Chapter 288 One Sword Slash

The ice fortress shattered into countless frost fragments!

After a second thought, the Human Sovereign began to push the power of divine fire in his body.

In the entire imperial city, there are the most practitioners of fire art!

It seems that the power of fire has already taken root in their Bloodline, how could they burn their own Blood Essence before it was a last resort!

"Everyone listen!"

"Master Sword God is coming back soon, hold on for another hour, another hour..."

In an instant, the team of ten thousand people, with red eyes and long swords that had been quenched red by the raging fire, launched a final attack towards the feet of the god monkey.

Blood-red fists hang down from the sky, and the earth-red hooks that have been lifted one after another have become blood-colored.

I don't know how long it has passed, hundreds of people have been damaged, and thousands of people have been seriously injured.

Human Sovereign took the lead, using his dexterous steps and the fire cloud technique he had cultivated at his core, to deal with him in the airspace.

However, that arm was too fast and did not pass by, time and space seemed to be frozen, and the pressure and heat around it rose, making it unable to move.

At this critical moment, the divine bird hovering in the sky stopped watching from afar and suddenly broke into the battle.

The wings like Hengtian's giant blade collided with the fist, and flesh and blood flew in an instant.

The god monkey who had turned into a Blood Devil suddenly took a step back, watched as a few fingers were cut off, scratched at the sky, and roared crazily.

The Human Emperor stood on the back of the bird, sighed coldly, and said: "There are still some people who clean the doctor!"

The circling dozen or twenty big birds, even if added together, can only hover for a while, with the power of the human race, suddenly an hour is not a problem, but the emperor lied.

He didn't know how long it would take to pass through the gate of time and space, and Cao Ye didn't give a clear answer, everything was ups and downs in the unknown.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, a bird of prey that was not careful, was caught, and its wings were as easy as tearing a piece of paper!

"Shoot his eyes!" The leader of the divine bird flew over with the Emperor at low altitude. In an instant, its wings suddenly stood up, like a full moon scimitar, and swiped from bottom to top.


Black blood spurted out, the god monkey clutched his belly, and sat down on the ground all of a sudden, but with his back against the mountain peak, it was still difficult to reveal his weakness.

This time, the speed of the monkey's fist swinging was even faster, it was hard to see with the naked eye, and everyone retreated again and again, taking a short breath, and then looked for countermeasures.

"The recovery speed is too fast!"

Under the human emperor's scrutiny, the god monkey's weakness cannot be the eyes, it's just a means to limit the opponent's berserk, not enough to be fatal.

What's more, this guy has rough skin and thick flesh, and his blood is flowing like a torrent. Not only has his vitality not weakened, but it has continued to rise with his anger.

Rage is full, and the flames of war are not extinguished!

"Are you sure that you can break his chest with a sword and pierce the heart of the god monkey?" the leader of the god bird asked suddenly.

The Emperor thought to himself: "If I have this ability, why bother with it for three months!"

"I'll do my best!"

The divine sword in his hand was so blunt that it couldn't even cut through the flesh, it was like an iron whip swinging back and forth.

Be courageous in one go, then decline again, exhausted three times, three months of battlefield smoke, everyone's heart has undergone some changes, they are no longer so brave, they completely pin their hopes on the sword god, this is their last hope And Nian Xiang.

However, each feather of the divine bird has a unique inscription power.

Then, with the cooperation of the two, the Human Sovereign threw it high, and with a sound, blue flames spewed out from its mouth, while the wings of the rest of the divine birds whirled fiercely, and countless withered fiery red feathers were swept over.

In just a quarter of an hour, a discarded long sword had a new look, and some strange colors were added to the lines on the blade.

"That should work, right?"

This divine sword, as if reborn, is extremely heavy. It has a very special power of fire attribute, which is soft and soft. When it is held in the hand, it is so strong that ordinary people cannot hold it high. Some uneasy.

"Human Sovereign, it's time for a showdown at 090!"

"Your strength has become stronger, now you must kill him!"

Perhaps only Huo Ling'er knows that Father Own has exhausted everything.

Seeing those expectant gazes and faces, Human Sovereign held the sword in both hands and slowly lifted it up.

Heaven and Earth Dharma Phase, the majesty of the emperor!

His voice was high, and his legs were stepping on two clouds of fire, but in fact it was two big birds dragging him forward.

The power of the human race and the power of the ancient descendants are not in tacit agreement, but they have the same goal.

"It's too heavy, the harder it is..."

His arms began to tremble, and his transformed figure became more and more unstable. The divine sword pushed to the extreme increased the pressure on him. Facing the four arms like a whirlwind, it was another barrier that was difficult to cross easily.

Don't be afraid of being smashed to pieces, but be afraid of being useless!

Such a heavy bet makes the gambler lose confidence.

"Bastard, take the move!" The Human Sovereign roared, filled with endless anger...

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