricted areas are unbelievably strong. They are far from the fierce monks in Baiduan Mountain before."

"The people were devastated, many people died, and only a few people from the four major clans died, and I heard that those who survived were all the seal masters who came to besiege Ketong."

"That's right, I was robbed by those who suppressed pupils in the False God Realm, and this time I was looking for revenge on those who suppressed pupils, but I didn't expect that the catastrophe would come suddenly, and the group was almost wiped out.

"Yes, in short, these creatures in restricted areas are very strong, so don't provoke them unless it is absolutely necessary. 17

They finished speaking one sentence at a time, waiting for Huang Hao's 5.2 reaction.

Unexpectedly, Huang Hao didn't show fear or worry when he heard this, but laughed out loud.

Even the faces of the nine-headed lions had a bewildered smile on them.

"As expected of Master! So that's how it is!"

For a moment, the others looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what's so funny about this?

Huang Hao couldn't help showing off, and said to a few people who were stunned on the spot: "You know, the two gods whispered that day, it is my Master!"

Nine-headed lions and nine-headed lions nodded heavily, for fear that others would not see it: "That's right, it's his Master!"

"Plop plop plop"

The voice of someone knelt down one after another sounded: "Brother, please be respected by the younger brother (junior sister)!"

According to the teachings of their ancestors, when they meet a thigh, they should act decisively, hug it without hesitation, and turn into a dog skin plaster.

So recognize the senior brother on the spot, this can be had! They thought in tacit understanding. .

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