Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 162: If I Have The Chance, I Would Like To Go To Honghuang For A Look

Cao Ye is not an excellent storyteller, without a wonderful interpretation of the story with both voice and emotion, the description in words is always pale.

But just a straightforward narrative, just a simple description, is enough for the listener to imagine what a magnificent world it is.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that the prehistoric you mentioned seems to be quite related to the world we live in. Could it be that what you are talking about is the beginning of the world?"

"Is it a story that happened earlier, before the birth of the world?"

After listening to Cao Ye tell a few stories about Calabash, Liu Shen expressed his own conjecture.

"The Great Desolation is indeed the beginning of the world, but it is another big world. Although many things look similar to this world, they are completely different.

"But in this world, there used to be the Golden Crow, the Ceremonial Foundation Tree, the Lunar Sun, and the Heaven Court. From this point of view, it seems to be related."

"Perhaps, the truth of the world will be discovered by the "770" people one day. Whether the prehistoric world I talked about is really somehow related to this world, we will always know in the future."

"If there is a connection, you will have the opportunity to trace the road. It would be great if you could set foot on that land and see with your own eyes the world you described."

"If there is a chance, if we find a way, we will go to the Great Desolation. It is not impossible, but it is not possible now." Cao Ye comforted Liu Shen.

"Dage Dage! And me, you can't forget my little brother! If you go to some prehistoric world with your sister-in-law, can you take me with you!"

The old vine's voice suddenly sounded, which seemed harsh in the quiet night.

"Listen to the story honestly, what's the fuss about?"

"To be honest, benefactor, I am also quite fascinated by the world I told you about. If there is a chance, can I take it with me on the next trip." Wuming also spoke out with interest, so he has been listening.

"With your strength, in that world, you can't survive a day, maybe even half a day, and you still want to seek death?"

"We pursue the Dao because we have stronger strength. The benefactor said, what kind of strength is needed to go to the prehistoric world?"

"If you can become immortals, come and mention this to me again, Realm is too low."

"Become an immortal! You can only become an immortal, what kind of level of combat power is the world like!"

"In short, with your strength, you should cultivate as soon as possible." Cao Ye's words are very blunt, but they are also true.

In a word, Lao Teng and Wuming are a little silent, yes, their strength is indeed too low, even if they are not strong in this world, how can they go to a world like Honghuang?

Perhaps only a person like Dage can travel to such a place, Lao Teng thought to himself, he deserves to be Dage.

Then I was surprised again, could it be that Dage's strength is comparable to that of a fairy? What kind of thick thigh did he accidentally hug?

Hehehe, being able to hold thighs is also a skill, if it weren't for my Lao Teng's invincible face, I wouldn't be able to recognize such a powerful Dage.

"If I return to my full glory, will I have the opportunity to go to the prehistoric world for a look?"

"It's hard to say, after all, I haven't found a way to take you to the wilderness." Cao Ye smiled, but didn't give Liu Shen an accurate answer.

"Since that's the case, let's practice first, otherwise, every day will be empty talk."

Liu Shen didn't care either. After all, she just heard a story and learned about the wider world. There are too many uncertainties in the future, so it's better not to say it so early.

So a story about Cao Ye inexplicably aroused the enthusiasm of the three people to practice, Lao Teng didn't talk to old friends anymore, Wuming even touched his own broken sword and remained silent, with a thoughtful look on his face .

It seems that the benefactor and his wife have reached a level that he can't imagine. For the forbidden immortal, who in this world can become an immortal? Even many people don't even know about immortals.

But the benefactor casually said that at least one must become an immortal. It can be seen that becoming an immortal is not the lowest threshold. He comes from the upper realm, and he has never heard of such a person in the upper realm.

Although becoming an abandoned disciple for Ten Thousand Years, these days are nothing but a big dream for practitioners. Can such people exist in the upper world in such a short time?

Perhaps the benefactor and his wife existed in an earlier era.

What they say is that they serve the front, they are admiring them, and their benefactors don't need them to repay their kindness at all.

Several people started to practice, and even Liu Shen looked as if his cultivation was important, and he stopped chatting with Cao Ye and watching the scenery all day long.

Only Cao Ye is still idle, the cultivation of the body is enough for him to be at ease, but since life is so boring, then he has no choice but to follow the cultivation, who made Liu Shen so enthusiastic about cultivation?

What can he do, pamper her, look at the Supernatural Power that she promised Liu Shen to teach her before, and choose one that is suitable for Liu Shen's cultivation "He hasn't agreed on what to teach Liu Shen yet.

Before Liu Shen mentioned it next time, he had to think it over.

"Since there is nothing wrong, let's go back to the deserted village," Cao Ye suggested to Liu Shen.

Liu Shen and Cao Ye returned to the deserted village just in time for a newborn baby to be born in the village, and the whole village was filled with joy...

Cao Ye looked at the life in the village, and suddenly felt that the scenery of Butian Pavilion was not so beautiful. 【

No matter what, the deserted village was the place he came to as soon as he opened his eyes. Although the memory on the earth is still very clear, it is not that he does not miss the days on the earth.

But for Huangcun, Huanghao, and Liushen, he has already formed a bond with them behind him. The so-called indescribable fate, the fate has already been born, and he cannot get rid of it.

Who would have thought that he would have no family on earth, so he started his own relationship and raising children here.

Liu Shen said that if he had the opportunity, he would like to go to Honghuang to take a look, but for him, if he had the opportunity, he would like to go back to the earth to take a look.

So he finally belatedly asked the system: "System, how can we go to the prehistoric or return to the earth?"

"The host has insufficient permissions, and the system has not been upgraded, so we cannot inform you." The system's voice sounded.

I thought the system had no choice, but I didn't expect the system to give such an answer.

Since he came to this world, Cao Ye has always maintained a sense of freshness. He has nothing to worry about, and he never thought about asking the system how to return to Earth or go to other worlds.

"You mean, as long as you upgrade, you can unlock permissions, tell me how?"

"The truth of the world needs to be explored by the host himself. The system is only an aid. Please continue to work hard to unlock new check-in locations for the host.

"To what extent can you upgrade the unlocking authority?"

"The host lights up half of the world map, builds a Gold Core avenue, and does not rely on Magic Treasures to reach the highest level of combat power in the world. Once the three conditions are met, the authority can be opened to view the truth of World 1.2."

"Aren't you saying that you want me to go around the world like Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs? I can't move now, when will you let me light up half of the world map!"

After two years, Cao Ye once again felt the unreliability of the system, and he was slandered in his heart, you can cheat your father, and see what will happen to you if your father's life is not smooth.

"Please host not to attack the system, there are not many systems," the system said to Cao Wei sternly.

"What's the matter, your system is also an orphan?" Cao Ye smiled, not expecting an answer from the system.

"According to the host's way of thinking, the system is an orphan." The system answered Cao Ye's question seriously.

"OK, OK, you are an orphan, everyone is an orphan, don't shudder, that's it." Cao Ye stopped talking to the system, and began to think about how to quickly walk through the world and light up the map. .

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