Chapter 280 King's Lair

At the bottom of the deep pool, there is indeed a passage, like a hole dug by a mountain-piercing beast.

Going down the river, I soon came to this place, the deep hidden cave.

However, the wet and damp smell, coupled with some inexplicable smells, was very pungent.

"Are we still in the mountains?"

Cao Ye asked with some differences, but the mysterious person was a little dazed.

"I don't think so, what about your apprentice?"

There is no fork in the road, and the direction of the water flow is against the current when it comes, not straight down the current. It is absolutely impossible to make such a mistake.

But under Cao Ye's call, Huang Hao's traces were quickly caught.

After traveling all the way, I saw Huang Hao being frozen by a magical force.

Through the crystal clear ice surface, I saw her eyes shifting again and again.

"Almost forgot!"

Immediately after Cao Ye slapped his palm, 860 a white-blue fire burned on the entire ice block, it melted quickly, and soon broke out of the ice.

"Master, it's so strange. When I came here, a drop of water fell on my head suddenly. Before I could react, I was frozen!"

Huang Hao has been severely frozen, but his mind is very clear.

Although the whole environment looked extremely dim, it was not much different from ordinary caves or underground caves. His instinct drove him to follow the sound of the water flow. Even if he couldn't find a strange place, he could find another exit.

On the slippery cave wall, there are one after another turquoise flowers, growing tenaciously and stubbornly. Although it makes people uneasy, seeing the petals makes people feel more at ease.

Besides, Huang Hao didn't come here with a certain purpose. Even if he had never encountered the aura of a flood dragon in his life, it was deeply described in the records of ancient books and scrolls.

No trace of it has been seen, but the dripping dew will freeze instantly once it falls on the spirit body with life.

Cao Ye stretched out his fingers and touched it lightly, and the whole arm instantly turned into ice blue, and the cave in front of it, and even the entire rock wall, also turned into frost in an instant.


The mysterious man seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stepped forward, touched it with the power of his soul, and instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

"Haha! Are you telling me in your way that you are not familiar with the situation here?"

Cao Ye laughed loudly.

Too pretentious!


A thunder-like sound came from the depths of the cave. At the same time, the entire cave was covered with frost, and the dark green petals turned into lights like will-o'-the-wisps, pushing the atmosphere of the entire environment to the top. weird.

The restless sound continued, and a part of the seal in the mountain was banned at this moment. At this moment, a powerful wave of frosty air in the depths of the darkness violently pushed past.

Cao Ye was extremely fast, holding Huang Hao's shoulders, pulling him behind him, and colliding with him with his own strength, but they just canceled each other out.

However, the frosty air that pierces the heart unexpectedly passed through his body, penetrated (ajdg) easily, and hit the weak body.


A mouthful of blood spewed out from Huang Hao's mouth, and the blood that fell on the ground was like thorn petals broken on the ground, countless crystal blood thorns.

The mysterious man was not overly affected, and immediately used his own soul power to transform, he still complained a little, and said: "I admit that you are a strong man, but you shouldn't bring him down with you, as a master, let the apprentice Adventure, I really have you!"

"What do you know?"

Cao Dian raised his hand and pointed, and the moistened Medicine Pill powder fell into Huang Hao's mouth.

The sudden blow just now made it difficult for people to judge, which made Cao Ye miss a move.

"Fortunately, the injury is not serious, otherwise you would cry!" The mysterious man smacked again.

However, the moment they broke in, the power from the seal of the gods and gods had already begun to loosen, and the mature aura became violent and disorderly.

Following the footsteps of several people, they drew closer again, and in the open space in the distance, one after another golden light and shadow came.

A curled up huge figure slept peacefully on top of the golden nest.

That is Golden Silk Grass, there is no Ancient Desolate Continent, it can only be born in this extremely bad environment.

Like a boa constrictor shedding its skin, strips of blue scales scattered, it has been proved that the nine transformations of dragons and dragons are only a matter of the last catastrophe.

The power of thunder covered the whole body, with a light blue halo, coupled with the golden grass on the nest, the light and shadow were infinite.

"Heart of Frost..."

"No, it's the heart and soul of the Frost Dragon." The mysterious man explained in a low voice: "The descendants of the Ancient God couldn't take them away when they were dying. , stay here."

"I don't think it should be a disaster that you left unintentionally to seal the entrance from the lower realm to the upper realm, am I right?" Cao Ye smiled evilly and the truth was already in his heart.

"Master, if this dragon can be tamed, it must be..." Huang Hao was about to speak.

The mysterious man interrupted, saying: "Although it is not a real dragon, but the dragon's heart is not human...".

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