Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 140: Believers Are Everywhere, Sign In!

"In addition to eating or eating all day, you kid, can you find a cave to sleep in?"

"Tell me what's in the cave!" Huo Ling'er started asking about the situation in the cave.

"There is nothing, if you don't believe me, go in and see for yourself, but you are so fat, the hole is very small, can you get in?"

Huang Hao was really worried, that made Huo Ling'er's teeth itch with hatred, come here, if I don't spank your ass today, I won't be called~ Huo Ling'er!

Huo Ling'er and Huang Hao chased after each other as if no one else was around, and the other people who watched were smiling. This little kid, with Huo Ling'er's figure, turned out to be Fatty in his mouth, and it was not wrong to be beaten.

Shi Yi stared at Huang Hao closely. Even though Huang Hao had changed his figure and appearance, he still had a sense of fate as if he was facing an enemy.

"Who is this little brother?" He asked Huo Ling'er.

"It's normal if you don't know him. He is a disciple of Butian Pavilion. You stay in the ancient holy courtyard on weekdays, so of course you don't know the disciples of Common." Huo Linger introduced to Shi Yi.

Although she didn't know why this brat suddenly changed his appearance, she didn't expose him. As soon as Huang Hao came out just now, she realized something was wrong, but she would never admit his mistake.

"Disciple of Common? Disciple of Common can make Huo Ling'er have such an attitude?" A thought flashed in Shi Yi's mind, but there was no answer.

On the other side, Huo Ling'er has already opened his mouth to invite Huang Hao: "We are going to the sacred monkey treasure land, why don't you come with us?". After all, Huang Hao's combat power is not bad, and he is all the top ten helpers.

Shi Yi has not felt this kind of feeling of being ignored for a long time. This person, from the very beginning, turned a blind eye to him.

This kind of blatant neglect, the behavior of not even bothering to say hello after being introduced, is stirring Shi Yi's sensitive nerves.

He can be sure that this Butian Pavilion disciple hates him so much that he doesn't even want to pretend.

Sure enough, after Huo Linger's invitation, Huang Hao refused decisively.

"I still won't go with you. I'm afraid that I will be killed by the own alliance if I am not careful. After all, the alliance is the easiest thing to stab in the back."

Huang Hao looked at Shi Yi and pointed out something. He also trusted the big brother and his mother back then.

Huang Hao's words directly offended the public. Although we were indeed a little cautious, it was your fault for you to say it so bluntly.

"Since this is the case, I won't force it, but the creatures in the restricted area are very powerful, especially the sacred monkey treasure land we are going to this time. There is a monkey, which is probably the most powerful creature in the restricted area."

"Thank you for your concern, I will leave Baiduan Mountain alive, we will see you then! Don't blame me for not reminding you, I am a professional in treasure hunting." Huang Hao laughed and turned to leave, and soon his figure disappeared. Disappear.

Huo Ling'er said to the people around him: "Go into the cave and have a look, is there any breath left?"

She still feels that the Restrictions just now are not like what Huang Hao can make, even her father, she has never seen such Restrictions.

The investigators quickly came out: "There is nothing, just a common broken cave.

"In this case, let's go as soon as possible, and we can't let him get the treasure first."

Soon, people from all directions gathered in the sacred monkey treasure land, and on one side was an alliance formed by pure-blooded beasts. Huang Hao discovered that the purple-clothed woman he had met before was also in the queue of pure-blooded beasts.

On the other side, there is the human genius camp headed by Huo Ling'er, Double Pupils and others.

In addition, there is a group of people, their clothes are tattered, their faces are covered with blood, and they don't seem to be strong, but they broke into this treasure land without knowing their life and death, wanting to get a piece of it. They claim to be followers of Sword God Sect.

The three parties, together with Huang Hao, stand on four legs, each occupying a corner of the treasure land, and surround the god monkey and his monkey grandson.

In terms of numbers alone, the Sword God Sect has the largest number of people and the largest scale, which is almost equivalent to a huge army. Among them are people from all ethnic groups and sects, all of whom have extremely devout beliefs.

Everyone even drew the appearance of a sword between their foreheads. Huang Hao's head was full of black lines. The master's body is not a sword!

But no matter what, these people are full of energy and momentum, and if you look closely, they really have a sense of grandeur.

I don't know whether they believe in the sword god or they are out of their minds, but they yelled and muttered something, and then rushed towards the god monkey and its monkey grandson like a group of bullfighting bulls.

"I have long heard that the Sword God Sect is a bunch of lunatics, but now it seems that the rumors are true." Someone in the human team laughed.

"That's fine, let them take the lead and hold back the group of annoying monkeys. We only need to concentrate on dealing with the god monkeys."

……ask for flowers……

Unlike the Human Race Genius Alliance, the pure-blood beasts watched nervously as the Sword God Cult's people rushed in.

They have long wanted to know whether it is useful to worship the sword god, but they couldn't bear to experiment, and now they will have results soon.

In the eyes of everyone, hundreds of people from the Sword God Sect charged into the group of monkeys and massacred them wantonly, but the god monkey didn't respond and did not stop them.

"What the Sword God Sect said is actually true!"

Everyone was in disbelief, and Shi Yi's face was even more gloomy. Then, the master of the pupil master, really has such power?

The Human Race Alliance was still in a daze, and they rushed towards the Monkey King's Treasure Land when they heard the group of pure-blood beasts yelling the words of the Sword God Cult they had learned temporarily.

As long as the god monkey doesn't make a move, the other creatures in the treasure land are no match for them at all.


Naturally, Huang Hao would not let go of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, he slipped into the battlefield like a fish, constantly changing his appearance to snatch the treasures in the treasure land.

Although Huo Linger and the others were half a beat behind, they quickly joined the battlefield.

But soon someone discovered that the god monkey still attacked some human races and pure-blooded creatures.

And the people from the Sword God Sect clapped their hands and applauded: "Heretics, impure beliefs, the Sword God will not bless you!"

The others were startled, tried their best to get rid of distracting thoughts, and carefully followed the people of the Sword God Sect to recite the mantra.

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in Cao Ye's mind.

"Believers are all over the place, check in the important scenes of Baiduan Mountain more than ten times, and the divine sound has been recognized by the Minor World Heavenly Dao law of Baiduan Mountain. Congratulations to the host for lighting up the world map and getting the opportunity to sign in."

"Sign in!" Cao didn't hesitate.

"Successfully sign in, get the control of Minor World Baiduan Mountain, and get the reward of Overturning Heaven Seal!

"The power of believers is huge, influence +1000, cumulative influence 2000."

"My own grade has been improved, and Fancao has been promoted to Spiritual herbs."

"The attribute is increased, and the host can view the system panel by himself."

The sound of the system kept ringing, and at the same time Cao Ye felt another light spot light up on the world map. He can control the Baiduan Mountain Minor World with a single move of his mind.

Just like the Cangmang Mountains, he has absolute control over the places highlighted on the world map, and even if the Great Luo Immortal comes, he cannot act wildly in his territory. .

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