In the face of a real strong man, compared with a murderous and bloodthirsty guy, he basically just came here to kill him, without any chance.

"The situation outside is chaotic enough, but the situation inside is even more chaotic and disorderly. I think we should just follow suit!"

The most important one among the four great patriarchs, Patriarch Minghui finally revealed what he had been unable to say.

Cao Ye can also see that they have always been conflicted in their hearts, but when faced with the treasure within their reach, they can only choose to sacrifice. Of course, the existence of Cao Ye has reversed the previous situation, but the current situation seems to be helpless As thin as a person, there are too many strong people here, some don't know their names or sects, and they don't even know where they come from. They are all extremely strange competitors.

Even if you know yourself and the enemy, you may not have full confidence in winning the final victory in this competition.

"I've just checked, and it's so empty that there's a smell of killing everywhere, but I think it's a good thing, at least they don't know the exact location, and it happens that everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, so let's see who better luck."

Cao Ye doesn't want to say meaningless words anymore, but the facts tell him that people who are slowing down will always appear at critical moments. It would be easy to leave some people behind now, but he just can't bear it.

"Luck is like a god, it only stays in the imagination, along the way, our luck is good enough. I think our luck seems to be used up!" Minghui Patriarch continued.

"It's about this time, you're backing down, I think you're slapping your face, even if you want to leave, can you leave, don't forget how you got in?" The Emperor stepped forward and said something, and then threw Cao Also pulled aside.

"They think you are no good, so they test you like this!"

Cao Ye could naturally see that the situation was beyond his control after all.

"The right to choose has always been in your hands, and it's not easy for me to interfere, but you have to think about it?"

Immediately afterwards, Cao Ye pointed towards the top of his head, as if he had cleared the fog, only to see a flat and smooth boulder appearing above his head.

Impressively engraved with a few large characters, it grasps the changes of the universe and condenses the source of chaos.

Almost in an instant, the cranky things in their minds became empty in an instant, and the four great patriarchs gasped.

Because they know what this boulder above their heads means. What do the ten big characters engraved on it reflect.

If you can really grasp the universe and condense the spirit of chaos, then it is the existence of the legendary level of gods. Of course, it is only natural that this kind of thing appeared in Kunpeng's lair

But it also made them startled into a cold sweat, which showed that Cao Ye and the others were on the right path, but the dark guidance made them fall into a place where it was difficult to make a choice.

"This should be a piece of Kunpeng gemstone. It is a strange crystal, but it depicts many profound meanings that are difficult to Insight. It is a good treasure! Hey, they will arrive soon!"

This stone carving is so large that it occupies almost the entire top of the stone, and it will take at least several months to complete the excavation. The premise is to have this ability and this luck.

In an instant, the breath of war quickly sprinted towards this direction. It was even more intense than before, because there were no rare treasures and inheritances before.

0...seeking flowers...

And because fish and dragons are mixed. It's hard to tell which is better, many strong men rise up at the same time, and almost all of them are fighting in secret.

As for the rushing cannon fodder, it was quickly chopped off by Sword Qi.

Under the shadow of swords and swords, the pictures and texts on the surface of the huge rock above the head were illuminated and became clearer. I only saw a giant beast soaring between the Ninth Stage and the sky. If you don't think too much about it, that is the truth of Kunpeng.

The depiction is lifelike, floating in the light and shadow, as if it came alive, people just look at it, and they will be deeply attracted by the hidden mystery and the magic revealed.


The air of chaos seems to be floating on its surface.

This time, the onlookers became even crazier, and those who couldn't bear it immediately rushed in with the army, and the first came first served and the latter came first.


Suddenly, another Sword Ray slashed down, but the trace of half a foot was extremely penetrating. The sword light was extremely sharp, and most of the places it passed were cut horizontally. , and only saved half of his life, he fell to the ground with serious injuries, and became numb.

The aftermath of this sword was coming in the direction of Cao Ye. It would be easy for one person to dodge it sideways, but at this time Cao Ye was like a giant Vajra, with two long swords together, and the two swords pierced through.

The power enough to annihilate it was cut open in an instant.

The Sword Qi scurrying around, without order or trace, scratched Renhuang and the others, bloody traces one after another, and the evaporated Blood Qi permeated the air.

"There is a sword master here, everyone be careful." Cao Ye reminded, his calm eyes were still searching for... and....

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