The setting sun was blackened by the horror of the mysterious, shining with long purple gleams, and the clouds and waves rolled away into the distance. The familiar dusk became the last impression of many people on this world.

Huang Hao also joined the melee, resisting foreign enemies together with many Butian Pavilion disciples.

"The place where the sea of ​​fog is transpiring in the distance is the place where they sit and melt their spirits. Let's go and get this Good Fortune!" Someone shouted and rushed to the forbidden area.

As soon as they entered, they found the forbidden area full of fog, where the sacrifice spirit was, and it was completely invisible.

Naturally, no one noticed the withered and lifeless old vines. At this time, the vines were full of flowers, and the huge mist no longer spread over the entire Butian Pavilion, but gathered slowly at a speed.

Originally there was only one vine of cyan Calabash, but one Calabash grew one after another.

Under the huge vine, the ancient corpse was reshaped rapidly, its figure flickering "Two Thirty", the sword on the head melted into a force and became a part of the body, scattered in the world, the unconscious scattered soul seemed to be The wanderer who returned home returned to his own body.

The light of gold shone on the body of the ancient corpse, and the aura of the old vine gradually recovered, all of which were not noticed by the outside world because of the obstruction of the fog.

They also continued to kill towards the forbidden area, full of desire to bathe in the divine light of sacrificial spirits to feed back the earth.

"You will regret it, when we wake up, we will let you die without a place to bury you!" An Elder blocked the people rushing to the forbidden area, his whole body shone with light, causing thunder to descend.

"Your sacrifice spirits have already begun to feed back the heaven and the earth, what are you still doing here to dream of spring and autumn, he will wake up? I think you are just crazy!"

"There is a peerless Power living in my pavilion. If his peace is disturbed, none of you will leave alive today!"

"You, the Butian Pavilion, rely on offering sacrifices to live and live. When will there be any peerless power? A lie that was conceived on the spur of the moment, full of loopholes, makes people laugh out loud!"

"That's right, I looked at the crowd and they were crazy!"

At this moment, several terrifying auras also descended on Butian Pavilion, and the room was leaking due to continuous rain, and the hearts of everyone in Butian Pavilion felt desolate.

The four creatures are Xiaoxitian's sacrifice spirit, Qiongqi, a humanoid creature, and a devil bird, who bears Kunpeng Bloodline.

When they came here, they were not in a hurry to make a move. After all, with their strength, as long as they made a move, there would be no surprises.

Ji Ling is dead, so there is no need to fight Ji Ling, so the four people who came at the same time became the existence of restraining each other.

If Ji Ling is alive, they must kill Ji Ling first, and then snatch the treasure seeds left by Ji Ling. Now there is no clever Butian Pavilion, so they don't need to bother to deal with it. Instead, the enemy is the other three creatures in front of them.

After all, among those present, only the other three people of the same strength have the ability to compete with him for the treasure seed.

The anger among the four Xeon creatures became tense in an instant, and the battle was imminent.

"Why don't we do it first, and then discuss who will get the treasure seed?" Qiongqi asked.

"Savage beast, I advise you to withdraw from this battle as soon as possible. I don't know where you were injured a few years ago. Are you okay now?" Xiao Xitian Jiling taunted.

"How can you be better? It's ridiculous to be taken from the sacred mountain to sacrifice to the spirit."

"Anyway, the old vine is dead, and the treasure is there. After we finish fighting, we will naturally know who the owner of the treasure is."

The few people speaking did not mean to avoid people at all. Hearing these strange but powerful voices, the people fighting below were shocked to realize that there were powerful creatures coming here.

The Pavilion Master of Butian Pavilion and all the Elders were a little desperate. The existence said that it could be as short as five days or as long as half a month, but now only three days have passed, and today is the evening of the fourth day. When the spirit wakes up?

"Everyone, I am Butian Pavilion. If there is a sacrifice spirit, there is hope of passing it on. Even if we die in battle today, we can't let them disturb the sacrifice spirit!"

"Even though we are dead, the fire will still exist. As long as the sacrificial spirit does not die, I, the Butian Pavilion, will stand forever and never fall!"

The Xeon creatures didn't have time to listen to these people's nonsense. Seeing that the Butian Pavilion is already like this, and the spirit of the sacrifice has not moved, it seems that it is really dead.

"These people are very noisy when they fight, why don't we deal with these ants first, and then decide the outcome between us, lest someone take advantage of the chaos and take away the treasure seeds." Qiong Qi said that he ended the fate of the people who fought on the ground.

"Just do it! Clear the scene first!"


Finally, several Xeon creatures made a move. Once they made a move, they would definitely interfere with the battle situation on the ground.

The people in Butian Pavilion closed their eyes in despair, but there was still a glimmer of hope in their hearts, whether that mysterious existence would make a move.

They didn't know that Cao Ye had already left here with Liu Shen.

Seeing that the earth-shattering attack is about to fall, the joint attack of several powerful creatures is enough to raze the entire Butian Pavilion to the ground...


With a roar, centering on the forbidden area, the thick fog formed a huge wind column, swept across the Nine Heavens, and turned into a huge tornado.

Sweeping away the attacks of several powerful creatures, such a powerful attack seemed to be absorbed by this pillar of wind.

"What's going on here?" The people fighting on the ground exclaimed, frightened by the sudden change.

"Could it be that the sacrificial spirit is about to die and return to the light!?" Someone speculated.

But Qiongqi and the others clearly felt the difference.

Their Cultivation Base is higher, so they can detect that two terrifying existences have awakened, and among them is their familiar breath, the sacrificial spirit.

"Old man, you pretended to be dead?" Qiongqi was furious when he noticed the growing vitality.

"No, this vitality is still very weak, but it is recovering quickly. In this case, take advantage of his illness to kill him!" Xiao Xitian Jiling shouted.

"There is more than one life force, there is another one, let the four of us work together, we can't let them wake up!"

After the words fell, the four of them shot immediately.

Among the four of them, any single shot is enough to shatter the mountains and rivers. Now that the two are superimposed, they are even more powerful, but at this moment, their attacks are like hitting an indestructible iron wall, and all attacks are falling on the sky. The moment the pavilion lands is blocked.

Brilliant rays of light enveloped the sky and the earth, compared to the gorgeous red of the setting sun, one gold 2.7 and one blue, the two rays of light complemented each other.

A voice resounded between heaven and earth: "Dage is really powerful, in this world, I can live for thousands of years, old friend, "How does it feel to be back in this world?"

"It's been a long time. In the world, this Butian Pavilion was created by you and me together. Now someone dares to be presumptuous, what should we do?"

A man's voice sounded, he seemed to be still very young, his voice contained a calm smile, and he didn't seem to put the scene in front of him To put in one's eyes.

"That's needless to say? Of course it's... Killing Unforgiven!" Lao Teng dragged his tone, as if he had returned to the time when he fought side by side with his old friends.

"Kill them, lest they disturb Mrs. Dage's cleanliness!" Lao Teng changed the topic, and was cheeky again in front of Cao Ye.

"It's the spirit of sacrifice, the spirit of sacrifice has awakened! And that one, he was born!" An Elder cried with joy. .

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