Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter One Hundred And Thirty-Nine: Confession When Recovering Memory

"In your opinion, how long will it take for this child's Supreme bone to be fully regenerated?" After a while, Liu Shen asked Cao Ye.

"It will take some time, but it won't be long."

"There will be a battle between him and Shi Yi. If they face each other directly, Shi Yi has Double Pupils and Supreme bones, which is very unfair to the child. Besides, Shi Yi is still a few years older than him.

"Don't worry, have more confidence in this kid. With us here, he is no worse than anyone else."

"I'm just worried that one day, we won't be able to be with him for various reasons, what should he do if he encounters a life-and-death crisis and is left unattended."

"Just like a child will eventually leave the blessing of his parents to fly alone, a person's path must always be determined by himself."

"During this process, he will have friends who are evenly matched, loved ones who share the same mind, enemies who want to kill him, own children, and apprentices like me... ..."

"He will eventually grow from a child to a perfect adult."

"He will shoulder his own responsibility and mission, and will find his true home."

"As elders, we only need to be his guides in his life, because in the near future, we may also have our own way to go.

Cao Ye said every sentence, and Liu Shen listened patiently. Although she knew these things, she still listened without saying a word.

This is the first time she heard Cao Ye talk about the future, the road ahead, what will it be?

She couldn't help but start to imagine that with her temperament, she should continue to pursue her own path.

At this moment, a magnificent battle scene appeared in her mind again. She was being besieged, but she was unafraid, and started a battle between heaven and earth, which was a place she was not familiar with.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Minor Worlds one after another, thousands of worlds worshiping her together.

These scenes flashed by and disappeared soon, but these were enough to let her know that maybe her memory was slowly recovering unconsciously.

Frequent screen flashes are a sign that the memory is about to be restored.

That's right, this wasn't the first time this happened. In my memory, she was always fighting, fighting alone, being besieged, and getting injured. And beside her, there is no familiar grass, no Cao Ye.

This is also the place she doesn't want to recall the most. The recovery of memory means the coming of the truth. When all the memories of her long years are recovered, will the feelings of getting along with Cao Ye in just a few years before her disappear?

Compared with so many memories, will this faint emotion be crushed?

She doesn't want to do this, and she doesn't want to give up this relationship.

But the memory will be restored after all, what will happen between her and Cao Ye then? Liu Shen can't continue to think about this matter.

She had already made up her mind that if she recovered her memory and still hadn't lost her love, she would express her own feelings to Cao Dian. Because the self at that time is a complete self.

The feelings that I still have at that time are the feelings that I really can't let go.

At that time, she has no memory loss, and stands on an equal footing with Cao Ye, discussing the future between them.

Either continue to walk the own road, or fight together in the ten lands of Nine Heavens, or pursue the supreme avenue, and walk the road of becoming a fairy, these are all things she wants to do with Cao Dian.

Cao Ye didn't know what he said, Liushen Gou thought of such a distant future, and even thought of when and how to confess his heart to Cao Ye.

At this time, he was talking about Huang Hao, thinking about the suffering that Huang Hao will experience in the future, wondering whether he should always favor and spoil Huang Hao like this.

If Huang Hao still encounters the things that he would have encountered in his life, then he absolutely cannot bear it.

"So we should let the child rely on us more when he can rely on us. Who knows what height this child will grow to in the future?"

After Cao Ye finished speaking, he found that Liu Shen beside him was not moving.

"Willow God? Are you listening?"

"I'm listening, you're right, it's time to recover your memory (chbe) and talk about me..."

Liu Shen was in a trance, and almost slipped her mouth, but she quickly changed her words: "I mean, this kid has a bright future, maybe he will be even better than me in the future."

"Hahahaha, don't worry about that, as the saying goes, your Master is still your Master, even if that kid can turn the world upside down, I'm still our apprentice."

"Besides, he is growing, we are not dying old immortals, we are still breaking through."

Cao Ye didn't expect Liu Shen to think so. What she mentioned just now about restoring memory, is there a phenomenon of memory recovery?

"The child's Supreme bones are showing signs of recovery, and even the outline of Supreme bones has formed. If he meets people from the Yu Clan and the Martial King's mansion at this time, he might be wiped out." Liu Shen used the matter of Huang Hao to change the subject.

"They are waiting to pick up their waists, of course they have to try their best to cover it up. Isn't that brat Shi Yi heading here? I have already blocked Huang Hao's aura, and when Shi Yi comes, I will change him. memory."

"After all, when Huang Hao really fights with Shi Yi, he will show his reborn Supreme bones, and then he will be able to surprise the audience, and he will take revenge with a slap in the face!"

With a few words, Cao Ye had already arranged for the battle between Shi Yi and Huang Hao.

As soon as the words fell, Shi Yi, Huo Ling'er and the group had already arrived at the entrance of the cave where Huang Hao lived. The genius alliance of these top forces of the human race has dozens or hundreds of people.

Standing at the entrance of the cave together, they found that even if they worked together, they could not open the Restrictions at the entrance of the cave.

Of course they couldn't open it, because the Restrictions were set by Cao Dian, and no one in the world can break through the Restrictions set by him.

"What kind of weird Restrictions are these? We can't break them through our combined efforts. There must be peerless abandoned treasures inside."

"The treasure must be accompanied by a ferocious beast, everyone, get ready to fight." Huo Ling'er raised his guard and ordered to the others.

Shi Yi and Yu Zimo looked at the hole with puzzled faces. What did he seem to forget just now?

Just as everyone was working hard to break the Restrictions, a lazy voice came from inside: "Little Fatty, everyone said you should lose weight, otherwise why don't you even have the strength to break the Restrictions?"

"So it's you!" As soon as Huang Hao's voice came out, Huo Ling'er realized it. After all, she dared to say that her plump figure belonged to Fatty, and there was no one else except him!

"What's the rush, I'm coming out now?" Huang Hao walked out of the cave with the voice.

He glanced at the crowd standing at the entrance of the cave, and yawned: "There are so many of you, it's annoying my eyes."

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