Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 154: Willing To Work Like A Dog And A Horse

If you want to say who the person Lao Teng wants to see the most after waking up, it must be Cao Ye. He didn't expect that the recovery that Dage said would restore him to his heyday!

According to this situation, he is equivalent to being reborn again, and it will not be a problem to live for thousands of years. It is not easy to cultivate plants. Once decay occurs, it is difficult to repair.

When Dage said he wanted to save him, he thought that at most he would preserve his consciousness like a plant's life-and-death Samsara, turning into a seed and growing consciously again. Although he would keep his life, he would need to accumulate strength to practice again.

I didn't expect Dage to be so powerful, directly from death to rebirth to full growth, as if dragging the progress bar of time, let him wake up, and he was directly at the peak.

Even his old friend, Dage, can make up for his scattered soul. A bad old man suddenly rejuvenated, returning to his previous handsome appearance.

He had a lot to say to Dage, but when he woke up he called Dage, but Brother Yin was not there.

Seeing Dage at this time, I was very excited, and the biggest feeling in my heart was gratitude.

So everyone heard this old vine, which had just been revived and can crush the enemy, make an oath to the sky: "From now on, I will be the leader of Dage, and everything will be Dage. If there is any betrayal, it will be unknown for life! "

Gui Ye, no, he should be called Wuming now. Seeing Lao Teng make such a heavy oath, he sighed. Lao Teng has always been a person who keeps his promises. Year.

Now that he swears a heavy oath, it is even more impossible for him to betray. Moreover, the grace of rebirth is like his parents. It is reasonable for Lao Teng to be like this.

Thinking of this, Wuming also solemnly made an oath: "Wuming is reborn today, all thanks to the benefactor's kindness, and one day the great revenge will be avenged, and he will definitely serve the benefactor's side and do his best!

The two made heavy oaths one after another, and everyone who listened lost their expressions. Such two top existences are actually fighting for the size of one person's younger brother. Words like "saddle horses and dog horses" have come out. What kind of mysterious existence is this? people.

Everyone feels like a cat is scratching in their hearts, and they really want to see the true face of Lushan Mountain.

Cao Ye listened to the words of the two, and said to Liu Shen with some amusement: "That's all right, if we go far in the future, we can let these two take care of the deserted village, the little ones practice outside, sometimes it may be too far away, in the lower realm, these two Human strength should be enough to protect those people in the deserted village~.

Liu Shen didn't speak, she was thinking about another thing.

Cao Ye used nectar water for her, just one step away, the injury should be completely healed. This time the healing made her memory recover a bit, so she appeared relatively silent.

At this time, she is completely sure that Cao Ye is not her companion. Although the more distant memory has not been recalled, but the recovered memory is enough to prove that what Cao Ye said before was all jokes .

The conjecture was confirmed, and Liu Shen didn't know how to face Cao Ye for a while. Obviously, her memory had recovered so much, and she even remembered her old friend from before, but her feelings for Cao Ye, the person she had been with for just a few years, was so overwhelming. Make her so reluctant to let go.

Perhaps it was because of the recovery of memory that she was able to realize the extent of her feelings for Cao Ye.

The weak feelings that I thought would dissipate after the memory was recovered, but with the recovery of the memory of walking alone and being betrayed, I realized the preciousness of her feelings for Cao Ye

As for her silence after waking up, Cao Ye was also considerate and didn't ask any further questions. Liu Shen believed that with his keenness, he might have discovered some clues and discovered her complicated feelings for him.

But if she didn't say anything, he wouldn't ask, which gave her enough space to think. Could it be that he didn't care, so he didn't want to ask? Liu Shen rarely thought pessimistically.

But Cao Ye treated her tenderly and cared for her in every possible way, and kept her wound in his heart. Thinking about it carefully, did he treat others like this? It seems that he didn't.

When Liu Shen just woke up, Cao Ye just asked her about her condition, and then brought her back to watch a play, in the name of relaxing, she didn't say anything, did he know that she needed to relax?

The questions in Liu Shen's mind followed one after another, but they were all washed away by the old vine with a loud voice.

After the old vine made the oath, he thought that his relationship with Dage had taken a step further, so he called Dage one by one to be affectionate, and put aside his enemies for the time being.

The body of the Calabash vine twisted in a funny posture, and several Calabash hung on the vine and kept shaking.

Only then did Cao Ye notice several new Calabash hidden under the leaves of his vines.

Looking at the changed Calabash vine, a breath of childhood came to me for some reason. After a long while, he said something that no one could understand: "Will you Calabash call you Grandpa?"

Lao Teng didn't know why, but he always answered Dage's words seriously: "This Calabash is just a treasure seed grown on my body, and it is not conscious. It will not call grandpa to me."

"They were born because of Dage's supreme Supernatural Power. If they are conscious, they should also call you Grandpa. If you like it, I will give it to you!"

Old Vine didn't care about the Calabash on his body, his whole life belonged to Dage, these Calabash were nothing. As long as he is alive, he can go on and on.

""No, no, no." Hearing Lao Teng's words, he quickly refused, and the picture of a bunch of Calabash shouting at him as grandpa was so beautiful that he was afraid of hurting his eyes.

"In short, if Dage needs anything, just tell me, we all in Butian Pavilion respect Dage."

Lao Teng spoke excitedly, chatting a lot, expressing his whole experience from death to life.

But in the eyes of everyone on the battlefield, Lao Teng seemed to be shouting excitedly into the air.

After all, they didn't notice Cao Ye's coming at all, but through the words of Lao Teng and Patriarch, they could also deduce that the mysterious Dage of Lao Teng appeared and saved Lao Teng and Patriarch with his supreme Supernatural Power. right here.

Ji Ling, let us see who Dage is!

If Lao Teng knew the thoughts of these people, he would definitely answer. (Li Lehao) You ask me? I also want to know what Dage looks like. For Dage, he has only one image, that is, strong, very strong, mysterious, then Also really mysterious.

Everyone was very excited, and only one person asked a word in an unwelcome manner.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost? I'm afraid you are confused, old vine. If there is a Dage, why don't you call him out, so that we can also admire his spirit!"

The one who spoke was Qiongqi, he was quite embarrassed at this time, a few claws were broken, blood was dripping all over his body, one eye was half closed and couldn't be opened, he was obviously useless, he was panting heavily when he spoke, and his eyes were stern , He might not be able to go back today.

When Cao Ye saw Qiongqi talking, the bad taste came up, he no longer concealed his own aura, and he didn't even need to speak to Qiongqi, he was able to tear Qiongqi's liver and gallbladder.

"You! You are! This is impossible! Why are you here!" Qiongqi's eyes were tearing apart, thinking of the nightmare he never wanted to recall, he felt pain all over his body. .

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