Chapter 153: The Curtain

Old vines were revived, ancient corpses were revived, and Butian Pavilion was boiling.

"Heaven has eyes, the spirit of worship is revived, and the patriarch's soul is revived. I will be safe for a thousand years in the Butian Pavilion!" On the ground, the pavilion owner shouted excitedly.

Although there were only a few voices, they knew that from the moment the voices sounded, the crisis of Butian Pavilion was resolved.

"What the hell is going on? How did Butian Pavilion Jiling wake up? He didn't die!"

"Whether it is the results of the deduction or the investigation of the past few days, it shows that he is dead and has no life. What kind of tricks is playing in Butian Pavilion!"

"Pretend to be a ghost, if you have the ability, come and see yourself!"

"It's better for us to retreat quickly. If the Butian Pavilion Jiling really wakes up, then we are doomed today!"

"The situation is unclear. Even if the spirit of sacrifice is awakened, there are still four powerful creatures in the sky. He has just recovered. Can he be able to fight against four people?"

"Who is the Dage they are talking about? Why are they saying not to disturb the purity of that Dage? Is the 27 enemies in front of you not as important as his Dage's purity?"

All the people on the ground stopped moving, talking a lot, and didn't know what to do for a while, the accident happened too suddenly.

But the changes between the heaven and the earth are still going on, the sky is miserable and gorgeous, boundless darkness, like an altar, this melee that started in the evening of the sunset, finally ushered in a real eruption in the middle of the night.

The sky stared at the corpse on the ground, and the wind that swept everything finally stopped. The withered forbidden area reveals the real scene inside.

Vibrant Calabash vines, several Calabash vines hang in line, the old vines are verdant and there is no sign of decline.

In a piece of greenery, a man stood holding a sword. He looked like a middle-aged man, and he was very romantic, exuding endless power from his body.

"Who are you? I advise you not to meddle in your own business. The matter of Butian Pavilion is doomed to have a disastrous ending today. If you leave early, we will not make things difficult for you." Qiongqi saw that this person's strength was unbelievable. Measure, take the initiative to make concessions.

"Hahahaha, you ask who he is, and you are so brave to say that you want to destroy Butian Pavilion in front of him!" Unexpectedly, Ji Ling laughed loudly when he heard it.

"I used to have a name, Wu Tianchong. You may not have heard of it. I have cursed many geniuses for so many years in the form of a remnant soul. I was called Ghost Lord. This is also a thing of the past."

"Take a walk in life and death, and now that TOEFL has returned to the human world, it should be called Wuming. But no matter what, Butian Pavilion was created by me! If you want to be unfavorable to Butian Pavilion, you must pass my level first.

As soon as this statement came out, the people in the Butian Pavilion on the ground instantly had tears in their eyes and were very excited. Many disciples who didn't know the truth were even more shocked. The person who created the Butian Pavilion was the ghost? It was the handsome and handsome man in front of him. Middle-aged man?

The contrast is too great!

"Who the hell is it that saved these two monsters!" Qiongqi and the others felt bad after hearing these words.

"The dead sacrifice spirits will be restored to their full glory."

"The character living in Legendary, standing in front of him alive, still looks like a fucking middle-aged man, not only revived but also rejuvenated! Being able to reach this point shows that the strength is also a period of complete victory!"

"What the hell is going on here! How did you survive, thanks to whom?" The creatures of Shenshan grasped the point.

"Dage's name, you can inquire about it. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I really wanted to sit down. My old friend is indeed a half-dead wisp of lonely soul obsession, but when I Dage shot , within five days, it will be as you can see."

"Just say that you are not angry, there is no way, I, Dage, is so powerful, envious?" Lao Teng didn't know why, but he had the ability to anger people as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Let's not talk nonsense, two people who just jumped out of the coffin, I don't believe that there is anyone in this world who has such a thorough ability."

"This little friend, if you live for a long time, you will always see him. The premise is that if you want to live, how can you doubt your benefactor's ability?" The middle-aged man's calm expression changed.

He has always attached great importance to love and righteousness, Cao Ye saved him, he is his benefactor, the name of benefactor, how can it be profane, the broken sword swept all directions, and sealed off the whole world.

"Everyone is a guest from afar. As my master, I don't have enough hospitality. You can do whatever you want, and give the mountain flowers in Butian Pavilion a nourishment." Between the words, the person who entered the Butian Pavilion was not prepared to leave alive. .

"You still stick to words like this, why don't you just say that the door is closed and you beat the dog." Lao Teng laughed beside him.

The people in Butian Pavilion laughed when they heard Ji Ling's words.

"It's too deceiving, even if you live, we are not vegetarians!" Four Xeon creatures shot.

The old vines soared to the sky, turning into the divine chain of order, directly piercing through Qiongqi's huge body. The several Calabash hanging on the body are shining with divine light, continuously absorbing Qiongqi's power

Ghost Lord stopped talking and joking, and walked across the sky with a broken sword in his hand, sitting in a group with Xiao Xitian's Jiling Zhan.

"It's over, we're over! Run away!" The people of the four major clans were the first to flee, and the situation in the sky was clear. Lao Teng and the ancestor of Butian Pavilion fought against each other without any loss. The strong creature pressed and beat.

When the battle in the sky is over, it will be their turn!

Contrary to their panic, the morale of Butian Pavilion's disciples soared: "Kill them! Don't these people bother Patriarch Jiling to do it!"


In 870, the heaven and earth, the sound of killing shook the sky, the entire Butian Pavilion shook, the buildings were shattered, and the movement of the battle was so spectacular that the ancient country and Zhulu Academy, which were far away from Butian Pavilion, felt the movement in the direction of Butian Pavilion.

Countless experts are watching this battle, and at the same time, the news that Butian Pavilion Jiling and Patriarch were revived overnight by a mysterious existence with supreme Supernatural Power spreads all over the world.

"First there is the sword god, and then there is the Dage of Butian Pavilion offering sacrifices to the spirit! I don't know who is more powerful between these two!"

"Maybe the two are the same person? After all, they are both mysterious!"

"I don't think so, after all, the styles of the two are different!"

"No matter what, when this great battle ends, the reputation of Butian Pavilion will spread all over the world again!"

"What kind of god's luck is Butian Pavilion? First, there was the one who suppressed pupils and he got involved, and now he was about to perish, and the Supreme Power came to the rescue!"

"No matter what, it's a good thing we didn't participate in the battle of Butian Pavilion! I think the family forces that went this time may be removed from the big clans and big forces in the future!"

No matter what the outsiders said, the battle of Butian Pavilion continued. Cao Ye and Liu Shen returned to Butian Pavilion in the twilight of dawn.

The battle was coming to an end, Ji Ling was sensitive to Cao Ye's arrival, and immediately excitedly said: "Dage! Are you back?".

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