Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 184: A Hundred Thousand Miles Of Wilderness, Everyone Walks


A ferocious beast fell to the ground, and until he died, he didn't understand why so many people suddenly appeared in the wilderness, which was always inaccessible.

"Damn it, where is this sword god? I've been looking for it for so long, but I can't find it!"

The person who killed the beast wiped the blood from his face and said impatiently.

"Be patient, the Great Desolation is so big, it's normal to find it for a while, if it's so easy to find, is he still the sword god?"

"So many people have entered the wilderness, and no one has found a place until now. Did the people of the Yu clan release false news!"

"It's all here, do you want to give up?"

"Give up? Impossible, so many big forces have been dispatched, it must not be groundless, no matter what, daddy must be found!"

The ferocious beasts of the Great Wilderness have been very annoying recently. Too many people have entered the Great Wilderness, disturbing their peace.

With the actions of various forces, the Great Wilderness is extremely lively. It should be said that it has never been so lively.

The swamp lies across the foot of the mountain, polluting all openable land, the territory that can accommodate countless people, countless primeval forests, swamp fog, sandy hills, "mysterious moss" are broken to welcome all uninvited guests.

"Patriarch, after the news was released, everyone rushed into the Great Wilderness, but depending on the situation, no one has found the location of the Sword God so far."

"Whether the news is true or not, bring that person up, and I'll ask again!"

"Patriarch, that person is gone, he seems to have died in the dungeon."

"Is it missing, or dead? Go to the slag!"

The patriarch of the Yu Clan walked around restlessly, and the person who provided the key information unexpectedly had a problem.

He has already begun to worry now, if the major forces find out that the Yu Clan is secretly fanning the flames, it is okay if nothing happens, but if something happens, what will they do if they turn to trouble the Yu Clan.

But now he can't allow him to think too much. Now that the matter is done, he can't control so much.

On the other side, those who entered the wilderness saw a divine light that could not be ignored at the same time at a sudden moment.

The multicolored divine light is lit up, and no matter where people are in the wilderness, they can see a mountain suddenly appearing in this divine light.

The mist is lingering, the Flying Sword is everywhere, and the silent wind whizzes past. Even though everyone is in different positions in the wilderness, they can see the same mountain at the same time.

The whole mountain looks so majestic and majestic, with a majestic aura spreading over the surface, close in front of the eyes and far away in the sky, it doesn't seem like a real existence, but like some illusory bubble.

"What is that! Could it be the location of the Sword God?"

"Shenguang is so bright, maybe there is a treasure born!"

"Look! Flying Sword! Countless Flying Swords are lingering around! The mist is rampant, how does that mist look like chaos is approaching!"

"No, why did this mountain suddenly appear, I'm afraid there will be fraud!"

"After searching for so many days, I finally found it. No matter what, let's go and have a look!"

"There are so many Flying Swords, one look is where the sword god is, the sword god, the sword god, so many swords, it must be him!"

"It's not just a mountain, it's a mountain range!"

"Hurry up, let's go! The Sword God must be there, don't let others take the lead."

Suddenly something even bigger happened!

A bell that resounded through the sky and earth shook everyone's hearts.

And the multicolored divine light began to gather, forming three words with Wu Lou Xun: Sword God Religion

Those three simple words made it impossible for everyone to look directly at its edge, like a sharp sword stabbing everyone's eyes.

If you were still skeptical just now, thinking that some kind of divine treasure was born, the appearance of these three words now clearly tells everyone that the Sword God Sect is there, and where there is the Sword God Sect, are you afraid that you will not find the Sword God?

All of a sudden, everyone was excited, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, full of cleanliness, and the exhaustion from entering the wilderness was swept away, like a person who is looking for plums to quench his thirst and suddenly sees plums close in front of him, and he is full of energy towards The sacred mountain rushed away.

"The Sword God must have placed the divine treasure in the Sword God Sect! Look at that sacred mountain, it is different from any other mountain in the wilderness! The divine light is shining brightly, there must be a supreme treasure!"

"Sword God is so arrogant, telling us the location of Sword God Sect with such great fanfare, it seems that he didn't put us in one's eyes.

"It doesn't matter if he has To put in one's eyes or not, he is just right like this, otherwise we have been searching for so long, but we couldn't find a place, and now that he is here, it just happens to be convenient for us."

"That's right, set off in the direction of that mountain!"

Some people excitedly set off towards that mountain, while others were wary of the sudden appearance of the mountain, such as the people from the Primordial mountain.

"What is the meaning of the sword god's move? He will not be unaware of the news that everyone went into the wilderness to look for him, but he still reveals the position of the sword god sect in front of people with such a big fanfare. What is his intention?"

"There are only two possibilities. The sword god is arrogant and confident, not afraid of the current situation, and has extremely strong strength, or invite the king to enter the urn, and set a trap on his own initiative, so that the enemy will go forward and die. y

"Our trip was not to besiege the Sword God Sect, but to visit the Sword God and discuss letting him borrow his apprentice from the Ten Heavenly Cave Realm. I believe that the Sword God will not embarrass me."

"Go forward at a normal speed, I think the appearance of this sacred mountain is very strange, and it is not so easy to reach the sky.

"That's right, no matter which direction you look at it, this mountain hangs in front of people's eyes, neither far nor near, which is very strange."

"Let's go to the locker."

All the people who saw the holy mountain ran towards that mountain very fast, but soon they found that no matter how far they walked, the distance to that mountain was still not far or close, as if they were going to that mountain. The road never ends.

"Father (Qian? Zhao), someone has already arrived, and they have been circling around for some time, why don't you let them in?" Huang Hao stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the people circling the entire mountain range below the mountain. people ask questions.

Beside him is a swaying green grass.

It was Cao Ye and Huang Hao.

Of course, Cao Ye's plan would not be hidden from Huang Hao, so when Huang Hao worried about how to solve this matter, Cao Ye directly let him go to the sacred mountain where the Sword God Cult is located through the teleportation array in Huangcun.

After coming to the Sword God Sect, Huang Hao found out that the Sword God Sect disciples set up a teaching here, and the Master also set up a large formation for them to protect the mountain, and they can even go directly to Baiduan Mountain and Xiling Realm through the teleportation formation.

During these days of waiting for outsiders to come to the Sword God Sect, Jian Hao has already visited the entire mountain range.

In addition to practicing every day, I just watch these people who have already arrived circle the mountain, as if they are chasing some fantasy dream. .

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