Chapter 224: Destroying the Soul

The soul of the eighth Elder, along with the Sword Qi continuously diminishing to both sides, left only that unidentified voice, filled with fear and many doubts.

And Huang Hao didn't understand even more, how he raised the sword, and how he cut it down with one sword.

But the ancient scroll didn't break due to this, it just wrote everything that happened just now on the scroll.

After half a stick of incense, the fire of the spirit has been extinguished, and a silver-white brush fell from the illusory sky.

Huang Hao put down the sword in his hand, reached out to take it, but found that the weight of the pen was much heavier than the Zhuxian sword in his hand.

Compared with the continuous impact of connecting with the Bloodline, at most one person is holding a boulder-like state.

"Master, what is this?"

"Oh? You actually succeeded, and you even picked up your spoils. Yes, my precious apprentice!"

Thousands of miles away, Cao Ye felt the boulder in his heart fall slowly.

He is well aware of the opponent's level. Although he was forcibly brought into the spiritual realm by the opponent, the power of the Zhuxian Sword can be transformed into a sword with one sword. It is ever-changing, and the changes are hard to find. things, but in comparison, it is still much inferior.

"Your luck is not bad, you just encountered a ray of remnant soul, but the matter about Tianshi Mansion is very difficult. Remember not to enter such a dangerous place again, if I guessed correctly If so, the uninhabited land we teleported should be a barren battlefield, and there are too many problems left over from history~."

"Tianshifu? What is that?"

That person also claimed to be a celestial master before, but his strength was too average, how could he deliberately back down, otherwise with his own power, he should be able to fight for a few rounds.

"Whatever it is, in short, this spirit body or monster body similar to the master's breath, if you can bypass it, then bypass it, if you have a chance, take it and leave. Master has no time to accompany you, so let's take a step first."

The future self Huang Hao asked a lot, and the faint voice suddenly disappeared in his mind.

After listening to the master's words, Huang Hao looked towards the entrance of the cave before, and found that there was a hole in it, so he used his own power to set up an illusory barrier to seal the entrance of the cave.

And in this battle, he almost trapped all the power in his body, and there was no way for him to survive for three to five days.

On the other side, Cao Ye continued on his way.

But Liu Shen asked slightly worried: "I don't think it's necessary, why didn't you take him with you?"

Cao Ye stopped in his tracks and looked at the thunder clouds in the distance, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"As I said before, the road to practice depends on my own Good Fortune. How much can I help him?"

Although separated by thousands of miles, the thunderclouds in the distance are like tumbling blood, and it is unknown how many lives have been wiped out in an instant.

Just relying on the strength of the spirit, one can feel that thousands of souls have already been shattered by the thunderclouds, just like the fragments of the bricks and tiles, forming a stairway leading to The Underworld.

"Don't you think it's strange?"

"Yeah, it's really strange. I always feel that it's not real, it seems to be very similar to the spirit world!"

The Lingxu Realm is a very special Realm, which seems to be real, but is actually illusory. Cao Ye has also heard Liu Shen mention it. It is a perfect world built by the spiritual power of the ancient God ancestors.

Where there are countless ghosts of magical beasts and fierce beasts, if you are lucky enough to use them as opponents for training, it will be twice the result with half the effort for your future growth.

But this place is more dangerous, and the blessed land and opportunities that can be seen are extremely slim. If Cao Ye's self-cultivation system is not different, and the Realm is also suppressed to a certain extent, otherwise he will definitely be calculated by the previous celestial masters.

"`||If I'm not mistaken, here is the crack of time and space, we fell into a vortex, but those guys behind us should know this place well

Cao Ye smiled, and then followed, the footprints left by the other party continued to trace forward.

The imprint of time left along the way is like a murloc phantom. If the road ahead is full of dangers, if it is not for encountering an unopenable space-time barrier, there is probably no force that can stop Er Tu's footsteps.

As the footsteps continued to move forward, the largest force that broke into this place, the warship of the Tianshi Mansion, had already reached the corner of the Thunder Tribulation Ladder (Qian Dezhao).

The gust of wind howled, the thunder thundered down, and countless golden thunder lights, every time they flashed across the sky, seemed to be like the golden blood, spilling down.

Tens of thousands of cultivators raised their heads and looked at this strange scene with greedy and lustful eyes.

"Nine Heavens Elder, why do you feel that it is different from the one in the description?" One of the future family members of the Tianshi Mansion is following the old Tianshi. Some blessings are missing.

"Maybe we came early. The soul of thunder and the liquid of thunder catastrophe came from the body of the ancient holy beast. It's just this hour, why hasn't it appeared yet?".

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