"Is this the legendary time retrieval? It really shocked me!"

Memories like fragments were flowing rapidly in Huang Hao's mind. Coupled with the secret reminder from his master, he already understood the reason.

However, Huang Hao's left chest and right arm were pierced, and blood was still pouring out, and the bones of the huge skeleton were exposed.

"Little Brother, you are indeed stronger than I expected. This is a fact that I have always acknowledged, but you still think everything is too simple. As I said to you before, this is life!" Yi opened his mouth~.

At the same time, he strode forward, the battlefield in the sky shook, and large boulders fell as fast as before, as if they were about to disintegrate again.


But in Huang Hao's mind, there was still that word, kill, carve out a path of blood.

He did not believe that this method of reaching the sky could be used forever. If that was the case, then this battle would be completely meaningless, and for him, it would become a joke.

The two figures were like two comets colliding together. There was a loud roar and traces of fire everywhere.

This strike shows their strong strength and physique, as strong as ever.

The figures of the two people were constantly entangled together like hemp ropes, and then quickly separated, and unstoppable blood flowed downwards [the entire battlefield text was dyed red over time.

Everyone was stunned when they saw it. Even the messenger on this side looked pale. He would never have thought that the sky battlefield could be destroyed by the participants. This had never happened before.


The divine light surged up like a wave, and a desolate aura hit his face.

At this moment, a grand arena suddenly appeared beneath his feet.

The entire scene was covered in black, with huge black stones covering the entire arena, and the golden fence was also occupied by the black iron.

A brand new arena suddenly appeared, obviously of a higher level. Despite the impact of the power, it was still intact.

"You two are not only strong, but also stubborn. Okay, let's fight in the arena." The messenger breathed out.

The more grand battlefield is filled with a desolate and long-lasting atmosphere, like layers of fog, more like a power barrier that binds the two of them. No matter how much Supernatural Power they show, they are perfectly integrated and reduced. .

In fact, the curtain was not drawn just now, but it was just a signal that the curtain was about to be drawn.

The two talented young men cannot continue to be exhausted for such a long time. They have already fought to this point, and the winner will definitely be determined next.


There was a huge earthquake in the sky and the earth shook.

Huang Yi was like a wild beast, no longer calm but shouting: "I also have the divine power you have, and I also have the power you don't have. How can you win this battle?"

His pair of Double Pupils flashed rapidly, and the entire void became distorted. Ten different colors of divine light came out at the same time. While the power poured out, they condensed into a bright divine disk in an instant.

The ten caves opened together, but there were subtle differences due to different cultivation practices. Huangyi's cave seemed to have given birth to ten different kinds of creatures, and terrifying auras could be seen everywhere.

lingering before my eyes.

Buzz buzz!

I saw ten creatures of different shapes, roaring up to the sky, and then walking between Huang Yi's figures, making him look like a demon.

0…Please give me flowers…

"Come on, the time for the decisive battle has arrived, don't waste any more time." Huang Yi roared and quickly rushed in.

I saw the Golden Crow wings stretched out from his back, his left and right hands turned into the claws of a roc, and his feet stepped on the seal of Qilin. He was majestic, but more like a head with four different faces.

In fact, it is impossible to use the method of backtracking again at the same time. Now he can only use it alone to neutralize Huang Hao's Kunpeng power.

Huang Hao roared, and Kunpeng's technique transformed again.

I saw the black infinite Wang Yang suddenly surged around the arena, vast and infinite, sweeping away the opponent's various Supernatural Powers with a single Kunpeng fingering technique.


All the power that Huang Yi exerted was submerged in this piece of Wangyang.

And all those powers were swallowed up by the black infinite Wang Yang in an instant.

Is there no upper limit to your power? No wonder you can destroy the sky battlefield. While Huang Yi was shocked, he attacked even more crazily.

Boom boom boom!

Between heaven and earth, there are explosions everywhere, and a wild wave of power spreads out, destroying everything around it.

At this time, Huang Yi's figure also became more blurry, with only a little light flickering continuously.

This is the limit of Kunpeng's technique, and it is also his limit. Once he uses Kunpeng's technique, his figure will become unreal, and then he will be slowly engulfed by those powers.

I don’t know when the end will come, and I don’t know how long I can hold on.

However, he still kept attacking, punch after punch, tirelessly.

He has failed once and he doesn't want to lose a second time.

However, those Supernatural Powers were swallowed up by the infinite Wang Yang. .

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