Chapter 281 Trap


Cao Ye suddenly realized that something was wrong. Although the power of Own's spirit could not penetrate the intricate caves or mountain paths, there was one thing that he could feel clearly.

Regardless of whether the opponent is a human or a monster or a giant beast, they shouldn't sleep like this. The distance between the two sides is only a few miles. Although the location is wide, it is still someone else's territory.

The aura of outsiders will definitely trigger some kind of power, but now there is nothing, and I can't feel anything. The cyan dragon in front of me is like a statue deliberately carved in front of me, vivid and covering people's eyes.

Cao Ye raised his hand, interrupting the mysterious man, and then he resolutely crossed the other party's safe zone and came to the nest made of golden silk grass, but the giant dragon still couldn't look up, as if Everything does not exist, but it is so real.

"The Heart of Frost, the Heart of the Giant Dragon...I... think we are too happy, it is already dead."

There are a few weathered dragon eggs under the dragon's body. If you look carefully, there is no life at all, but the dragon bones full of mysterious power contain Spirit Power.

Using this as a deduction, this giant dragon has been dead for at least five hundred years, and the reason why it is so well preserved is all due to the current environment, which is too airtight, and the Spirit Power cannot be leaked out.

However, the giant dragon's skeleton is a rare treasure. It is so complete and beautiful. It is like a beautiful meal presented in front of a group of hungry beggars. Come forward.

And above the deep pool, Cao Ye has already discerned that there are more than 20 different life breaths hidden deep underground, but the underground cave under the deep pool seems to be connected to the bottom of the nearby mountains, like a picture Wide spider webs extend in all directions and are always on guard.

"Did we really choose the wrong way?" The mysterious man frowned, knowing it in his heart, and after another Thousand Years, things have changed, and the place where we used to be late has become a thing of the past, and the picture is no longer blurred Clearly, he, who intends to deceive, is not sure for a while.

The unreplaced King Realm, in fact, is a mess left by years of battles, no one can clean it up, let alone break it, but the key to the upper and lower realms is here.

Mysterious people know the secret, and the Frost Heart comes from the lord of this territory - the Frost Giant Dragon, but that giant dragon is originally a fierce beast under the Dragon Clan.

It is difficult for him to accept that he is dying here now. The current situation is changing, and people's hearts are also changing.

"Is there anything more terrifying?"

Taking Jiaolong as food, such a thing has never been recorded in ancient books, so how can we talk about imagination.

Cao Ye began to be vigilant. It is not difficult to think that this is a trap. Anyone who enters by mistake will be close to death. On the contrary, the situation above the deep pool seems to be the opposite. It seems quiet and comfortable, and the location is empty. There will also be complete preparations, and it will be considered too late in terms of time.

What's more, the divine bird hovering in the sky is a great help, and it is also one of the former sky lords, so it is more secure in terms of safety.

However, although the Flood Dragon lineage that did not become a true dragon has become food in the mouth, it can be seen that the opponent's level of terror has exceeded expectations.

After going to investigate, Cao Ye found that the Canglong's heart was like a stone, inside the dilapidated body, it had not been taken away, but the power of frost had been exhausted, but the cold blowing on the face The wind seems to be born from this!


"If there is no accident, we should be fooled!" Cao Ye didn't dare to think about it any more, turned his head, quickened his pace, and galloped in the direction of going back.

However, the road was blocked, and the barrier that cut off the water in the deep pool was actually a method similar to the teleportation array, but it disappeared at this time, and there was no way to find it.

"Did someone trap us here on purpose?"

Huang Hao expressed his own thoughts, the focus is on people.

Across tens of thousands of miles, except for the human race from the three thousand lands of China, no one can see the existence of others, and the forces they belong to each other are well known, and there is no Supernatural Power here to turn the world upside down.

Who would that person be, other than the mysterious ones......

Cao Ye stopped talking and laughing to himself, and put his big hand on the mysterious man's shoulder again. The power of divine fire was instilled in it, and the brand of flame appeared impressively.

"Thunder can destroy souls, but raging fire can make you so hard!"

The soul of the mysterious person is huddled in a ball, resisting the burning air entering the soul, but as Cao Ye's attitude continues to intensify, the speed of the burning fire, only half a stick of incense, can wipe it out in ashes.

"What does it mean?"

"My life has been entrusted to you, don't you still believe me?"

He said again and again, as if he wanted to explain something, but judging from the fluctuations of his soul, there was no lie.

But Cao Ye said: "That's true. You never lied to me from the beginning to the end. It's just that you evaded the important and ignored the trivial, which made me puzzled. But I figured it out now, because you are not the one who lied!"

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