Chapter 223 Concentric Force

Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Although it was only a few rounds, the opponent's method seems to be too simple, but a single spiritual Realm attack cannot directly pierce the flesh body. spark.

Accompanied by the strong wind and huge waves, the direct soul spear is accelerating.

But Huang Hao just closed his eyes slightly, with an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that this leapfrog challenge should be successful.

Although he is not fully sure yet, the last Zhu Xian sword has quietly appeared behind his opponent.

As far as the speed is concerned, in this strange Realm, the power of each other, no matter who takes the lead, can change the already empty environment, and the speed of time seems to have no way to directly reflect it here.

A flash of white light illuminates the entire illusory world 09, and the silver-white flame seems to represent the flame of the spiritual Realm, but at the next moment, the dust has already settled.

"Cough cough..."

Wang Mingyang coughed dryly twice, and saw that his broken soul began to drift around continuously, and with the core strength of his will, he couldn't keep drawing closer to himself with the Sword of Immortal Execution.

And the four divine swords standing on his body were like iron chains that locked his skin and bones, firmly restraining him.

"Your strength is clearly inferior to mine. Could it be that with just these four swords, you can leapfrog the challenge so easily?"

The eighth Elder of Tianshi Mansion cannot believe that the ending is so tragic, which is even more unacceptable to him.

He is already a lonely ghost, and he is already familiar with the unimaginable time, but Huang Hao only has the spirit of Realm.

"Old guy, look at you, whether you are a human or a ghost, you really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

These four divine swords have already left a spiritual imprint belonging to Cao Ye. Even if they are separated by thousands of miles, both sides will have inextricable ties to each other.

How can the master's will to protect the apprentice be lighter than the other party's revenge.

The moment Huang Hao closed his eyes just now, he had already handed over all the initiative to that wisp of spiritual will that came from thousands of miles away.

In an instant, Huang Hao seemed to see the two shadows that had appeared in his own blessed land and cave.

But the eighth Elder of the Tianshi Mansion did not admit defeat, and when he was dying, he sacrificed all his soul power, and the silver-white flame instantly covered the melted Heigou land in the Xianli Emperor's impact city.

"In the battle before Thousand Years, I lost a lot, and today I was bullied by dogs again. My life is really ridiculous.

His voice is setting off that cold wind, and the fire of the spirit is constantly burning in the picture scroll. Although the real world and the imaginary world only exist between the thin line, Cao Ye's spirit has always wanted to pass through it easily. It seems that there is still some difficulty.

"Master, the fireworks will be on fire soon, what should I do?"

Thousands of miles away, Cao Ye's voice came slowly.

"If it wasn't for the wolf and the tiger, I would never have brought you here. The filth is really filthy!"

The master and the apprentice recited the mantra with hand seals together, but Huang Hao could only hear the guidance of his thoughts. As the mantra continued to spread outward, the Spirit Power in Huang Hao's body seemed to start to burn.

No matter how you say it, the opponent is always a soul, and when he is dying, what is missing is the last slash.

The Four Swords of Zhu Xian can be self-contained, kill gods when they meet gods, and kill Buddhas when they meet Buddhas!

It's just that these four divine swords can communicate and resonate with Huang Hao's spiritual power, and they can exert 40% of the power of Zhuxian Sword.

At the same time, three divine swords came in parallel, located in a triangular array, the last divine sword was held in Huang Hao's hand, his body swung his arms left and right, it seemed chaotic, so he was sensing the divine sword strength within.

"Teacher, only in this situation can you better display the power of the divine sword. Use your soul to touch that ancient power."

As Cao Ye's voice came into 397's ears, there seemed to be an imperceptible thrust, forcibly twisting the Excalibur and Huang Hao's Spirit Power together.

And in Huang Hao's mind, it was like a wild beast, swallowed by a giant beast, and he had already fallen into his belly before he could even see the shadow of the giant beast.

And the sword in his hand has long since disappeared without a trace, but the heavy weight is still in that hand.

"Raise your arms and slash down with a sword towards the inexplicable power!"

There was only the master's voice, but he couldn't see anything. The feeling of danger made him unable to distinguish the direction at all.

He wanted to slash wildly, but the sword in his hand was like a giant sword capable of cutting the sky, and he couldn't lift it up at all.

And the other party's spiritual fire has already wrapped his whole body, and in another half an hour, I'm afraid it will be wiped out.

With the devouring of power and the burning of wildfire, Huang Hao finally let out a roar, driven by instinct, let him slash with his sword.


"You, who are you?".

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