Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 163: It's Better To Take Root Everywhere

When Cao Ye was in the deserted village, he always opened up the vast mountains.

So when Cao Dian was concentrating on thinking. The Cangmang Mountain Range ushered in a new guest.

There are more than a hundred people in this group, they come from Xiaoxitian, the great sect in ancient times, and they came here after the traces of Qiongqi.

It is not reasonable to say that it is a trace, but they have found that Qiongqi has become quiet after returning from this direction in the past few years.

After this investigation, another thing was discovered. The team sent by Xiao Xitian to search for the Supreme Divine Treasure disappeared almost all around this vast mountain range.

Even the last traces of activity of two other creatures, Sky-eating Sparrow and Zhuyan Ape, were found in this magical mountain range.

Reminiscent of the passage Qiongqi said before his death, it seems that the mysterious person in Butian Pavilion may have a certain relationship with this mountain range.

Miraculously, the child of the suspected pupil-killer once appeared not far from the Cangmang Mountain Range, which is also a very noteworthy place.

Therefore, they immediately sent a team to test, whether it is true or not, it is always right to come to investigate.

It has to be said that Xiao Xitian's intelligence capabilities are very powerful, but even so, it took a full two months to find out one seemingly unrelated incident after another, and for this reason he used deduction methods.

In the entire Cangmang Mountain Range, there is only one village left, the barren village, and the big green Tongtian willow tree is like a perfect landmark for people who enter the mountain range to go straight to the direction of the willow tree.

However, they didn't have a chance to go under the big willow tree, and they were blocked by a group of Primordial remnants.

In the Cangmang Mountain Range, there is already an army-like team of beasts.

Cao Ye looked at the large number of teams, and suddenly thought of a brilliant way.

Zheng worried that he couldn't light up the world map quickly, so these people came to his door.

Xiao Xitian's people are not weak, and their footprints will spread all over the wilderness. In this case, just let them go out with their own roots, the world is so big, and his roots are everywhere

With Cao Ye's current ability, he could completely separate hundreds of roots and attach them to these people before going out.

At that time, as long as it encounters a place with huge energy, it will be able to take root and grow into the existence of another branch grass.

At that time, when my divine sense descends, I can trigger the sign-in and light up the world map. Isn't it a matter of time?

So Xiaoxitian's people, before recovering from the shock of being surrounded by the Primordial remnants, were like controlled puppets, and walked out of the vast mountains in unison.

Their hair is entwined with gray-brown rhizomes, which are the rhizomes that Cao just refined.

After walking out of the Cangmang Mountain Range, Xiaoxitian's people lost all their memories without exception and became a group of Rogue Cultivators. Their memories became the scene where a group of Rogue Cultivators escaped after entering this mountain range.

After doing this, Liu Shen woke up from his practice and asked Cao Ye: "What did you just do?"

"I'm looking for a way to take you to the wilderness."

"They are from Xiaoxitian. Is the Western religion related to going to the flood?" Liu Shen thought of the previous Western religion.

"No, I am the only one who can take you to the wilderness, but aren't you practicing? Why did it end so soon?"

"The barren village is happy today, I noticed the arrival of Xiao Xitian's people, I don't want you to see blood today.

"You're quite particular." Cao Ye smiled.

Liu Shen seemed a little hesitant: "Are you really going to take me to the Great Desolation?"


"Then can you continue to talk about Honghuang? About Nuwa, about Hongjun, about Pangu, you didn't finish the last story."

Cao Ye laughed, originally he wanted to listen to the story, so he ended his practice early.

"I didn't see it. You are still a fan of stories. Then I have many stories here. Whose story do you want to hear today? Let's pick one first."

"Just listen to Nuwa.

"Okay, let's tell her story. One day you will go to Honghuang, and you can understand that world."

"When I go to Honghuang, you will be there too, it doesn't matter whether you understand or not.

"Haven't you thought about the result of our separation?"

Liu Shen stopped talking, so Cao Ye had no choice but to say again: "Of course I won't abandon you, I won't separate."

"Tell me quickly." Liu Shen didn't seem to be used to this kind of topic, so she quickly changed the topic and urged Cao Ye to tell a story.

"Why do you look like a child? I don't think the children in the deserted village like listening to stories as much as you do."

Although he said so, Cao Ye still started to tell the story of Honghuang to Liushen, anyway, there is no harm in letting her know about these things earlier.

When Liu Shen and Cao Ye started the boring story sharing session again, Huang Hao had already arrived at the boundary of Xiling Beast Mountain with the people from Butian Pavilion.

In fact, it is not a wise move to decide to go to war with the West 620 Ridge Beast Mountain. The Xiling Beast Mountain has also existed since ancient times, and it is extremely mysterious. Even the liquidation meeting of Butian Pavilion did not come to participate. It can be seen that the Xiling Beast Mountain Arrogant.

When everyone in Butian Pavilion came to the outskirts of Xiling Beast Mountain, they already felt the greatness of this place.

"Perhaps we should invite our patriarch to come, and we shouldn't be so reckless." Elder, who led the team, looked at the newly entered Xiling territory and frowned.

Perhaps they were all overwhelmed by the joy of awakening the patriarch and the spirit of worship, and forgot the equally powerful background of Xiling Beast Mountain and his mysteriousness.

"We're not going to start a massacre this time, we just asked Beast Mountain to hand over the two groups that participated in the siege of Butian Pavilion, the Silver Crocodile Clan and the Crocodile Jiao Clan, that's not too much to ask!

"That's right, there is Calabash who worships the spirit, what are we afraid of? He Beast Mountain wants to fight with us, so we have to think about our ancestor and the spirit of worship. Today's Butian Pavilion does not need to be afraid of any forces.

After some discussion, everyone decided to knock on the mountain gate and enter Beast Mountain to look for the silver crocodile and crocodile dragon clans. As long as they wiped out these two clans, their mission would be considered complete.

Beast Mountain and others, it is best not to interfere. .

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