"What are you going to do now?"

It was Liu Shen who spoke, and she was pulled by Cao Ye to watch the fun.

What catches the eye is the majestic Sword God Mountain and the people who are trying to walk up the mountain.

These people are of all shapes and sizes, like a group of ants, wanting to find food in groups, and their greed can be seen from such a distance.

"Those who don't offend me, leave a glimmer of life, and those who offend me will be killed." Cao Ye said chilling words calmly.

After hearing this, Liu Shenfei smiled instead of saying anything.

It seems that he agrees with Cao Ye's decision very much.

Because she knew that Cao Ye, like her, was not a bloodthirsty person, but the enemies came to him on their own initiative, and there was absolutely no reason to let him go.

"What you want me to watch is the excitement of a killing feast? I'm already tired of watching such scenes of blood blooming, so it's better to fight quickly."

"Since they are all curious about who the sword god is and who I am, let them take a look today so that they know that sometimes, curiosity is not a good thing." - Cao Ye laughed.

"It's just to vent my anger on my apprentice. How can I not know what you are thinking?" Liu Shen poked Cao Yu mercilessly.

"How come? Huang Hao's matter, of course, has to be left to him to solve. At most, I can find something for myself to do."

"What are you going to have them come up for?"

"They better come up with their lives first."

"Where are the people from Butian Pavilion? There are also people from Primordial Mountain, they don't seem to have any malicious intentions." God Liu mentioned the people from Butian Pavilion.

"Someone will ask them to leave. As a person, I always have a clear sense of grievances and grievances." Cao Ye answered Liu Shen's question, and was about to say something when he heard the voice of the system rang in his mind.

"It is detected that the host has refreshed the sign-in location, do you want to sign in immediately?"

"It is detected that the host refreshes multiple sign-in locations at the same time, do you want to sign in?"

"Refresh multiple check-in locations at the same time? Could it be that the roots carried by Xiao Xitian and others have taken root everywhere?"

Cao Ye thought of the rhizome that was distributed before, so he asked the system: "Refresh multiple check-in locations, is it the reason for the rhizome?"

"That's right, the host refreshes the three sign-in locations at the same time, whether to sign in, and the rewards will be settled uniformly?"

"Would there be any benefit to the consolidated settlement rewards?"

"Unified settlement, the reward value of the three sign-in locations will be superimposed, and there is a chance to drop high-level item rewards."

The systematic explanation made Cao Ye very happy. It is more cost-effective to ask for three uncertain item rewards. Of course, it is more cost-effective to ask for a more powerful item.

So he said to the system: "Sign in immediately, and the rewards will be settled uniformly."

"Sign in successfully, stacking rewards, congratulations to the host for getting the reward, Immortal Sword.

"Slaying Immortal Sword!" Cao Ye couldn't hold back his voice.

A few years have passed, and the four swords of Zhuxian Sword Formation have another one!

Cao Ye did not expect to obtain such an item as the Immortal Killing Sword at this time.

Even with the superimposed rewards for signing in at three places, he never thought that he could drop the Immortal Killing Sword so easily.

Don't you hear that Zhu Xian is beneficial.

If the Zhuxian sword is out of its sheath, it is a powerful and unstoppable sharp weapon, suitable for a gentleman's killing weapon in the hands of a righteous leader.

Then the Immortal Killing Sword is a killing tool that will see blood when it is unsheathed. Once the Immortal Killing Sword is released, it is a slaughter, and it is more suitable to be held in the hands of the Killing God and baptized with endless blood.

Cao Ye almost couldn't wait to try this newly acquired sword.

But thinking of the experience of using the Sword of Killing Immortals, it may not be possible to display the true power of the Sword of Killing Immortals.

But even so, it didn't affect Cao Shen's desire to try the Immortal Sword.

"God Liu, I got a new treasure, and I want to taste it with you." After calming down from his excitement, Cao Ye said to God Liu who didn't know why.

"The treasure? When did you get it?" Cao Ye never took Liu Shen with him when he went out, so Liu Shen was very puzzled how could Cao Ye suddenly get such a treasure.

"Just now." Cao Ye replied with a smile, it was not difficult to hear that he was in a good mood.

As soon as Liu Shen heard it, he knew that this matter might involve Cao Ye's secret, so he stopped asking, "What treasure is it?"

"When they all come up the mountain, you can see them.

"It seems to be a murder weapon." Liu Shen understood.

While the two were talking, everyone had already reached the top of the mountain.

The mountain where Cao Ye is located is the largest mountain in the entire mountain range. The space on the top of the mountain can fully accommodate all the people who come up the mountain, whether they are people with evil intentions, people who want to help each other, or those who just want to watch the fun people who come.

At this time, they were all standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the traces on the mountain, trying to find the trace of Cao Ye.


Looking around, you can see the entire mountain range, but there is no person or thing that can be called the sword god.

"I've already gone up the mountain, isn't the sword god showing up?"

"Could it be that seeing that we are so numerous and powerful, we want to be a shrinking turtle!"

"If you are afraid, hand over the treasured treasure in your hand, and I will forgive you magnanimously!"

A group of people spoke unscrupulously, as if they had completely forgotten about the fact that their legs were weak when they were frightened by the coercion of three words at the foot of the mountain.

From their point of view, Cao Ye didn't show up because he was shameful and scared.

Seeing them like this, before Cao Dian got angry, Huang Hao couldn't bear it anymore. He couldn't bear someone saying that about his beloved Master.

Immediately rushed forward and taught them a lesson.

Just at this moment, Shi Yi called him to a halt.

So the people who were still talking nonsense saw Huang Hao suddenly appearing in front of them, as if appearing out of nowhere, and said to them: "Master said, there is still time to leave now, if you don't leave, then never leave again. "

"Boy, tell your Master to come out and speak, can he just hide behind your child, shameless?"

Huang Hao ignored the wild dogs barking in front of him, but then said a word in a voice that everyone could hear.

"Master Xijing, if you keep making such noise, don't blame the Master's subordinates for being ruthless."

"People who have no malicious intentions, put them in this circle."

After the voice fell, a circle of shining golden light appeared on the open ground.

"What is this for? Come to your place, and you still have to be classified?" A man with a face full of flesh said fiercely.

Huang Hao didn't get angry when he heard this, but said with an unpredictable smile on his face: "The Master said that it would hurt innocent people by mistake, so I will give you the last chance to choose. Although in my opinion , Few of the people who came here were innocent, but who asked the master to be merciful?"

At the end, his expression turned cold, and he stopped laughing: "Everyone, please."

After finishing these words, people really walked into this drawn circle one after another, including people from Butian Pavilion and Primordial Mountain.

Xiao Xitian and other forces looked at the people in the circle with disdain, and stayed outside the circle to lose money. .

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