Chapter 279 Under the Deep Pool

"Let these divine birds carry us down together."

After the words fell, Cao Ye took the lead and rushed down alone, and everyone dared not hesitate, climbed up the back of the divine bird nervously, and rushed all the way down.

Everything is like passing smoke, full of vibrant colors, becoming more vivid at this moment.

This is a mountain, no, this mountain itself is a guardian. Although there are no life forms similar to humans or other creatures, there are countless spirits in the mountain, and behind the giant is a comfortable Realm world.

The sound of the giant beast roaring and killing four times echoed from all directions, so its true direction was unknown.

But the skeletons of Jiaolong can be seen everywhere, one bone is enough, the size of a grown man, you can see the size of these giant beasts.

Renhuang even sent people to dig out the bone marrow, and the harvest was quite rich. In comparison, it was only the tip of the iceberg.

After landing, Cao Ye followed the sound of the water flow and came to a giant waterfall. There was a deep pool below which he could not see the bottom. It was because of this that the rising cold air came one after another. up the valley.

On one side of the deep pool, the aura of killing after nibbling still exists. It can be seen that there must be more powerful creatures in the deep pool. Judging from the remaining traces, there is more than one.

Huang Hao stuck his ears to the water surface, following the frequency of the ripples, it seemed to be the sound of sleeping breathing, because it was heavy and slow, and there was endless sense of panic.

"Master, it's okay to bump into a wall as soon as you come up."""

But according to Cao Ye's judgment, there should be a nest under his feet.

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch tiger cubs! Besides, an inexplicable force pushes us forward, and we can't help ourselves. How can there be good and bad?"

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ye said: "It's not bad to go home to rest first, and it's time to go fishing. However, fishing requires bait, and the master thinks you seem to be okay."

"How can this be? Let me do it!" Renhuang is the most powerful person besides Cao Ye, if he really let a doll go, wouldn't it be slapping him in the face.

At such moments, it is natural to minimize all risks and minimize all losses.

But someone may be wrong.

"You are not suitable, let my precious apprentice go."

Huang Hao had no choice, let alone question it in reverse, he simply tidied up, and then jumped down.

Everyone knows that Jiaolong is not a real dragon with a bloodthirsty nature and a strong sense of territory.

Everyone was sweating for Huang Hao, but apart from a few bubbles popping out of the water, they didn't hear any panicking sounds.

The water in the deep pool was very deep, and the colder it was the more it went down, until finally, Huang Hao was forced to roll his body into a ball, sinking slowly like a stone.

On the water bank, Cao Ye said to the mysterious man: "If something happens to my apprentice in the water, I will destroy your soul immediately, and our deal will come to an end!"

The mysterious man's eyeballs rolled, and fear arose spontaneously.

"I don't know, I've never been here...

Cao Ye snorted and said: "I have had some eccentricities since I was born, so that there are very few people around me, but they are my most precious wealth.

The implication is that there is no need to speculate, Cao Ye is just using his own actual actions to force the other party.

The last chip has fallen into the abyss!

"Frost-the soul of the dragon, without this protection, we can't go to the next Realm, which is the land of extreme fire."

The answer came out.

If it is smart, mysterious people are confused for a while, he should not have fought against Cao Ye, and he should not have explained the situation too vaguely and clearly when he lost, and spit out clues step by step, which is to push people forward OK.

He knew what Cao Ye wanted, nothing more than the path and direction to ascend to the upper realm.

I guess in my heart, but I don't know, Cao Ye passed all the way, but still failed to reveal the real Cultivation Base.

|| But I'm not sure, there are countless similar deep pools here, and every cave is connected to each other, and I don't know where I will swim..."

Cao Ye nodded in satisfaction, and said: "The air of frost is extremely cloudy, it seems pretty good to you, why don't you go down to explore the way, we will arrive later.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of big hands clapped on the invisible body, and a golden Wuzhishan brand landed on (Nuo De's) his body.

Mysterious people don't know what the trick is, but it is a spiritual imprint, like a pair of eyes growing behind him, always paying attention to his movements and changes.

"I really didn't expect you to have such a skill, but why should you worry?"

In desperation, the mysterious man sank along the waves.

Renhuang didn't know what the trick was, so he stepped forward to ask questions.

But Cao Ye suddenly turned his head and pointed to the quiet forest in all directions.

"Fighting evil and fighting fiercely, there is no need for so many people, you just need to stay here, especially the new celestial master in the celestial master's mansion, be careful!"

There are too many uncertain factors, but the giant bird hovering above the valley is even more deterrent. .

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