Chapter 289 The City of the Sky

A sword pierces into the fist vortex!

Scorching power, twisted together.

Human Sovereign only felt that he had fallen into the giant of the abyss, as if there were countless teeth like knives, which were disintegrating, being swallowed up, being annihilated......

"This power, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid this guy died too badly, you can't look directly at it, hum."

Suddenly, a powerful thrust came from behind him, and the distorted figure, swallowed up, and torn power position was reversed.

"It's the Sword God, he's back!" Huo Ling'er stood at her feet, her eyes glowing, the fireworks in the darkness, the light in the dawn, finally came to her.

Before Human Sovereign could react, the epee pierced straight into the monkey's chest, the power of thunder spread across its body, the power of fire burned its soul, and the blade of the sword tore it apart!

There was only one god monkey leader who was dying and didn't know what happened. Those terrified eyes were completely cut off from the source of life before they could close.

The blood of life has been burned, and the broken flesh and blood have also become petrified in an instant.

Following Cao Ye's footsteps with a sudden shock, the violent coat retreated, and a complete skeleton of the monkey was scattered flat on the ground.

"An hour? Well, I can't find the entrance, and I'm too underestimated."

The sudden appearance of Cao Ye reversed the ending.

It was only half an hour, but it made Huang and the others feel like years.

"It's good to come back, at least four

"At least it's not that bad, is it?" Cao Dian interrupted him.

But no matter what, Cao Ye was still one step too late, hundreds of corpses had already filled the narrow valley, corpses were everywhere!

Almost none of the corpses were complete, including the god monkey of course.

In the forest, the monkey monkey grandson who ran away with his head in his arms became a victim of venting his anger again, but it was just a remnant.

Huang Hao, who had just had an epiphany, chased after him with an iron weapon in his hand, practicing the blood and sword of a monkey cub!

"He broke through again in such a short period of time, it seems that there is still a..."

"The image of a real dragon, the air of a real dragon, the soul of a real dragon, right?" Cao Ye interrupted again.

"Some things have to be admitted. They are destined to be born. The pendulum of fate is swinging. Those who have the ability to heaven-defying change their fate are very few, and they are not one in a million. Sacrifice is inevitable, but their death, Someone will avenge their bloodshed."

This person is exactly the shadow that disappeared from Cao Ye's eyes.

After an hour of rectification, Cao Ye unreservedly contributed the complete dragon bone, panacea, immortal grass, Chilian, etc., piled up like a sitting hill.

It takes no effort at all, because the blood is shed.

In the tent.

"You mean to say that the Nine Heavens Elder is a traitor, and the suspect behind the scenes is also the biggest, right?" Cao Ye asked.

"I always feel that he is a little strange. With your own strength, breaking the void, I am afraid that only you, the sword god, can do it!"

To coax children is simply to deceive those children who lack recognition.

With Human Sovereign's current ability, he only needs a handy weapon to break through and open the void, but after the void, where will he go? There is no 10000% certainty, wandering around the void is simply suicidal road.

"The Nine Heavens Elder, who was full of lies and left no trace, and brought a group of children, is really weird."

Cao Ye just frowned slightly, and then figured out what happened.

"Almost forgot an important thing, if the Magical Item forged from space-time fragments in this child's hand is used as a medium, then the direction is right.

After finishing speaking, the two turned their heads together and looked at the best third person "mysterious person.

As a former Celestial Master, he founded the Celestial Master's Mansion by himself. Although the foundation of Thousand Years fell halfway, he did it on purpose, which shows his ability.

We have lost a lot in this encounter, but I think your use value seems to be limited, why don't you let me see the memory in your mind, maybe you are also a deceiver, not a deceiver!"

Just as Cao Dian was about to raise his palm, the mysterious man made a violent struggle and rushed to the side to commit crimes.

"One word from a gentleman is hard to follow. How can you break your promise so easily? If it gets out, your reputation as the sword god will be ruined. Besides, I have said everything I can say, and what I shouldn't have said I said it, and I didn't tell half a lie from the beginning to the end, so why did you go back and forth to me like this?"

Like a frightened bird, watching people look at each other.

"If you played with eagles all your life, and finally (the king's) was pecked by an eagle, wouldn't it make people laugh at you all over the world! Besides..."

On the other side, the four great ancestors who suffered heavy losses and struggled to escape also won the dawn in the darkness.

They bypassed the center of the king's lair and came to a different place.

It was as if a city was built on the sea. When I raised my eyebrows and stared at it, I found that the city had actually fallen among the clouds, and it was only reflected on the sea.

In the sky, clouds floated in the sky, and high-rise buildings were built. After looking at it again, under the magnificent splendor, there seemed to be the shadows of countless golden chariots, and giant golden-armored beasts were pulling the chariots and galloping.

"Who the hell are you?" Patriarch Mingyue looked at the Nine Heavens Elder in front of him, full of doubts and hostility. .

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