Clouds and mist covered the sky, and a flash of lightning cast a deeper darkness on everyone's sight.

The thunder was ringing, the strong wind roared through the sky, and the sky changed, and the light in the sky continued to light up.

The roar, the roar of several people, came continuously from above the sky.

The people of Butian Pavilion have already begun to clean up the battlefield below. The battle in the sky does not affect the underground. Ji Ling and the Patriarch jointly set up protection. The battle in the sky continues, but it is calm down below.

Huang Hao already excitedly climbed onto Qiongqi's corpse and turned into a Pao Ding, quickly dissecting Qiongqi's huge body.

"Everyone, come quickly, this is the food for tonight! We cooked him!" He shouted to the Butian Pavilion disciples behind him.

"Shouldn't we wait for the Pavilion Master to make a decision on this kind of beast's precious flesh and blood?" A disciple said cautiously. Although he was also very excited, it is not good to make such a decision privately.

"It doesn't matter, let's go, tonight we will eat the flesh and blood of the enemy, as a sacrifice to the souls of the disciples who died in battle."

The voice of the pavilion master sounded behind him, he looked at the dead body of Qiongqi, and then at the corpses of Butian Pavilion disciples who had already packed together, anger surged in his heart.

Although this battle of Butian Pavilion is bound to become famous all over the world, these young lives that have passed away are destined to stay at this moment.

"Pavilion Master, what should we do with the corpses of these enemies?"

"Pile them up into mountains and burn them to sacrifice to heaven!" The pavilion master's voice was devoid of emotion.

As a result, in Butian Pavilion, a huge mountain of corpses slowly piled up.

After the sacrifice to the spirit and the patriarch are finished, you can celebrate.

"Aren't you afraid of causing public outrage by insulting the dead in Butian Pavilion like this?" In the distance, people of all ethnic groups who surrendered saw their own companion's corpse being so insulted, and said angrily.

"All of you are angry, didn't you attack together today? What can I do to repair Tiange? A disciple kicked the person who spoke disdainfully.

"That's right, what you should worry about is whether our Butian Pavilion will seek revenge! The spirit of sacrifice and the resurrection of the ancestors, our Butian Pavilion, who dares to provoke!"

"The expressions of the people of the various clans were embarrassing, and they finally realized the situation of own."

At this moment, a huge wave of energy came from above, and it was the humanoid creature that blew itself up!

A powerful creature burned its whole body and exploded, directly breaking the protection that Ji Ling and Wuming had put together.

A powerful force impacted the whole world, butiange Lingshan was destroyed, and the dazzling white light turned the whole world into a blank.

The scorching sensation coming to the face stings everyone's body.

"I cast a curse with my life. Everyone in Butian Pavilion has been infected with unknown people since then, and no one has advanced!" The soul of Shenshan left a sentence, and then disappeared in the world.

A silent haze shrouded everyone's hearts. It is unknown whether the curse left by such a creature's self-destruction will take effect.

The remaining two people blew themselves up when they saw the creatures in Shenshan, and looked at each other silently. Since death is inevitable today, let Butian Pavilion have a hard time!

"No, they're going to blow themselves up too!" Lao Kuo's voice was a little anxious.

One person revealed that the two of them were able to block and protect the people in Butian Pavilion, but if two people exploded at the same time, the disciples of Butian Pavilion would suffer. It turned out that what they said at the time was thinking of this!


A sword sounded, and blue light shrouded the sky above the Butian Pavilion. The huge power emitted by the two people who blew themselves seemed to be crushed by a giant palm.

Apart from the sound of the sword, there was no sound in the world.

Time seemed to have stood still, and Xiao Xitian's own body felt like a flattened ball that had been pinched and exploded.

However, even though he was crushed, his consciousness could clearly feel what he was suffering.

The body was being torn apart, the sound of blood flowing, and the pain of the broken bones in the body seemed to be magnified countless times.

At this moment, he finally understood why he died.

If he had encountered such a terrifying existence before, it was no wonder that Qiongqi would have his heart torn apart and died in madness.

I thought that even if the self-explosion could not kill the two old monsters in front of me, it could seriously damage Butian Pavilion, and finally left a curse like that person, cutting off the inheritance of Bufang Pavilion.

But now, despair came to their hearts, because they found that no matter what they did, it was useless.

When you first came to Butian Pavilion, why didn't you be more cautious? Why didn't you wait and see for a while before taking action?

No one knew what their thoughts were, and even self-explosion was prevented.

……ask for flowers…

Then there were no bones left, and disappeared in the scorching sun.

"How come these people can't beat them, and they all like to blow themselves up. It's really not calm."

Cao Dian crushed two creatures and complained.

After all, that bastard Huang Hao had already climbed onto Qiongqi's head, and Huang Hao was the first to bear the brunt of the self-destruction of the two creatures.

So Cao Ye made a move.

He remembered that Tun Tian Que had to blew himself up before he died, as if it was their traditional art to blow themselves up if they couldn't beat it?

Silent deterrence is the scariest thing. The people in Butian Pavilion finally have a certain understanding of the power of that mysterious being. Although it is only the tip of the iceberg, it is also the most intuitive way for people to see that power.

There was no sound left, no one even heard a scream, and the two creatures obviously didn't even have a chance to leave a last word.

Everyone in Butian Pavilion looked up at the sky through the cyan light curtain, but there was nothing, the sun shone in, and the battle was over.

The vines that Lao Teng was about to strike froze in mid-air, and the master's technique of holding the sword also stopped.

On a sunny day, everyone seemed to have had a dream, and this dream finally woke up at this moment.

"Excuse me, Dage has made a move!" Lao Teng was the first to react and thanked Cao Ye.

As expected, it was the one who made the move, the Butian Pavilion shuddered in his heart, Lao Teng's words confirmed everyone's conjecture.

The battle ended so abruptly that people couldn't react in time, but there was nothing better than this. Everyone cheered and shouted after Lao Teng: "Thank you benefactor for helping me repair Tiange!"

The cheers lingered for a long time, drifting over the Butian Pavilion. What surged up in everyone's hearts was the joy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe, the expectation for the future of Butian Pavilion, the sadness for the dead companions, and the hatred for the guest forces. meaning.

Outside the gate of Butian Pavilion, Martial King, who came to the rescue, and many other people who used to practice in Butian Pavilion heard the cheers from inside, and recalled the scene they saw just now, and their hearts were shocked.

"The crisis in Butian Pavilion has been resolved, it seems that we don't need to bother."

After a long while, Martial King sighed, they were originally here to help, but the Butian Pavilion sacrifice spirit disappeared, so they rushed here without stopping, but they were too far away, and they only arrived today, I didn't expect to meet such a shocking event Scene five. .

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