Chapter 225 Another Sneaky

Thousands of thunderbolts are rolling in the clouds of calamity, and everyone's eyes are only on seeing the scene in the certificate painting. According to the records, at this time, there will always be a Transcend Tribulation with multiple heads. If you are lucky enough to remove a bone, or It is a piece of scale armor, so it will make rapid progress in the future practice.

If there is a lucky person who perfectly smelts the bones or scales, or even the beast's primordial power, in the body, then one more person will be added to the three thousand divine states, the son of the chosen one.

In comparison, it is just the tip of the iceberg of good luck from the heavens. According to legend, this place used to be an ancient proving ground, and it was even a tragic battlefield. .

The eyes of the Nine Heavens Elder are slightly shining, and the memory in his mind is like a turbulent sea, with bright red blood stains in every scene. The former nine heavenly masters, the former siblings, and now those who can stand on the same boat, There are only two people left.

Suddenly, a rift suddenly appeared in the sky, the black clouds were instantly dispersed, and a ray of light fell, followed by a golden armored spirit beast, which slowly appeared in the bandit robber.

"The wait is finally here, everyone, get ready!"

"The time to sacrifice for Sect has come, the time to honor our ancestors..."

The greedy and desire-filled eyes added another bloodliness. This time, the Sect disciples have already made preparations for sacrifice, and they will do nothing else, just for Sect to reappear its glory in the future.

In an instant, the children of the entire warship were all ready to go, and the swords, battle axes, and spears in their hands were already pointing at the beast above their heads.

"Wait for a while after the ancient murderer crosses into the thunder tribulation, and you will sacrifice your own energy together. Don't be distracted from the Divine Partition, so as not to cause the thunder to fall [broken my massacre formation! 27

The Nine Heavens Elder and the future (ajff) young master are adjusting their breath by luck, and the entire warship is the slaughter formation. The biggest support is that there is a blood-red bead on the battleship, which is constantly absorbing thousands of children vitality.

The most effective way to make a big difference is to give all of own.

The time of a stick of incense passed slowly, and the entire warship was shrouded in a red halo. Looking at it from afar, it looked like a war sword standing on the string.

Desperate and ready to go, if this battle is lost, it is estimated that there will be no room for going back.

At the same time, Cao Ye gradually caught up. Facing the monstrous waves in front of him, apart from finding it a little interesting, the rest can only wait and see.

"It seems that they are not only putting all their eggs in one basket, but also planning for a long time. And you and I, as passers-by, how would you feel if we took a shot at this time?" Cao Ye smiled strangely.

After a pause, Liu Shen said: "Uh, if this is a chance and it belongs to us, it will naturally fall into our arms, and if we take it by force, we may not be able to escape unscathed.

On the battleship, except for the desperate disciples, the rest are peerless arrogance, thank you, there are always more than 30 people, and the one with the lowest strength is three ranks higher than Huang Hao. Nine Heavens Elder is not only the leader of this trip, but also the strongest among the best.

His Cultivation Base Realm seems to be on the same level as Cao Ye's. Of course, the cultivation systems of the two are fundamentally different, so they can only be treated in an approximate manner.

Cao Ye has never seen such a team with the same hands and feet, but also the unity of mind, except on another special occasion, that is, in the state of being in trouble together, putting them to death and then reborn.

But at that time, all they saw were remnants and defeated generals, while the team in front of them were all elite soldiers and strong generals, with one person accounting for ten thousand people, the chances of winning did not seem to be much.

The golden monster that pushed away the dark clouds above its head only showed the horns of its head, and the long feet on its feet were like pillars that soared to the sky, surrounding the thunder, ready to Transcend Tribulation.

And what the person in front of him is doing is to intervene and drain the blood of the golden beast from it, The Weak are Prey to the Strong, the messenger survives.

In addition, Cao Ye suddenly thought of a person in his mind, and that was another seed of revenge from Tianshi Mansion.

"You said Chen Haotian we met before, will he appear?"

Liu Shen shook his head, but said decisively: "If he can foresee it, I believe he will wait for a more mature opportunity. If it were me, I would do the same!"

If this is the case, the situation in the future will be chaotic. Just this giant golden-armored beast on top of its head has already made tens of thousands of disciples uneasy. expected.

Immediately afterwards, the roaring sound carried through everyone's ears, causing everyone to enter a semi-comatose state. Their instincts drove them to stay on the array trail, but the outer disciples had already exploded and died, broken bodies, broken pieces , Henan's river-like blood has already dyed this piece of sky red.

The giant beast on top of his head is like a bloodthirsty devil, obviously he already knows that there are junior human beings making trouble here, but the proud Bloodline makes him disapprove, he scolds twice at once, don't plunge into the sky moving cloud!.

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