Chapter 255: Killing the Spirit

It was thunder, fire, and frost, and it was impossible to see the subtlety of the changes. The eyes of the giant dragon were instantly pierced, and the speed was unexpected. Then you can show the god of killing!

The huge head was cut off by a sword, and the blood gushing out was like a shooting star traveling from bottom to top. The blood was like Wang Yang, but fortunately, the mysterious man was not harmed, only his left and right arms were cut off.

The red snow mist can corrode flesh and blood, and the chaotic atmosphere is densely distributed like a net. Although Cao Ye's movement speed is extremely ingenious, and his speed is even faster, he is still covered in ashes.

This sacrificial spirit is indeed terrifying, even when one is on the verge of death, one has to send someone into the water.

And the tens of thousands of people standing behind are gritting their teeth and persisting. Without the conscious control of mysterious people, the shattered golden scales are out of control at all, and it is difficult to trace their traces. Cao Ye is guarding left and right, but injuries are still inevitable. And no cruelty.

Boom 800 Long.....

The mysterious man turned pale with shock, and hastily put away the silver grinding disc. The impregnable defense was broken for a moment, and the scattered silver powder even outlined a very special silver figure on mysterious man's body.

Like a ray of silver light from bottom to top, straight into the sky, then poured down again in an instant, flying chaotically, and the disordered golden scales instantly turned into dust. Under the watering of gold and silver, the power of the vortex was just right, Extradite it on the mysterious person.

Like the shadow of the sun and the moon shining together, the mysterious man laughed even more wildly.

"It's just a sacrificial spirit, so what if you kill him? It's just a tool for me to climb the top rank ladder. If you want to defeat me, you kid still lacks some experience!

The golden and silver halos are just in front of and behind him, and Cao Ye can see countless dust particles (ajae) moving around his body in a rapid circular motion with the naked eye, isolating all the power.

Looking from bottom to top, it turns out that the power of formation begins to take effect. It seems that if it is strong, it will be strong, and if it is weak, it will be weak. It needs special external power to constantly wake it up. The seal of formation itself

Then Cao Ye just made a movement, controlled the Immortal Slaughter Sword in his hand, and struck towards the more difficult line of defense.

However, the results are mind-boggling.

It was as if a steel needle hit the glass, the sound was clear and audible, and it was bounced back in an instant, the power of collapse could be felt but not seen "the substantial defense has not collapsed either.

It is clear that Cao Ye has gained the upper hand, and what he is facing next is just a complete soul without a body. Even if the mysterious man has occupied here for a thousand years ten thousand years, and holds the ancient formation that has been sealed for a long time, he may not be his opponent .

But now it seems to be in an evenly matched situation, Cao Ye dare not act rashly, because there are thousands of people watching behind him, fresh life, the underworld who loses morality continues to survive in this vast land, almost all of them are under him In one thought.

Lightning is dancing, thunder is howling.

Mysterious also entered a state of extreme madness, which may be another state after being extremely apprehensive and apprehensive. He laughed wildly and said, "The sword in your hand has really come and gone without a trace. Everything before The foreshadowing is just for the blow just now, but you are wrong, your opponent is me!"

After Cao Ye frowned, adjusted his emotions, and said calmly: "The soul body that is not bound by the physical body is indeed enviable and jealous, but don't underestimate the sword in my hand. "

He also wiped off a cold sweat, because he didn't know what danger Huang Hao had encountered. Although they were separated by thousands of miles, through mutual soul induction, he could tell that his precious apprentice had also encountered a problem.

"That's right, as long as you touch it lightly, as long as your soul returns to the sky and your body returns to the loess, but can you catch me? The ancient formation under my feet will become loose after encountering the power of a strong man, and the new The tide of the times is about to set off, so what can you do to me?"

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ye brandished the sword in his hand to test it out, but after all, the opponent had lived here for Thousand Years Ten Thousand Years, and had already understood this mysterious Realm thoroughly, and could not find the opponent's flaws in a short time. Circling is also pointless.

Unless Cao Ye can also enter the same state as it, fighting souls with souls.

In terms of risk, the chances of winning are greater.

"Why don't you go first!" Cao Ye looked back, and the center of the battlefield was only the home field of two people. After he cut off the source of power supply, Ren Huang and others felt a lot better.

And that warship has been torn and deformed by the storm!

"Forget it, I'll give you a ride."

Cao Ye turned around and swung his backhand towards the ground, only to see a huge storm split the battlefield into two halves, like a sky suddenly falling.

Amidst the violent space shaking, a space-time tunnel leading to nowhere suddenly appeared.

"If we leave, what will you do?" Human Sovereign asked hesitantly. .

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