With just a breath, Qiongqi seemed to have returned to that nightmare.

What happened a few years ago caused him to lose his sanity, and it took him a long time to be insane before he barely regained his own consciousness, and he almost became a low-level beast without Spiritual Sense.

When he woke up again, he was in a ruin. If he was later, he might be eaten by audacious aliens.

And all of this was because of the aura encountered during the competition for the mountain treasure, and even the guy who swallowed the sky bird was beheaded in front of him.

He was on par with Tuntianque in strength, watching Tuntianque die so easily, like a chicken, he seemed to see himself, a shocking sword, unforgettable in his life.

The more Qiongqi thought about it, the more frightened he became, and his huge body wanted to escape, but the space had already been blocked by the Broken Sword, and no one could escape.

So everyone saw that Qiongqi asked about Jiling Dage viciously, and they were like crazy, attacking the barrier in various ways, as if they had sensed a more terrifying existence than Jiling and Patriarch . 257

"What happened to him? What kind of epilepsy did he suddenly have?"

"What did he just say is impossible? Does he know that mysterious existence?"

"It doesn't look like I know each other, but it looks like I have been beaten.

"Looking at his frightened look, he must have met that Power before."

Qiongqi's words and behavior once again ignited everyone's curiosity. Although it was only a short sentence, the amount of information was not small.

In the crowd, Huang Hao looked at the crazy Qiongqi and knew what he was afraid of.

The way the Master beheaded the Sky-Swallowing Sparrow back then came to mind, because the Master killed the enemy so lightly, any enemy coming to the Master was as easy as crushing an ant.

So at that time, he didn't know how powerful a beast of this level was, and as his Cultivation Base was strengthened step by step, even today, he still couldn't defeat a person of this level.

It can be seen from this that he still has a long way to go to become a person like his master (chfg).

In today's battle, many people in the pavilion died. In order to protect the Butian Pavilion, they tried their best. He who didn't have much affection for the Butian Pavilion, finally felt a sense of belonging to the Butian Pavilion after this battle. .

While stunned, a huge roar sounded.


Qiongqi's body, which was as big as a mountain, fell from the air and hit the ground, and finally remained motionless, completely silent.

In the silence, the patriarch's exclamation sounded: "The benefactor is really extraordinary, but a wisp of breath forcibly frightened this Qiongqi to death."

"Of course! I'm Dage, Peerless, so it's nothing to scare Qiongqi to death!"

Ever since he came back to life, Lao Teng's brain seems to be not very good, and he has completely become Cao Ye's brainless bragging. Whatever Dage does is right, Dage can do anything!

Little did they know what kind of psychological shadow the conversation between Lao Teng and Gui Ye had caused to everyone present.

From when Qiongqi asked the question, to when he exclaimed that it was impossible and hit the wall like crazy, only a few moments passed. Now, according to the words of the ancestor, he was frightened to death by the sacrifice spirit Dage?

Is the world so magical? What kind of existence can scare an ancient beast like Song Chi to death with just ten wisps of breath!

Everyone looked complicated and dull, well, they are not curious anymore, and being curious is sometimes not a good thing.

For a while, everyone became cautious, and the war on the ground was over. Since Ji Ling and Patriarch woke up, the situation on the ground was almost one-sided, without any suspense.

It can be seen how important a super master is in a battle, even if he just stands there without making a move, he can deter all enemies.

The battle situation in the sky is not something they can intervene in, but it is also a good thing for them to be able to watch such a level of battle.

I thought that the battle between Ji Ling and Patriarch was already top-notch, but I didn't expect to see an even more bizarre battle now.

In other words, this is not considered a battle, and the enemy was frightened to death without seeing that person make a move.

"Perhaps it was a mistake to come to Butian Pavilion to snatch the treasure seed from the very beginning." The creature of Shenshan, who had been neglected for a long time, murmured in a trance.

In a blink of an eye, Qiongqi died, and the three of them were seriously injured. Butian Pavilion not only has the old and immortal sacrifice spirit, but also the Patriarch of Butian Pavilion resurrected from ancient times, and there is an unknown existence, how to fight this.

"I waited for the crime and didn't kill anyone in Butian Pavilion. Why don't we just end this matter and eliminate our grievances." Several people finally relented.

"That's right, the casualties in Butian Pavilion were not caused by us. Now we are willing to leave immediately and never set foot in Butian Pavilion for the rest of our lives."

"Yes, let us go, we will never commit crimes for the rest of our lives, otherwise, we will die, and if you can resist at that time, the life of the disciples will not be so good."

Qiongqi's expression before his death was too ferocious and terrified. The fear of the unknown cast a haze on their hearts. No matter what, beg for mercy first, the most important thing is to leave alive

"What a joke in the world. You broke into other people's houses and made a fuss. Because the master is too strong, you didn't kill anyone. When you begged for mercy, you said, I didn't kill anyone, so let me go!"

Lao Teng was stunned by the cheekiness of these people.

"Useless words, extremely noisy." Wuming coldly said, completely out of patience, if not for the sudden arrival of the benefactor, this battle would have ended long ago.

Lao Teng and Wuming shot at the same time, not intending to spend any more.

There is nothing to talk about, and today is bound to be a dead end. .

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