Chapter 221 Nine Heavenly Masters

"What stone heart? Why are they all stones... Hey hey hey"

Before Cao Ye could ask what it was, he was already rushing towards the enemy with eager steps.

Although the purpose of this trip is extremely risky, Cao Ye's actions and decisions just now are actually to create an enemy for the other party~.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, what will happen if you don't keep it all right?

"Tianshi Mansion, have you been there?"

After Liu Shen was silent for a long time, he seemed to have remembered something related.

"There used to be nine heavenly masters in the Heavenly Master's Mansion. The Tianjiu Elder just mentioned should be the last one in the ranking. It should be like this."

"But greed and desire always go hand in hand, maybe this is not only the battlefield of the Ancient Gods, but also their graves.

Cao Ye's gaze seemed to be devoid of spirit, he pondered over and over again, the decision he made just now was definitely a good one.

"Maybe, but the remnants they left behind have incomparable spiritual and divine powers. They lasted for a thousand years, which is enough to show that they were once top-notch existences in their peak era!"

Go ahead, he sighed.

I don't know where Huang Hao went first, if he accidentally ran into an old monster with a lingering soul, he might not be able to save himself from danger by relying on the method of transforming the spirit realm and holding the sword of Zhu Xian.

"Can you feel where he is?"

Willow God entered the Meditation again, as if asleep, but marked a designated direction in Cao Ye's heart.

"700,000 miles to the east, because of it!"

After Cao Ye's voice fell, his footsteps also disappeared in the array of broken boulders.

The vast expanse of whiteness, in Huang Hao's gaze, apart from the silvery whiteness of the wilderness, there is only the endless mountain ranges in the distance.

The cold wind has penetrated his clothes and penetrated deep into his pores.

If it weren't for the continuous support of the power god pill to fill up the constantly depleted Spirit Power, I'm afraid he would have fallen down and died without a fight.

The pale sky seemed to be three points darker, and he left the flame of his own spirit on the silver-white snow as a spiritual brand, because he had been wandering here for three days, but he couldn't get out of the edge.

The same gravitational position made him unable to breathe.

But there is no unparalleled road, and not far away, he saw a black spot, which was a cave, enough for shelter.

Before he could take two more steps, he saw a mass of black aura rushing out, like a Daoist shadow, but in an instant it changed into a bloody mouth, rushing towards him and biting him.

Instinct drove him to use the artifact to block in front of him, and another object whirled and thundered down, and the black mass instantly disappeared.

"Sure enough, it's a divine sword!"

Huang Hao narrowly avoided the sudden blow, but this was the first time he used the sword in this state, and his lack of experience made him less confident.

He approached slowly, curiosity overcame his fear, and as his footsteps continued to move forward, a voice came from the cave.

"What is this sword in your hand?"

In this world, only Cao Ye can see the origin of these four divine swords, and what the other party sees is only the endless power.

But the opponent is young, Cultivation Base Realm can see through it at a glance. What kind of virtue and ability, and what kind of Good Fortune can win this thing?

"What are you?" Huang Hao stood ten feet in front of the cave entrance, shouting.

"What am I? Hahaha..." The laughter from the entrance of the cave was a bit tragic, and people couldn't imagine the terrifying face.

0………seeking flowers… 0

"The battle back then caused us to fight each other, and we were separated, but this Thousand Year has passed so quickly, how could I have thought that a junior would bring me a baby? It was a trick of fate. I can only reluctantly accept it."

I only heard a bang, and before the sound dissipated, I saw a pair of black claws rushing out of the hole directly.

In an instant, the Immortal Killing Sword stood in front of him!

The power of a sword can be transformed into an endless sword formation.

The claw just entered the Realm, and it instantly chopped into pieces, but the opponent can be regenerated infinitely, chopping endless pieces, killing souls that cannot be killed.

The two sides stalemate with each other for a moment, the flames of war suddenly stopped, and the snow rolled like an avalanche, as if it was frozen at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, two more voices came from the cave.

"It's just the Realm Great Completion of the Spirit Transformation. It was able to block my celestial master's blow. You will die without regret."

In an instant, a pair of blood-red lights slowly came out of the cave, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps.

"What do you have to do with me? I'm just a passer-by. I believe you must be my senior, but why do you make things difficult for me?"

Before leaving, Cao Ye said a word to Huang Hao, if you can solve it with words, try not to do it, the purpose this time is just to find your own Good Fortune, to practice in it, nothing more than practice, practice is growing up.

As soon as he came up, a guy like a devil ran out, how could he resist at such a young age!

"I have never killed innocent people indiscriminately, but I can't help it. Some people are born to be stepping stones for others. Poor young...power".

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