Huang Hao was very interested in the Sword God Sect, and because he had the experience of fighting with them, he quickly became acquainted with them.

The people of the Sword God Sect were also very interested in this disciple of the Sword God, so they quickly became friends.

Huang Hao was even interested in telling some of his understanding of runes to the disciples of the Sword God Sect, quite like a big brother.

The disciples of the Sword God Sect also admire this elder brother who is much younger than them. After all, throughout the ages, there are only a few people who have opened up ten caves, and their elder brother is only eleven and a half years old.

Just opened up ten caves, really worthy of being the disciple of Sword God.

Following Huang Hao these days, they also learned a lot.

And since Huang Hao came to the Sword God Sect, they can all take the opportunity to see the Sword God on the holy mountain.

After all, the elder brother said that the Sword God has been around these days, and before those people are dealt with, Jian Shendu will stay here with the Sword God Sect.

How can this prevent them from being excited, especially those disciples who have never heard the sword god speak, and are even more eager to hang around Huang Hao, wanting to listen to the sword god's teachings with him

And what they like most is to listen to Huang Hao's stories about the Sword God. Before that, they didn't know that the Sword God has a companion and is also a strong man.

The sword god that comes out of Huang Hao's mouth is gentle, funny, protective, and sometimes even has a bit of a bad taste, not like a god, but like a person.

Like everyone else, there are joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, 877, but this will not make the disciples of the Sword God any less respect for the Sword God, on the contrary, they will worship and respect the Sword God even more

Therefore, they didn't have the slightest fear of the upcoming things, but were very excited.

They also wanted to experience the might of the Sword God again.

Not only was there no dissatisfaction or worry about the Sword God's behavior of using the Sword God Cult as a target, on the contrary, he agreed with it very much.

They are not worried about what the Sword God will use them for, but what the Sword God will not let them do.

They feel extremely honored to have them participate in the Sword God's plan this time.

Obviously, they should be nervous because they are about to be approached by various forces, but in fact, they are extremely relaxed, especially when the group of people circled the mountains one after another.

I just don't know when these people will be there, and when the sword god will be able to untie the formation. (chbg)

Everyone was waiting for that moment, both nervous and excited.

Finally, this day came after the people from the Primordial mountain were belated.


The fog cleared, and those who were chasing the holy mountain felt that the mountain that could never be reached finally appeared in front of own for the first time.

"What's going on! Why did you suddenly arrive at the foot of the mountain?"

"Damn it, we seem to be spinning around the bottom of the mountain."

"This is where the Sword God Sect is? The spiritual Qi is so abundant, even more abundant than our spiritual mountain. In the wilderness, is there such a sacred mountain with sufficient spiritual Qi?"

"Spiritual Qi like this is not much better than our Primordial mountain. The Sword God Cult has only 800 people in total. It's really a waste to occupy such a sacred mountain."

"My God, are the elixirs everywhere, or are they natural elixirs that just grow like weeds on the hill?"

"What is that! A stele?"

Everyone passed through an extremely narrow valley, and suddenly a hill appeared in front of everyone.

A towering cliff tightly caught people's attention. It can be clearly seen that this cliff is not naturally formed, because its surface is extremely smooth, like a flat and smooth mirror. Behind the cliff is the other half of the mountain.

The whole mountain, as if it was split by some sharp weapon, formed such a cliff, which is very abrupt, but also exists incomparably harmoniously among the mountains.

Sword God Mountain!

Three big characters flowing like clouds and flowing water bloom on this mirror-like cliff.

The shocking crowd coming from the pavement couldn't help but take a few steps back to stabilize their figures.

If you look at these three big characters carefully, you will feel pain like a needle pricking your soul.

"These three characters are actually composed of incomprehensible characters, like some mysterious symbols. With my years of experience, I can't tell what the characters are.

"This sword god is really not simple. There are mysteries everywhere in the sword god mountain. Let's take a good look at what he is capable of today."

"Anyway, we're going to be careful, there might be some danger!"

The people from Butian Pavilion also came to Sword God Mountain, and bumped into the people from Zhulu Academy.

People from all major forces walked down this cliff one after another, from different directions, and stopped for the words "Sword God Mountain".

At this moment, they heard a familiar voice again. Anyone who has been to Baiduan Mountain will be familiar with this voice.

The voice that could penetrate the soul of a person sounded again.

"I'm a guest from afar, what's your business here this time?"

After the words fell, a terrifying coercion made everyone's knees go limp and they knelt down. No matter what the Cultivation Base is, it cannot hold its head up in front of this coercion.

"Those who enter the Sword God Mountain must worship the Sword God."

"Those who do not worship the Sword God will not enter the Sword God Mountain!"

These two sentences resounded like the voice of the Great Dao, resounding through the world.

At the same time, the words "Jian Shen Shan" on the cliff exude the light of Gold.

The glare made everyone close their eyes involuntarily.

This coercion lingered for a long time, and no one thought that there would be such a powerful person waiting for them as soon as they came to Jianshen Mountain.

The Sword God seems to be using this coercion to tell them how insurmountable they are, and how ridiculous it is for them to come forward and say that they want to attack the Sword God Sect.

"Sword God, we don't have any malicious intentions. We just came here to ask one thing. Please don't get angry." Under the pressure, the pure-blood beast from Primordial Mountain spoke with difficulty.

Immediately afterwards, the people in Butian Pavilion also hurriedly said: "Master Sword God! We are ordered by Jiling to come to reinforce, we are friends rather than enemies."

The coercion gradually dissipated, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next second, a sentence lifted their hearts that had just let go.

"The Master said, I want to talk to him, I'll talk to him when I walk up the mountain." It was Huang Hao who spoke.

"Pupil Controler!" Sure enough, the Pupil Controler was here, and a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the members of the Yu Clan in the crowd. Finally found the location of the real world of the Ke Tong Zhe.

And this Sword God Mountain is simply a treasure in itself.

"If you can't deal with the Sword God, can't you also deal with these people on the Sword God Mountain? The Sword God will never attack the major forces because of these people." The people of the Yu Clan saw the disciples of the Sword God Sect on the mountain, and gathered together Killing intent.

It wasn't just the Yu Clan who had such thoughts, people who came here for God's possession, such as Xiao Xitian and other forces, also had the idea of ​​taking hostages.

Since the Sword God is not powerful, but stronger than imagined, then we must pick his weakness and force him to hand over the treasure. .

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