"It's a pity that you are still from Shenshan, and you stand without dignity in the circle drawn by others, like livestock, it is indeed a beast, even if it is pure blood, it is hard to get rid of the animal nature." He has no intention of mobilizing the people from the Primordial Mountain to fight against the enemy.

Up to now, the sword god has not shown up yet, and it is mysterious. I don't know what kind of conspiracy he is planning. One more helper, one more chance of winning.

Although they have coveted God's Treasure for a long time, they are not brainless and have forgotten the mysterious and unknown abilities of the Sword God.

"You don't need to persuade us anymore, we will stay here and will not make a move." Facing Xiao Xitian's ridicule, Primordial Shenshan was not angry, but sat down on the ground, expressing his determination to stay in the circle.

The people in Butian Pavilion followed suit, sat down and looked at the people outside.

The scene was silent for a while, not knowing what would happen next.

Can only "060" pull Huang Hao and continue to ask: "The pretense is over, I will call your Master to show up!"

Huang Hao looked at the people in front of him with pity, just now, the Master stopped him and said that he wanted to do it himself.

Hearing this, he knew that these people in front of him would not survive, so the anger in his heart dissipated with the Master's words.

The Master's ability is unquestionable. Although I don't know why the Master wants to do it himself, but since the master has spoken, there is absolutely no reason for these people to return alive.

Fortunately, the master still remembered that the people from Butian Pavilion came for reinforcements, and asked him to come out and give an ultimatum.

Otherwise, with the overwhelming scene of every shot by the Master, none of the people who came today may survive, including the people from Primordial Mountain and Butian Pavilion.

I really don't know where these people got the courage to dare to fight the master.

Everyone was inexplicably uncomfortable seeing Huang Hao's eyes, as if there was some crisis in their hearts: "What the hell are you doing!"


He directly attacked Huang Hao!

Huang Hao is only in the Heavenly Cave Realm world, and Xiaoxi Deva's ultimate move is simply not something he can bear now.

This is the idea of ​​Xiao Xitian's National People's Congress. Since he doesn't know the details of the sword god, he should take a favorable bargaining chip in his hand, so that even if he can't beat him, he can still save his life.

Although I don't want to be so pessimistic about the long sword's high spirits, but it's best to be cautious and be prepared.

In order to prevent the sword god from making a sudden move, to capture Huang Hao, he must use a move that will catch him in one blow.

"No, Xiao Xitian's thoughts are really insidious." The people in Butian Pavilion saw Xiao Xitian's thoughts and couldn't help but make a sound.

At the same time as Xiao Xitian made his move, the members of the Yu Clan who were in the crowd secretly offered a decree, ready to wait for the opportunity to kill Huang Hao.

It was this child who kept causing trouble to the Yu Clan. He should have died at that time. He was really tenacious. Not only did he open up ten caves, but he also took a strong man as his teacher

The Yu Clan paid homage to Huang Hao in the False God Realm, and the news quickly spread that their Yu Clan's face was trampled on the ground by a child, damn it.

The obvious killing move and the covert attack attacked Huang Hao together, but Huang Hao's expression did not change at all, he could even look at the person who attacked him with a smile like a clown.

He said coquettishly: "Master, someone is bullying me!"

Like a child being bullied at the door of the house, like a parent resting in the house to sue, he has the confidence to face everything. He was even defenseless, without any resistance.

Because he believes that behind him, the Master's wife is there, and the Master has already said that he is going to make a move, so how can something happen to him.

He even found the Yu Clan in the crowd with leisure and precision, and said silently: "You are finished."

The people of the Yu Clan stared wide-eyed: "He knows! He already knew the ultimate move they secretly prepared, but he didn't take any precautions!"

They don't understand, until now, why a child is so calm, the Master in his mouth has not appeared from the beginning to the end, and the master in his mouth is even more unheard of.

Who the hell knew that the sword god had a companion, and not one person was surprised when the name "Master Niang" came out.

The world only knows the sword god, how could it know that the sword god has a companion.

The people in Butian Pavilion were not very surprised. After all, people who came back from Xiling Beast Mountain had already spread the news in the pavilion. They had digested the news that the sword god is not single. Sword God and his companion's Eight Trigrams are circulating.

Therefore, looking at the shocked expressions of other people, the people in Butian Pavilion subtly felt a sense of pride.

Others couldn't understand Butiange's expression, they just felt impatient, after talking so much, who is the sword god Sacred!

Before everyone had time to digest the news, they heard a smiling voice. It was the voice of a clear and clear man. Just listening to this voice, one could imagine the impact of a jade stone.

The scene of the spring breeze..

"How old is the child, do you still look for the Master when you have trouble?" The words were addressed to Huang Hao, as if a loving father was teasing a naughty child.

"This is the voice of the Sword God!?" Everyone was shocked. Is the Sword God so young? The voice sounds like a young man. They didn't feel the sigh they heard before, but this time the sound rang in their ears, making them clearly realize that if the sword god appeared, he must be a young man.

Moreover, there was no way to find out where the sound came from. No matter how many martial arts people used, they couldn't determine the location of the Sword God.

The sound can be heard, and it is clearly close at hand.

For a while, everyone was vigilant, not letting go of any disturbance around them.

Just when they were concentrating on vigilance, another cold voice sounded, like the moon in late autumn, although it was cold, it was not difficult to detect the gentleness in her tone.

"The children are called Mrs. Master, if you don't go and see, they will be our apprentices and easy to bully."

"This is the teacher's wife that kid said? The sword god's companion? Why is it as mysterious as the sword god?"

"No, it should be said that he is even more mysterious than the Sword God. Anyway, the Sword God still has Legendary, and this is his dao companion, which is the first time everyone has heard of it.

The dialogue between the two voices is still going on, and everyone can only listen compulsively, and they can't do nothing if they don't listen, because the moment the voice sounded, there was a coercive pressure locked on them so that they dare not make a move, let alone go Caught Huang Hao.

"On weekdays, you are the one who is strict with him, but now you will feel bad about 3.8? Are you going to take the shot, or am I going to take the shot?" The man's voice continued.

The two talked to each other, and no one avoided it. The tone seemed to be talking about a group of piglets, and they were talking about who was going to kill the pigs.

The strong confidence in the tone made those who did not enter the circle panic. Some people began to bear the pressure and walked towards the Gold circle, but found an invisible wall blocking them, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get in.

Sure enough, as Huang Hao said, the deadline will not wait.

At this moment, that cold voice sounded again: "Didn't you ask me to appraise the treasure?"

The man laughed loudly: "Then don't blink, I want to ask you how you feel afterwards.

Immediately afterwards, the tone changed, and the voice was cold, completely without the gentleness of the previous speech: "I am in a good mood today, choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, so I will use you to try my sword!

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