Cao Ye's voice suddenly sounded, which surprised all three present.

The newly born spirit of grass and trees can already speak human words, which means that the spirit of grass and trees is very strong.

Only one person caught the point of Cao's phone call: "How do you know we are disciples of Sword God Sect?"

"Are you stupid? You yelled so loudly just now, so he must have heard you!" The person next to him patted the head of the person who asked this sentence, expressing that he was speechless.

"We are indeed the disciples of the Sword God Sect. You asked if we will look for the Sword God again, which means do you know the Sword God?"

Cao Ye looked at the three of them and said with a smile: "Since you see the Sword God, why don't you worship?"

"Sword God!?"

The three spoke in unison, and their thoughts were interrupted by Cao Ye's words.

"This voice..."

"It seems to be a bit like a sword god!"

"Is it really the Sword God?"

The three of them were in a daze, talking about the sword god sword god all day long, but the sword god was right in front of them, but no one recognized it!

The point is, who would have thought that the sword god is actually a grass!

Appearing in front of them in this way, everyone will be scared to death, okay?

Sword God is a grass, compared with the ability of Sword God, the contrast is too big!

"Could it be that the sword god is from the Nine Ye Jiancao family?" One of the Ten Evils, an existence that has shocked the past and the present.

Thinking of this, several people were so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

"The Sword God has come, but what are your orders?" After digesting the news, someone finally asked Cao Ye why he came.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly sensed that my clone is here, so I came to see what happened here."

"After such a big commotion, it turned out to be just the clone of the Sword God!?" The three were shocked, and the Sword God always refreshed their knowledge of him.

Always when they thought he was good enough, he brought them new shocks.

"Sword God, we want to establish the Sword God Sect here, and use this spiritual mountain as the gate of the Sword God Sect, what do you think?"

"I won't interfere with these things, you just have to do it freely, this spiritual mountain is already within my envelope, no one will invade the entire mountain range, you can do whatever you want.

"But one thing, the bully thing..."

"Please rest assured, Sword God! We have already tasted this kind of suffering, and we will definitely not turn into perpetrators and become people we hate."

"Dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons, you should take care of yourself." Cao Dian sighed.

"Please don't worry, Sword God. We have experienced Death, and we have long been dedicated to pursuing (chec) the Dao. I will not fight for the interests of the world, but I hope to carry forward the Sword God Sect. If one day I don't see my original intention, I will kill myself in front of you.

"Since this is the case, I hope you will not forget your original intentions and forge ahead. I will set up a large formation to protect the mountain for you. The rest is up to you, and I will not interfere!"

After Cao Ye finished speaking, he took out the Shushan Sword that had not been used for a long time, turned it into thousands of Flying Swords, and laid a large formation on the entire mountain range.

Sword Qi is endlessly alive, with the help of the Spiritual Qi of the entire mountain, it bursts out with dazzling light, and finally hides in every mountain body.

The three of them stared intently at the scene where thousands of Flying Swords disappeared, their eyes full of fascination. This is why the Sword God is so powerful that he specially set up a large formation to protect the mountain for them!

After Cao Ye finished all this, he left here, the branch grass still took root here, and the three of them did not dare to step forward to offend.

Although the sword god stopped talking, most likely they left here, but they did not dare to go forward, but set the entire mountain as a forbidden area in awe.

"From now on, this mountain is not allowed to go up, even if the sword god may not come, but we must respect him, the sword god is the foundation of our religion.

"That's natural!"

"Let's send a letter to other people and tell them their address. There is no need to look for it anymore. From today onwards, our group of Gypsophila stars finally have their own home!"

On the other side, Cao Ye returned to the deserted village. Liu Shen noticed it and asked him, "Have you returned to Butian Pavilion?"

"No, I went to a place that you are also familiar with." Cao Ye kept it off.


"Do you still remember the blessed land where you wanted to take the deserted village away from disaster?"

"It turned out to be there. It is indeed a good place. It is a sacred mountain that has existed since ancient times. There are countless rare and exotic beasts." Liu Shen nodded, and then realized.

"How did you know where I wanted to take the deserted village? You can count it? What did you do there?"

"The group of children who claim to be the Sword God Sect plan to set up a religion on that sacred mountain."

"Sword God Sect, are you planning to recruit disciples and spread the word?" Liu Shen didn't understand why Cao Ye brought this up.

"My apprentice, Huang Hao alone is enough, I don't plan to teach these people from the Sword God Sect.

"With your temperament, you probably gave them a foothold." Liu Shendu had already guessed Cao Dian's approach without thinking.

"You know again? Sure enough, you know me too." Cao Ye smiled, because of the tacit understanding between Liu Shen and him.

"Having been with you for so long, it would be strange if I couldn't even see this. Compared with this, let's talk about what we will do next."

"Wherever you want to go, I can accompany you, whether it is the lower realms, eight regions, three thousand states, nine heavens ten lands, as long as you want to go, I can accompany you to see the scenery of the world

"My whole life has been spent in the pacification of wars, and my future is also doomed to constant wars. Before the future comes, I want to take a good look at this world with you." Liu Shen sent such an invitation to Cao Ye for the first time .

For the first time, fighting and exploring were not her first choice, but she chose to accompany Cao Dian.

"Okay, since that's the case, after we baptize Huang Hao, we will leave here and go to measure the land of this world together." Cao Ye readily agreed.

Unexpectedly, Liu Shen said what Cao Ye thought she would not say next.

"I used to think that when all my memories are restored, I will confess to you one thing." Liu Shen's voice seemed tense, as if he was a little nervous.

Cao Ye realized something, and couldn't help but breathe lightly, not daring to disturb Liu Shen.

"Why don't you ask me?" Liu Shen said.

"What's the matter?" Cao Ye asked softly.

"I once thought that I will tell you about the fact that I like you, and I will tell you after the memory is restored." Liu Shen said slowly.

"But when you told me that you would take me to the Great Desolation, when you said that you would measure the land with me, I suddenly felt that I don't need to set a special time for it to please you."

"There is no need to set boundaries and shackles for it. Isn't it me who knows my own best? Why wait until all the memories are restored before expressing the feelings in my heart?"

"I want to ask you, one day, are you willing to fight with me in the ten lands of Nine Heavens and travel to foreign lands?"

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