Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter One Hundred And Sixty Six: Show Your Heart

Cao Ye really did not expect that on such a peaceful day, no different from any other day, he would hear Liu Shen's confession.

Good guy, a hardcore confession, the first thing you say is to fight for ten places in Nine Heavens.

Of course Cao Ye was also pleased with Liu Shen, and he even thought about when to tell Liu Shen, because in his opinion. Liu Shen accepts that it will take time for her to fall in love with someone, so she has never forced her,

I didn't expect that Liu Shen, who is so simple-minded, would express his own thoughts in such a chat.

When the two of them were drunk last time, Liu Shen didn't plan to tell him, although he already knew.

"I want to ask you, one day, are you willing to fight with me in the ten lands of Nine Heavens and enter foreign lands?"

Seeing that Cao Ye didn't speak, Liu Shen asked again.

"Fool, I have already said that I will accompany you wherever I go, why bother to ask again? I was supposed to express my intention first, but I let you take the lead." Cao Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Liu Shen is indeed a straight ball player, he can say what he wants, and he doesn't think about anything else at all.

"I've been saying all day, you are my companion, do you still think I have no feelings for you?"

"Go, of course I have to go! Nine Heavens ten lands, the foreign land is still the Immortal Domain, the heaven is still the prehistoric, I will always be with you, the years of war are long, the flames fly, the time is long, I want to be with you- Leave a mark.

"Past and future, only buy in front of you"

"If that's the case, then we're talking about each other?" Liu Shen's voice was finally filled with joy. She was a little apprehensive, but in her opinion, Cao Ye was only joking to her.

However, Cao Ye's words directly told her another answer. It turned out that, as Cao Ye said, they were going in both directions, and they turned out to be in love with each other.

Maybe their emotional expression is as plain as white water, without the exaggerated vows of eternal love like the human race, but it is hot inside.

Liu Shen felt a sense of stability almost instantly.

The feelings of helplessness suspended in the air settled down, just like the fine wine that I drank with Cao Ye that day, which made people dizzy.

But Cao Ye feels that neither of them needs too much emotion to fill their own people, let alone the other party's flattery and praise to obtain inner satisfaction.

Probably a calm and rational person will never be passionate when talking about own feelings.

They seem to have skipped the greasy love period and directly entered the old couple mode. Is it because they have always defaulted to being a dao companion?

Cao Ye thought with some helplessness, it seems that it is impossible to see Liushen shy, if you use one word to describe Liushen, it would be the straight girl of steel, and the number one incomprehensible style, after all, she is the style, and only needs others Just getting to know her is enough.

Cao Ye didn't realize at all that his thoughts were already a kind of preference. With a strong filter, saying that the person he loves is romantic is not something that old couples can do.

The two people who thought they were calm, didn't know when they would actually ignite the flames, and they were both reserved, to the extent that elementary school students would laugh like fools when they saw each other.

Two people with blank emotions are trying to leave colorful colors on each other's white paper.

Huang Hao, who had no idea that the master and mistress whom he had called for a long time, actually expressed his feelings to each other today, was fighting a difficult battle at this time.

Xiling Beast Mountain, known as the place with the most yin energy, is the tomb of gods, beasts and fierce birds. In other words, Xiling Beast Mountain itself is a huge cemetery.

People from Butian Pavilion dared to come here because of the scarlet Calabash that Ji Ling took off by their side, not to mention Huang Hao carrying another Calabash with him.

Although I don't know why Ji Ling and Patriarch are so partial to this boy Ke Tongzhe, and even gave him a separate Calabash, and draw a clear line with the Rain Clan, but Ji Ling and Patriarch's decision, they unconditionally support.

Anyway, the Rain Clan is not a good thing.

After making all the preparations, they found that after entering Xiling Beast Mountain, there was no such strong yin energy as they had imagined.

Xiling Beast Mountain has always been mysterious and rarely communicates with the outside world, and the outside world only knows a few words about the Xiling Realm. I didn't expect to see such a scene with my own eyes.

The vast and boundless mountains are like tombs. After walking for dozens of miles, it suddenly becomes clear that everything is completely different. Huang Hao didn't notice that when he stepped forward, the pendant hanging around his neck suddenly flashed light.

In a remote deserted village, Cao Ye, who was exchanging thoughts with Liushen and telling what he had always thought, suddenly sensed Huanghao's situation. He looked at Liushen, but saw that she was also looking at him. Obviously, she felt it too. arrive.

……ask for flowers…

"Where did this little boy break into again?"

That's right, Huang Hao and the group in Butian Pavilion fell into danger.

If Cao Ye read the book carefully, or if he remembered it more accurately, then he would have thought that Xiling Beast Mountain also has an existence similar to the False God Realm formed by many heroic spirits, the Xiling Realm.

But who can memorize all the contents of a book in detail?

"Zhenji, Qiongqi, White Tiger, thousand-armed creature, 梼杌...... Is there such a terrifying Primordial beast still alive in Xiling Beast Mountain?" The people in Butian Pavilion were shocked.

In front of them, all kinds of ferocious beasts exuded fearful auras, and just one ferocious beast had already exuded the Qiongqi power that came to Butian Pavilion that day, or in other words, it was stronger than Qiongji that day.

"If Xiling Beast Mountain has such strength, why would it build the Butian Pavilion? Any ferocious beast here is enough to make Xiling Beast Mountain invincible." Huang Hao was very puzzled, feeling that something was wrong with the situation in front of him.

But the damage was real. If it wasn't for the Calabash refined by the master to block it just now, maybe he would be gone right now.

At this moment, he heard a familiar voice; "Though you still have some brains, you know that something is wrong here.

Cao Ye's voice was not blocked, so everyone present heard it, and then they heard another voice: "You said that, didn't you come here as soon as you sensed it?"

The voice sounds high and cold, but the tone is as gentle as water.

It was obvious that these words were not meant for them. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. There was a lot of information in these two short sentences. More importantly, the two people who spoke were obviously related to the boy Ketongzhe.

Could it be the one they imagined? I heard that the mysterious person was so mysterious that even the people present at Baiduan Mountain only heard a sigh. If they can hear such a long passage, they will be fine. ?

In the next second, they heard Huang Hao who was holding Calabash in his hand, shouting happily: "Master! Mistress!".

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