"Sword God Sect disciples, you asked them to help Huang Hao?" Liu Shen asked Cao Ye.

Cao Ye and Liu Shen have been paying attention to Huang Hao since he entered the False God Realm. At this time, he was quite surprised to see the disciples of the Sword God Sect making a strong appearance.

How could this group of people appear at such an opportune time.

"You've wronged me. Although I dote on my disciple, I still believe in his strength. I didn't let the disciples of the Sword God Sect go to support him. Most likely, they heard about Huang Hao's fight against the Rain Clan. So~ come here voluntarily."

Cao Ye's conjecture was not wrong. Although the disciples of the Sword God Sect went back and forth between Baiduan Mountain and Xiling Realm to practice non-stop, most of the disciples were also teaching, but there were also disciples who were collecting information from various sources.

As soon as Huang Hao appeared in the False God Realm, he sent a battle post against the Yu Clan. The news spread all over the world, and the disciples of the Sword God Sect immediately passed the news back to the sect.

Therefore, no matter the disciples who practiced in the Xiling Realm or those who practiced in Baiduan Mountain, they all put down what they were doing and decided to go to the False God Realm to help the only disciple of the Sword God.

How could they be indifferent to the matter of Huang Hao, the only disciple of the Sword God, who founded the religion in the name of the Sword God.

Therefore, they were divided according to their strength, gathered half of the people in the sect, and immediately went to the ancient country to enter the False God Realm.

Just in time for the battle between Huang Hao and the Yu Clan just started.

Although Huang Hao is only a teenager, much younger than many of them, they still respect him as a big brother.

Even if the Sword God didn't tell them what to do, they never turned back.

The battle between Huang Hao and the Yu Clan caused waves in the entire False God Realm. From the posting of the battle post, to the acceptance of the challenge by the Yu Clan, to the appearance of the long-disappeared Sword God Sect, everything has become the focus of discussion .

They followed from the original place to the blessed place of the cave, and they all wanted to watch the result of this big formation with their own eyes.


With a loud noise, the Rain Clan sacrificed the decree of the Rain God. This time, the decree they brought was more than a hundred times stronger than the decree in Baiduan Mountain.

"Rain God's decree! The Rain Clan really brought the decree, this is the rhythm of wanting to kill Huang Hao completely!"

The onlookers gasped, because they could feel the great power of this decree just by looking at it from a distance.

"I think this is the end of Tong Tong. Last time, didn't he say that his Master broke the decree of the rain god? That means he has nothing to do with the decree of the rain god."

"That was all a long time ago. The pupil-killer has made rapid progress, so how could he stand still?"

"Look quickly! The one who suppresses pupils! Ten caves! He opened up ten caves!"

"How is it possible!? At such a young age, he has already opened up ten caves. This Talent is not much worse than the Double Pupils! The name of the Pupils is worthy of the name!"

"It's no wonder the Sword God let his apprentice face the Yu Clan alone, and even took the initiative to send a battle card to the Yu Clan. In this Paradise Paradise, under the pressure of Realm, Ten Cave Heaven is of course invincible!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to place a bet, don't wait and see, the one who suppresses my pupil wins!"

"It's too early, he has broken the decree of the Rain God first!"

On the field, Huang Hao and the disciples of the Sword God Sect tried their best to resist the coercion of the Rain God's decree.

On the quaint paper, a word that exudes a coercion that cannot be ignored is shocking, and it is a word that represents the spirit of killing:

The disciples of the Sword God Sect all looked at Huang Hao worriedly, they were not able to resist the decree of the Rain God.

Seeing this, they were taken aback for a moment, only to see that this elder brother who was much younger than them had no worry on his face.

He transformed into golden roc wings, flew into the air, and went directly to the decree of the rain god.

The battle between Huang Hao and the Yu Clan in the False God Realm is in full swing, and the Yu Clan people in the real world are not idle. These days, they have worked hard to collect and sort out Huang Hao's information, trying to deduce the location of the Sword God.

According to the information they have, Ketongzhe is undoubtedly the child from back then, and his parents took him with him, blood-stained Xijiang, and then disappeared without a trace, never to be seen again.

The child on Zhuangzi, the second ancestral land, has also been found out to be just a substitute. The couple's friends used their own child to replace the child who should have been exiled in the second ancestral land to fend for itself.

As soon as the Ketong appeared, he was in the False God Realm, indicating that he had come to the ancestral land of the ancient country, and the second ancestral land was burned for a long time without finding out who the murderer was. The war master who went to investigate also killed the Yu clan some people.

Now it seems that the person who took away the substitute from the second ancestral land and burned the ancestral land was the one who was able to control pupils.

The person who restrained pupils later went to Butian Pavilion because he encountered the world of Butian Pavilion in the Great Wilderness, Xia Yuyou, so to speak, this is the time when he first appeared.

...asking for flowers...

Could it be that the sword god and Tong Tong are in the wilderness?

Not in any ancient country, but in the wilderness full of ferocious beasts? The Martial King's mansion once pursued those who set fire to the ancestral land, and it also entered the wilderness.

Although it returned in vain, it also provided direction.

The members of the Yu Clan pulled together all the information about the Tong Tong, and deduced the result they wanted.

"We should set off immediately to kill the pupil-killers and sword gods in the real world."

"If you want to kill Ke Tongzhe, you must consider the existence of the Sword God, and judging from the information in hand, maybe we can't kill the Sword God at all.

"That's right, it is inferred that the mysterious existence in Butian Pavilion may also be a sword god. With such a large Supernatural Power, can we defeat him?"


"In this world, as many people worship the Sword God, there are as many people who disdain and hate him. What we have to do is to spread the news, gather these forces, and let them take the lead."

"This matter is not our Yu Clan's business alone. Martial King's mansion, what will happen when we hear the news? What happened back then was not done by any of us alone. Want to get out of it? Impossible!"

"That's right, upon hearing this news, the Martial King's government should also respond."

"The location of the sword god, what a tempting news, I believe that the wilderness full of fierce beasts will soon become lively."

"There's also that lifeless Sword God Sect. There are only 800 members in the establishment of the sect, and they dare to come out to fight against my Yu Clan. It's really lifeless."

"Those pure-blood beasts in Primordial Mountain must also be very interested in the news of the Sword God."

"In the whole world, is there any force that is not interested in the news of the Sword God? If it weren't for those who suppressed pupils, we would not be able to deduce the location of the Sword God."

"These idiots in the Martial King's mansion don't even know that they have a real ancestral land, a village in the wild virgin forest."

"It's also a coincidence, if someone who came out of there happened to bump into our hands, no one would know the real ancestral land, and it turned out to be elsewhere.

"I don't believe in the news that as long as you defeat the Sword God, you can get the Baiduan Mountain and Xiling Beast Mountain that he controls. No one wants to turn Baiduan Mountain into their own back garden.

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