Cao Ye led the crowd to mix in the crowd, and from time to time they were attacked by forces from different angles. Even if they dealt with it carefully, they had already reached the front, and there was no distinction between the enemy and the enemy. Moreover, the gap was very large, and they squeezed in bravely. more people.

In the crack, the strong stood in front of the door, blood was flying, and corpses were all over the ground.

Almost as soon as he reached the intersection, he was greeted with a blow to the head, a heavy hammer fell down, the shape of the hammer was like the mountain, making it impossible to avoid. When they collided together, there was another bloody mess.

At this time, Cao Ye is like the leading wild goose, not daring to change direction easily, after all, it is impossible for the people behind him to keep up with own footsteps, just in case, part of the power is dispelled by Cao Ye, of course, the unlucky person Instantly turned into a puddle of blood.


The sledgehammer sank deep into the ground, and flames surrounded it one after another. The power of the fire attribute rune was churning in front of the eyes of 870 people, followed by another sweep, and the fierce flames instantly swallowed the weak.

The powerhouses in the Spirit Transformation Realm have long since been wiped out, and they are in charge of the gate, and they are invincible, which calms down the rushing people.

At the same time, people from the Sea Clan also broke in suddenly, and saw a silver-white sea beast pounced towards the direction of the war hammer, and with just one impact, it tore the owner of the war hammer into pieces, and the hammer also Become a weapon of no master!

That sea beast has the head of a flood dragon and the skin of a pangolin, even if it is facing Vajra, it is like tofu in front of this guy, easily pouncing a hole.

In such scenes, another insurmountable oppressive force shrouded.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ye held the sword in both hands, the Immortal Execution Sword and the Immortal Slaughter Sword paralleled each other, and the sword instantly rejected him by four strokes.

But he didn't dare to waste any more time. It can be said that he would kill a god when he met a god, and kill a Buddha when he met a Buddha.

He led the team slowly towards the inside of the lair along the cracks, and slowly disappeared into the flames of war outside.

But the situation inside was even more intense, just that there were fewer figures, and the powerful people from all sides hugged together, forming an alliance in twos, waiting for the final opportunity to come to them.

The Sea Clan Venerable, who released the sea beast, saw that the sea beast he raised had been cut into pieces by five horses. He was furious. He saw the warhammer again, and seemed to have realized that there was another strong person invading. At the same time, the people of the Sea Clan who arrived later were Instead of rushing in, he opened the space barrier and released the bloodthirsty sea beast in the cage!

"Don't leave anyone alive, I'll kill them all!" Sea Clan Venerable was furious, and they suffered heavy losses this time. It can be said that they have bet everything and cannot lose.

With a roar, a large number of sea beasts rushed in.

In just an instant, the level of the melee was raised to another new height, just to occupy a favorable position, in order to be able to obtain the Kunpeng treasure earlier, but (ajcf) would have to pay the price of his life every now and then, to go on this journey Once, I don't know how much I sacrificed!

The situation inside is even more complicated. As soon as Cao Ye entered the arena, he smelled the purer power of chaos. The competition between the strong is not the same as the small characters outside. Avoid anything that is cheap, just like a guerrilla war along the way, there are artificial traps everywhere, waiting for the moment when it hits you.

Along the way, Cao Ye used the Zhuxian Sword to pass the level. The densely covered runes blocking the road were so vulnerable in front of the Xianjian. He rushed all the way, chose a relatively open area, and used it as a defensive point.

Since this place is already covered with a layer of fog, it is difficult to see its true appearance. The east, west, north and south are the same. The elite of the clan.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he used the treasures on his body to connect with each other and gather the scattered power together.

"Master, is that a dragon's bone?"

A strong smell of blood came over. To be on the safe side, Huang Hao led his team to check, only to see a dragon was skinned and cramped, leaving only a bloody bone.

Obviously, most of the people who can break into here are the experts of the inscription Realm, and the little dragons from the outside world are like worms in front of them.

Of course, such a clean and neat eating of raw meat is not an ordinary master depending on the situation. Naturally, none of the people who can get here with their lives is weak.

"I don't know where we ran to. I believe they don't know much about the situation inside. This is good news for us." Human Sovereign breathed a sigh of relief. Just now can be described as thrilling. If there is a slight mistake, I am afraid that we will die. .

However, there are also people who feel remorse, because this is not the place they should come to. A team of tens of thousands of people, in an instant, only a few thousand are left.

What is it if it is not cannon fodder, the crowd tactics seem to have no effect at all here. .

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