Huang Hao's words swept through the entire False God Realm like a hurricane, and then spread throughout the real world from the False God Realm.

"Has the Ketong finally started to officially provoke the Double Pupils? Send a challenge to the Rain Clan, does he know what it means?"

"If the Yu Clan is a super rich clan, if they don't accept this invitation, they will lose face. If they accept this invitation, they will lower themselves to ignore a child's challenge. No matter what

The Rain Clan has become less and less majestic recently. "

"It's not that the Yu Clan ignores the matter, but if they don't accept the challenge of the Tong Tong, then the Yu Clan will really have no face to call themselves a super rich."

"I'm a little curious, what kind of enmity does this pupil suppressor have with the Yu clan? As soon as this pupil appeared, he targeted the Yu clan.

"It's not that there is deep hatred and great hatred 27. It can't be done to this extent. Back then, the Sword God also beheaded countless Rain God powerhouses in Baiduan Mountain."

"That's not because the Yu Clan provocatively attacked the disciples of the Sword God Sect."

"Speaking of the Sword God Sect, why has there been no news since then?"

"They were fighting and counting, but there were only 800 people, all of whom were resurrected by the Sword God on the spot. The number of people was not even comparable to a small village, so naturally they didn't know where they were hiding.

"When they left, they said in Zeng dialect that gathering together was like a ball of fire, and scattering was full of stars. Maybe they hid in various factions and waited for the opportunity to grow and grow stronger."

"I don't think that's the case. This group of people who claim to be separated from the big clan class are all talented but suppressed by the clan. How could they go back to the previous days.

"Speaking of which, this Sword God is really ruthless. This group of people is called the Sword God Sect, but the Sword God never gave them any help."

"Are you joking? It is already a great mercy to bring back these people who set up religion without permission. If you are walking on the street, you are called your servant without authorization just because you are very rich. What will happen to you? Do?"

"They own want to do this, what does it matter to me? I am still worried that they will do bad things in my name!"

"So he is a sword god, and the god who can refine the ancient Minor World Baiduan Mountain into his own territory, would actually cast spells on existences that are like ants to him, and bring them back to life. Isn't this considered a great kindness and kindness? ?"

"Aren't we talking about the pupils' battle against the Yu Clan, how did you pull out the Sword God Cult.

"That's right, that's right, I want to say, is there a sword god's inspiration for this action of the master who restrained pupils?"

"Did you disconnect from the Internet? It's been a long time since you came to the False God Realm. The person who suppressed the pupils personally showed up and said that the sword god directly broke the decree of the Rain God. I think there must be a deadly enmity between them."

"I just don't know what the truth is. Those who suppressed pupils only dared to fight against the Rain Clan in the False God Realm. Presumably because of lack of strength, they had to rely on the Realm suppression of the False God Realm to fight

"Since this is the case, isn't he looking for death by doing this? If the Rain Clan finds the location of his physical body in the outside world, won't he definitely die?"

"Ku Tong is able to do this, of course he has something to rely on. Isn't his biggest backer the Sword God?"

"So, the sword god is also involved in this matter?"

"Sword God has always protected his shortcomings, and will not sit idly by about his apprentice's affairs, so this is why he supports Ketong's doing so.

"You're right. With the Supernatural Power that Sword God shows every time, I don't think the Rain Clan is a match at all."

"I don't know if this battle in the False God Realm will spread to the real world."

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, just watch the excitement. If the Yu Clan beheaded the Tongtong Zhe, then his Magical Item, wouldn't it be...

"If the Yu Clan is wiped out, then people in the world will be able to see the true strength of the Sword God. At least he can't just wipe out the Rain Clan without showing his face."

"Who knows? Maybe Yijian Frost can really do it without showing up? Anyway, that kind of level of fighting is beyond our imagination."

"The world that has been silent for a long time is finally going to be lively again"

"Fight, fight, let's set up a bet, who do you bet to win?"

"Set a gamble? What a good idea!"

Everyone was talking about the bold move of the sudden appearance of the Tong Tong Zhe, guessing the deep hatred between the Yu Clan and the Tong Tong Zhe behind this.

There were also people who quickly got involved in the game and were very concerned about this battle. Everyone was paying attention to when the Rain Clan would react.

"210 is too deceitful! Since the appearance of this pupil-destroyer, he has been against us everywhere, and now he is sending out war posts. There is no doubt that he is that child back then!"

"That's right, there will be no one else but that child."

"Then, shall we accept this post or not?"

"Of course I have to pick it up. This child seems to have grown up. If he is not killed at this time, sooner or later, our Rain Clan will face annihilation."

"Then what's the matter? We have Yier, Double Pupils born with Supreme bone, if the two fight, we will definitely kill that child."

"But there is a sword god behind him!"

"So what if there is a sword god! Our Rain Clan also has a rain god!"

"Is the Rain God really alive? We have never awakened the Rain God, but the decree left by him can be easily broken by the Sword God. What does this mean? It means that the Sword God is really strong!"

"No matter what, let's find out the real world location of the shaman first. As long as you find him, you can find the sword god."

"Even with the strength of the whole clan, we must remove the obstacles to the development and growth of the Yu clan!".

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