Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter One Hundred And Seventy Seven: The Battle Post

The deserted village was really bustling because of the return of Huang Hao and Qingfeng. Whether it was the various elixir and blood that Huang Hao brought back, or the corpse of the Primordial species, the people in the deserted village were amazed and surprised.

After having a lively feast, distributing the treasures, and planting the elixir in the deserted village, everyone finally pestered Huang Hao to tell the story of his experience.

"Didn't the master tell you? He and his wife will always visit me!" Huang Hao asked suspiciously. He thought that every time the master and his wife appeared in front of him, the people in Huangcun would know about it.

After all, Master and Mistress have supernatural powers, and it is easy to travel around. As long as people in the deserted village ask him for news, Master and Mistress should tell them because of their approachable nature.

"You mean, when you practiced, the God of Willow and the God of Sword were by your side?" The people in the deserted village were extremely surprised.

I thought that Huang Hao was alone and pitiful, but he didn't expect that the two sacrificial spirits in the village would accompany him.

"In my imagination, you experience it alone, and you are alone in the "790" with no one to rely on."

"In my imagination, you experience alone, don't forget us, and bring back gifts.

"In my imagination, you still have the enemies of the Rain Clan, so you have to hide your identity."

Huang Hao listened to what everyone in the village said with black lines, and described him as a poor little cabbage.

"I'm fine! My wife, Master, always comes to see me. When I'm in danger, my wife, Master, cares about me. For the past two years, I've been fine.

Huang Hao knew that they said this because they missed him and cared about him, so he took the initiative to say this to reassure them.

"You Master wife, I didn't help you to see, which girl is right for you?"

Marriage urging is an eternal topic, even if Huang Hao is only eleven years old, they are not too early.

Cao Ye quietly listened to the people in the deserted village teasing Huang Hao, asking him to bring a girl back to the village.

Turning a blind eye to Huang Hao's gaze on him.

There will always be teenagers, and there will always be teenagers. What remains unchanged is people's pursuit of progress and the emotional connection between people.

The happy days are always short. After Huang Hao played with his friends to his heart's content for a few days, Cao reminded him: "Two years have passed, you can go to the False God Realm again."

Huang Hao sat under the willow tree, silent for a long time, and said to Cao Ye: "Master, I am going to the False God Realm, and I want to send a battle post to the Yu Clan, will you support me?"

"Next post?"

"That's right, in the name of the Master, I will fight against the rain."

"What are you going to do?"

"The last time I came back from the Xiling Realm, I have touched the boundary of opening up ten caves. If I were in the False God Realm, I believe I can defeat them. The hatred between my parents and me has always been in my heart and I have never forgotten it. Now, it is It's time for them to pay their debts."

"If you want to do it, just let it go."

"Thank you, Master! Then I'm ready to go, so let's do it."

"Do you just want to defeat them in the False God Realm, or let them completely defeat them in the real world?" Cao Dian asked.

"Since we are going to make a battle post, why not make a battle post after defeating them and agree to a battle."

"Master, I'm alone, I don't have enough Cultivation Base, and I can't make the entire Rain Clan pay the price!"

"Also, there must be a battle between me and the Double Pupils. It's not the time yet."

"Your teacher and I are both here, why don't you ask for help?"

"This is my own business, why bother with Master and Mistress."

"If you open your mouth, your mistress and I may stand up for you, directly destroy the Yu Clan, and help you find your parents and relatives."

"Thank you, Master, for thinking of me, but I want to do these things by myself. Master can let me know that my relatives are still alive, and that's enough."

"Since you've already made up your mind, I won't say anything more, just do it."

After Cao Ye finished speaking, he built a channel, Gold's channel Tongtian, Huang Hao came to a familiar place again.

After passing through the ruins, he arrived at the original place of the False God Realm.

People come and go in the Void God Realm all day long, and Huang Hao saw old acquaintances at a glance.

"If you want me to say, the destruction of Xiling Beast Mountain must have something to do with that sword god!"

"No evidence, no evidence, empty words, or where did you get the news?" Someone looked disdainful.

Huang Hao didn't expect that more than a month had passed, and in the False God Realm, there were still people discussing the matter of Xiling Beast Mountain.

He silently leaned over, wanting to hear what they had to say, although he also thought that the Second Master was very powerful, but he still wanted to hear what others had to say.

And for some reason, he always felt that these two people were not simple.

"The whole incident of Xiling Beast Mountain was caused by participating in the siege of Butian Pavilion. Afterwards, Butian Pavilion declared war on Xiling Beast Mountain, but some people said that the people sent out returned to Butian Pavilion soon.

"Is that voluntarily declaring war and then losing?"

"Wrong, Butian Pavilion Jiling once said that Xiling Beast Mountain will be unlucky"

"Didn't it mean that the Patriarch was dispatched? That's why Ji Ling said that."

"I have news. I heard that Ke Tong was in the team that went to Xiling Beast Mountain."

"But in the team that came back that time, those who suppressed pupils did not come back together."

"Half a year later, an accident occurred in Xiling Beast Mountain and it was shattered into ruins.

"Someone tried to enter Xiling Beast Mountain to check, and accidentally encountered a space barrier!"

"Space barrier!?"

"Yes, according to the man, he clearly heard a voice......

"what sound?"

"Ten Jingbi tell you..." The old man played tricks at this moment.

"You really are!" A group of audiences were speechless. Since this uncle made a fortune two years ago with the news of the shackles, it seems that he has opened up some kind of Ren Du's second channel.

When someone really handed over Jingbi, the old man slowly opened his mouth: "The man heard a sentence clearly, those who trespass on the territory of the Sword God, doctor!"

"Hiss~ are you serious?"

"Is it still false? It's absolutely true."

"Is there anything in Xiling Beast Mountain that can be related to the Sword God?"

"So I deduce that it was the Ketong who stayed in Xiling Beast Mountain to practice, and then the Sword God, for some reason, wiped out Xiling Beast Mountain and designated one place as his own territory."

"How did this sword god manage to designate a place as his own territory and no one can violate it."

"So, until now, no one knows the true face of the sword god? It just exists in everyone's word of mouth."

"This answer may only be known by those who control pupils."

"Yes, I know!"

Hearing this, Huang Hao finally spoke out.

"You know? Do you think you are a pupil-killer?"

"......It really is!"

A group of people roared and surrounded Huang Hao, and it was right to stay here. After two years, the pupil-killer appeared in the False God Realm!

It turned out that some people were waiting here specially.

5.2 Huang Hao looked at these people, jumped onto the big Qingshi and said, "I came here today for no other reason than to fight for the Rain Clan!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar. An eleven-year-old child dared to challenge the super rich Yu Clan!

This is eating the guts of the ambitious leopard!

"What did you say? Sending a battle post to the Rain Clan, are you crazy? Does your Master agree?" Even the uncle was stunned.

"Young man, you can't grasp the depth of the water here, so you should take back your wild words quickly, some words can't be said nonsense!" the middle-aged man persuaded.

"Don't you guys want to know who my Master is? My Master also knows about this, you just need to spread the word. I killed the Rain Clan in Baiduan Mountain, and my master broke the decree of the Rain God!"

"Now, in the False God Realm, I have issued a battle post and a killing order to the Yu Clan. Yu Clan people, how dare you fight me to the death!"

The murderous intent of these words shocked everyone who heard them.

What kind of enmity do the Pupils and the Yu Clan have? .

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