Chapter 254 by surprise

The entire sky has been covered by precious energy, the gust of wind is blowing hot, and the ice and snow are melting.

All the golden scales were turned into powder, one by one, one by one, with the power of the divine fire, they charged over again.

The colors of the sky and the earth change endlessly, and it is the mysterious person who dominates all of this. He can take over the sky and overturn the clouds with his hands. In the eyes of everyone, the endless Sacred is majestic and domineering.

"He wants to choose to burn himself. He firmly believes that as long as he destroys you, he can pass through the gate of heaven and ascend to God!" Liu Shen's voice appeared in his mind. The heart of desire has already dragged him into the abyss.

To be an enemy with such an opponent can only be an endless fight to the death, without any mistakes or hesitation.

A thin golden light curtain poured down, no one roared in the storm of red flames, and danced on the tip of the knife.

It was obvious that he had tried everything, and there was nothing to miss. In comparison, his methods were more decisive.

And Cao Ye just nodded his head slightly, only seeing the cold light, not seeing his body, not seeing his actions.

A long, slender cone filled with the power of thunder landed on the top of Jinlong's head in an instant.

As Cao Ye kept pressing down with his two fingers, he lost a line of defense. How could the leading mad dragon, who turned to attack, be able to withstand this strike.

With the friction of strength, the dragon's head began to bleed, and the black blood had already overflowed the whole body.

"It was actually broken!"

The mysterious man stared wide-eyed, looking at the aura of transformation in disbelief.

"You are very arrogant and confident, but you lack the big picture. Don't you always think that the cultivation strength I have shown depends on them?" Cao Ye was smiling, and almost from the beginning to the end, he didn't show a trace of it. embarrassing.

As his folded hands quickly separated, another layer was added to the entire frozen valley, and the white smoke disappeared.

Spiritual fire leaked out!

The red fire and the white fire are opposed to each other, canceling each other out and consuming each other.

The spiritual power of the two collided in real significance.

But with the turning of the spiritual power, the mysterious people can no longer concentrate on controlling the movement of the mad dragon.

He took a sharp step towards the retreat, with the Raptor Wang behind him.

"You are really just a weak old monster. I really don't know where you got the courage from?"

Before the voice fell, Cao Ye was already standing ten feet away from his opponent.

"You know? You made a wrong decision from the very beginning. You shouldn't swallow it all at once. You should break it one by one. This is your best strategy."

The mysterious man's eyeballs moved left and right, and then, he slammed down on the spire of the stone tower with both palms, and saw one after another blood-colored spells appearing from the outer body of the stone tower.

The monster shaped like a ghostly talisman, but outlined by the blood-colored mark, suddenly broke free from the plane, arching a huge blood hole.

The breath of an ancient ferocious beast, but it's just a shadow.

Cao Ye raised his sword and swept away, a half-arc aftermath swept away everything.

"Are you dying?" His footsteps approached in time.

"Impossible, yes, it is impossible for you to kill me, as long as this formation is not ignited, I will not be invincible!"

But at the next moment, the mysterious man took off his mask, and a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly appeared on the face of the invisible void.

"If this formation could be easily destroyed, I believe you would not make such a bold move. Forget it, pull out your teeth first."

In an instant, a pair of giant hands grabbed the golden dragon's tail, pulled it from the side of the mysterious man, and swung it in a chain. The golden dragon, which was already too busy to take care of itself, couldn't manage the spikes on its head.

At the same time, a long sword suddenly appeared, hanging down from the sky.

The arrogant mad dragon never dodged or evaded, using the gold-skinned and iron-skinned bones to prepare for it.

Although the mysterious man had the strength to spare, he didn't care about it, instead he laughed and said:||Are you serious? No, it's the same thing, um... ah!"

Before the smile could break open on his face, he became dumbfounded and stunned.

The dragon's head was cut evenly, and the sword beheaded it like cutting tofu.

Even the black blood gushing from the severed head was frozen for a second before the blood flowed like a river!

"Slaying Immortal Sword!"

"Separating from you suddenly, I still feel a little uncomfortable (Li Nuo's), but it's hard for my precious apprentice, I'm afraid I still can't tell the difference now."

Turning his head, Cao Ye pointed his sword at the mysterious man, and said: "I have to admit that your phantom is the most complicated and troublesome one I have ever seen in my life. It has super strong defense and is impenetrable

But in fact, I just lost a handy weapon, and you were so stupid just now that you thought it was a weapon of transformation. If your vision is higher and your field of vision is wider, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to get it live with you, but what I'm waiting for is now!"

Cao Ye's words split from his mind like thunder.

It never occurred to me that I fell into another trap from the very beginning, not only did not go all out, but also crushed myself in terms of IQ. .

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