Chapter 222

A black vortex appeared out of thin air under his feet, and then, a Daoist figure holding a black trident appeared in front of his eyes.

The impenetrable prestige, the impenetrable terrifying strength.

But Huang Hao was just stunned for a while, and said: "You are just a phantom, not even a shadow, what are you using to compete with my sword!"

"Hey." The shadow suddenly showed its white fangs and a ferocious smile. Through the silver background, it was extremely strange and extremely thin.

"Boy, what school and school did you come from? Why do you speak so loudly? Do you know the relationship between you and me...

Before the word "Zero Zero Seven" was finished, Huang Hao made a preemptive strike.

Immortal Executioner Sword slashed directly towards the man's heavenly spirit, and the black phantom was unpredictable, and disappeared without a trace against the silver-white background in an instant.

But at this sight, it seemed as if the mountain range had been cut off, the sky and the earth shook, and the land of a hundred miles in dialect collapsed down by a foot in an instant.

It was as if the entire void was vibrating, and the arrogant and unruly voice just now became much darker because of this.

"It really is a divine sword, it seems that this generous gift...

The other party was obsessed with another half sentence, another Zhuxian sword instantly locked on the target, and stabbed in the past, but the other party was about to dodge, but found that his footsteps seemed to be stuck in a black quagmire, and he could not move a step.

The black shadow instantly turned into the shape of a fist, and it punched forward fiercely, with the sound of every bone being broken.

"It seems that I can't do without some things from the bottom of the box."

The black figure pulled out a hand, and a book that could summarize the world appeared out of thin air.

"The Book of Beginnings!"

However, Huang Hao had also heard about the rumors and rumors about Tianshi Mansion, and this scroll is a treasure!

The famous rivers and mountains gathered in the scroll seem to contain the entire Nine Heavens ten places.

At the same time, the color of heaven and earth mutated and came back and forth.

"Although I don't have a physical body, only this wisp of soul is left, but this volume of god level is enough to swallow the world and form a Realm of its own, which is hard to break through the ages!"

And Huang Hao wants to fight with him, and he can take the lead in this battle!

However, the sky failed, and these treasures suddenly appeared in the world. You can see this so-called no-man's forbidden zone, and there are many treasures left over from ancient times.

At this moment, Realm's humble Huang Hao didn't feel or fear, instead he showed a pair of greedy eyes.

"It was right when I said it. If you have never seen the world, how can you hold what you want? Then I reluctantly accepted it.

Any treasure requires the instillation of the master's Spirit Power, which serves as a bond to achieve the will of the self.

But the other party only has a wisp of will and soul, and suddenly manipulating such a majestic treasure energy consumes a lot.

As the saying goes, risks and surprises go hand in hand, if you don't fight for a while, how can you prove the value of own.

"My sword never kills nameless ghosts. It's good to report your name and carve your name on your tombstone!" Huang Hao spoke arrogantly like his master, but it's okay if he doesn't frighten him.

"Well, this old man is the eighth celestial master of the celestial master's mansion, Wang Mingyang!"

I saw that the angel surnamed Wang was holding a book in his hand, and still held a pen in his hand. After lightly adjusting two strokes, the ink dot was thrown like a rolling stone.

Huang Hao slashed with Yujian several times in a row, but the result was still the same "five points.

Back and forth, back and forth, the two, who obviously have huge differences in Realm, actually fight back and forth...

There is only one word in Huang Hao's heart, pain, if there is another word, it is fast!

The humming sound, as if the head has been split in half, and it is continuously transmitted into the body, even the own spirit seems to want to break free from this body!

But the fight was so enjoyable, I have never seen such an evenly divided opponent, they all went all out, bang bang.

Huang Hao thought that he would lose, but this battle, the value of the battle, was extremely enjoyable.

Regardless of whether the opponent uses the pen in his hand to move mountains and seas, Huang Hao will not be moved by the upside-down of mountains and rivers.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights, and the silver-white Thousand Years of snow outside melted away, exposing the pitted land and the dry bones of the mountains, which could highlight the mountains and dangers of this place.

Huang Hao was also exhausted, and leaned on the ground with his sword and bow in one hand.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked at the phantom of the other party shaking like a candle, his face became ferocious and he smiled wildly: "Sure enough, it's what I thought, you are a dog in the water, lingering, 3.0 I want to see how many rounds you can last?"

The third of Zhu Xian's Four Swords has been revealed.

Wang Mingyang's black eyebrows have been connected into a black line, and he can't understand at all, what is the virtue and ability of this kid, and he can control three divine swords with different attributes but the same power at the same time

"It is said that the old man had three swords back then, one of which was to fight the sky with a straight sword, and he would not end up in the embarrassing situation now, being tossed and tossed by you, a young child."

The magic pen in his hand could no longer swing it, he could only turn it into a spear, stabbing towards Huang Hao who was unable to move.

"This farce... It's time to end!".

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