The people of the Yu Clan released the news in their hands regardless, and everyone was shocked to shift their attention from the battle between the Ke Tongzhe and the Yu Clan in the False God Realm to the news of the Sword God

After all, the fact that the Rain Clan found the location of the Sword God in the real world is far more important than a battle in the False God Realm.

This is the most mysterious sword god, a mysterious existence that can cause discussions in the entire wasteland every time he appears.

He is powerful, protective, mysterious and has the name of a god. His apprentices have become synonymous with him when he walks outside. You can see the ability of him as a Master just by looking at the master who opened up ten holes at a young age.

Not to mention the snowy Yellow Springs of Baiduan Mountain and the destruction of Xiling Beast Mountain overnight, is this Lushan Mountain finally going to be lifted by the world as a mysterious veil?

Everyone was "zero seven zero" boiling, wanting to check the authenticity of this news.

"Sword God Mysterious has been searching for his news for so long, so many forces searched for his news, but they didn't find any information. Why did the Yu Clan find out the location of Sword God immediately when they checked this time? There must be something strange in it

"It's hard to say? Think about it, what is the name of the sword god's apprentice?"

"Ah, the one who suppresses pupils!"

"That's right! The Rain Clan is always talking about the Double Pupils when they are outside. After all, they have a relationship with the Martial King's mansion, and they have a close relationship with the Double Pupils, but what about the Pupils? Looks like it's a festival with the Double Pupils."

"So in the end, does anyone know what the grievances between the Yu Clan and this pupil-killer are?"

"Perhaps when this war ends, the truth will be revealed to the world."

"Since the problem happened to the Double Pupils and the Rain Clan, then the Martial King's government must be involved. The storm that started with the Pupils who suppressed the pupils has only just begun.

In Butian Pavilion, everyone was also talking about it.

"The Yu Clan released the news of the Sword God. I don't know if it's true or not. If it's true, we in Butian Pavilion should also check it out."

"Respecting the Spirit, we have already drawn a clear line with the Yu Clan, and we are almost half-enemies. In this battle, we must of course stand on the side of the Sword God."

"But if you kill the Sword God, you can take control of the Sword God's territory from him. Apart from the Baiduan Mountain and Xiling Beast Mountain that we know, who knows how many other territories the Sword God has that we don't know about? An unimaginable fortune!"

"Are you really ignorant or are you just pretending to be stupid? All these incidents point to one thing. The Dage of Jiling may be the sword god. Otherwise, why would Jiling give such an obvious order?" , and why do we love and pamper those who have the pupils in every possible way."

"Sword God is my benefactor of Butian Pavilion. Without him, Butian Pavilion might have ceased to exist a long time ago. Have you not even figured out this point?"

"What! The Dage who worships the spirit is the sword god?"

"No matter what, we must send people from Butian Pavilion to check and verify the authenticity of the news."

Primordial Mountain, there are also people discussing this matter, as the top forces, they get the news very quickly.

"That guy who is the master of pupils, I've seen him before. I heard that he showed the strength of ten holes when he fought against the Rain Clan this time. He just happens to be the right person we want to find."

"It's true to say that, but the news of the Sword God cannot be ignored. It is necessary to meet such an existence."

"The Yu Clan is really deadly, according to the strength of the tip of the iceberg revealed by the Sword God, it is not something that the Yu Clan can compete with.

"And what about the Martial King's house? Maybe this incident will alarm the Emperor."

"No matter what, let's send people to the Great Wilderness to have a look at Primordial Mountain."

Following the news of the Yu Clan, countless forces rushed into the Great Wilderness, wanting to find the Sword God.

It was as if what they were looking for was not a sword god, but a treasure, they were extremely enthusiastic and refused to let go of any clues.

At the same time, various rumors began to spread. And it is said that it has nose and eyes, as if it is real.

"I heard that the sword god has mastered the Supreme treasure. If you find the sword god, you can find the Supreme treasure."

"Is your news reliable?"

"Why is it unreliable? Didn't you see that Xiao Xitian's people were mobilized? And so many people were mobilized. Xiao Xitian's obsession with Supreme God Store is not a secret among the major forces..

"It's not just Xiaoxitian's people. Didn't Primordial Mountain send a large number of people into the wilderness to find the location of the sword god?"

"How did I hear that the sword god has mastered the treasure technique of the ancient Ten Evils, and its power is infinite. The sword technique used by his apprentice is the cursive sword art taught to him by the sword god. It is the treasure of the ancient Ten Evils, Nine Ye Jiancao technique."

"Isn't this impossible? One of the ancient Ten Evils treasures can attract people all over the world to scramble for. The Sword God can master all of them? I think this news is false.

"Where did you hear the news? What I heard is different from yours. I heard that the sword god is Power from the upper realm, and the mysterious man in Butian Pavilion is the sword god."

"How long has this been inferred, why, is it confirmed now?"

"The news came from Butian Pavilion. Butian Pavilion will obviously stand on the side of Sword God this time. It's strange that they suddenly draw a line with the Yu Clan."

"Anyway, we're going to join in the fun, maybe we can pick up the loopholes.

"Has anyone paid attention to the battle in the False God Realm? Who won the battle between the people who suppressed the pupil and the people sent by the Rain Clan?"

"I haven't been to the False God Realm recently, and I'm busy squeezing into the wilderness. How can I enter the False God Realm to check the news?"

"There are also those members of the Sword God Sect. Have you found out where they appeared in 4.3? There is news about the location of the Sword God, but there is no news about these people."

"No matter what, it's been a few days. Is the news from the Yu Clan accurate?"

"Look for it. With so many people entering the wilderness, they will always find it."

Sunrise and sunset, the people in the barren village still live a peaceful life, and the waves of the outside world have not spread to this place like peach blossom Genichi.

Except for worrying about Huang Hao sitting under the willow tree, the life of the people in Huang Village remains unchanged.

Since Huang Hao entered the False God Realm, he has been sitting motionless under the willow tree like a clay sculpture.

Several days have passed, is his battle with the Rain Clan still not over?

Just as he was thinking, he saw a flash of light, and Huang Hao opened his eyes. .

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