Chapter 256 Another Cave

"Let's go, or I'm afraid I'll regret it!" Cao Ye smiled, and then, a whirlwind pushed everyone into the crack together.

There is no need to worry about the future, and the following things can be solved, saving time and effort.

"I still can't see through your real Cultivation Base Realm, but I can see that you are a dying grasshopper, how high can you jump?"

The mysterious man changed hands to attack, but his gaze has been lingering on Nine Heavens Elder, although Cao Ye did not leave Nine Heavens Elder, it seems that there is a chance to be exposed to the opponent's eyes

"Are you plotting against me? I won't be fooled!" The man of the gods looked away, and continued to guard his own one-acre three-point land.

Turning around, Cao Ye looked at Nine Heavens Elder, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Don't worry, as long as this heart can't be taken away, he will never have anything to do with us."

This is his life-saving straw, knowing that Cao Ye deliberately did not let him go, it is also a shield in front of him.

"Then, can the things promised before be fulfilled?" Cao Ye asked suddenly.

"Kill him first!" Nine Heavens Elder smiled bloody.

But the ensuing battle seemed to have fallen into a kind of silence. No one knew how the two sides reached a tacit understanding and entangled each other, but neither of them took the lead.

It must be natural to be afraid of the Zhuxian sword in his hand, and Cao Ye didn't want to waste too much effort, the purpose was to reach the sky in his head, and he could even see the picture before Ten Thousand Years through his vision.

"If the enemy does not move, I will not move, lest I be fooled by you!"

"I see how long you can look at me?"

Turning the screen, there is actually a different kind of cave under the bottomless pit. There are countless intricately intertwined vines, like a huge spider web, blocking the originally empty cave. .

"Little brother, don't think about it anymore, fly away and fly away, why bother to be obsessed? Don't you still have a magic sword on your body?"

Fatty, who accompanied him and fell into the cave together, didn't think it was a pity. After all, everything is by fate, not own, and will be taken away sooner or later.

Although the scene that happened just now made everyone a little terrified, the power of a divine sword caused waves of waves in their minds.

Some people are envious, and naturally some are jealous, and some are meditating in their hearts.

In this way, Huang Hao already knew that his master was in trouble, otherwise he would not have taken away the Excalibur without saying a word.

"Do you want me to help you, Master?"

There was a deathly silence, and the mind was empty, only the voice of own lingered and disappeared.

"Don't you guys feel that there is a mysterious power calling us?" Sister Xiaoyue felt the strange power through the cobweb-covered vines at the head of the team.

It seems that the root of all evils is constantly stretching out because of this, it is more like picking up a treasure, and my heart is both disturbed and excited.

"I seem to smell a smell of corpses. Could it be that this is a grave?" Fatty roared suddenly, as if he stepped on something under his feet, only heard a click, and then jumped up behind him.

The others were also quite frightened. After seeing the surrounding situation clearly, everyone was stunned.

A branch as thick as an arm, the vine was trampled off, and a thick black liquid flowed out from it, smell it with your nose, that is the source of the smell.

0......seeking flowers......

And because there is no light here, all rely on the five senses to keep moving forward. With a bright flame, everyone can see clearly after the up and down are bright.

What kind of vines and branches are here? They seem to be spliced ​​together one after another with countless stumps of flesh and blood. It's just that they have been stained with some dust after thousands of years.

But looking at the sky from a well, what you can see is only a part, and there are many forks in the criss-crossing paths in front of you. There are obviously not enough ten or twenty people in the team.


At this time, someone proposed to diverge. After all, there was still greed in his heart, and everyone believed that there must be treasures or inheritance hidden in it.

"I still want to live well, get out of here completely, and just wait here honestly."

Huang Hao found a place that seemed to be empty, and used another sword in his hand to write a few inscription symbols on the drawing. When the golden light came on, a golden ring suddenly appeared under his feet.

"Our Realm is humble, it can be said that it is dancing on the tip of a knife, but we can use the teleportation card in our hand to take some insurance measures."

Huang Hao proposed to everyone, and then recalled the same formation that his master had listed when he taught him the Cultivation Technique.

At that time, it was only for preservation, the power when necessary, it was necessary to fight against the sky, the earth, and compete with everything in the world.

Although at that time, the master had been standing behind him, when he broke through the Realm, he would not have too many negative thoughts, or worry too much about his own situation.

But this time is different, destiny can't help but again!.

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