Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 624: Overestimating One’S Ability

Huang Hao's body shifted slightly to avoid the old man's attack, and then his body once again erupted with a powerful force and hit the old man.

Bang! Bang!

Huang Hao's fist collided with the old man's claws, and they refused to give way to each other. For a moment, neither could do anything to the other.

Huang Hao's body is thin and frail, but his strength is amazing. His fists contain terrifying power. Every time they collide with the old man's sharp claws, the old man's palms can collapse, and there can even be heard the sound of broken bones. Out, creepy.

Boy, you should surrender and be captured. Stop making unnecessary resistance. Your strength is simply vulnerable in our eyes. You won’t be able to fly even with your wings today. Just accept your death! The old man roared angrily, and one of his palms was struck by Huang. Hao was seriously injured, and another palm shot out again to kill Huang Hao!

Huang Hao lowered his head and snorted coldly. The last moment that the master had been waiting for had arrived. While they were baring their teeth and claws and attacking with all their strength, it was the last moment to take their lives.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up slightly, and his whole aura and demeanor were completely different, as if he was a different person.

The fire of Vermillion Bird in the body is vigorously born, and the avenue is boundless, just like the ancient God spirit about to awaken.

The scorching fireworks and the wings of the Vermillion Bird, the monstrous heat waves set off have condensed into a strange symbol, like a flaming war spear. The moment it happened, the void shook and twisted, instantly breaking through the sky, and bombarding the black demon. above the umbrella.


With extremely strong penetrating power and endless explosive power, a boundless shining light bloomed, like a star exploding in an instant, trying to destroy everything here.

The Vermillion Bird, shrouded in darkness, has released its self-restrictions. The black umbrella is quickly disintegrating in the flames. Coupled with Huang Hao's fatal punch, everything is instantly disintegrated.

The flame symbols all over the sky roared in the wind, just like the sound of ancient symbol spells, causing the Realm under their feet to boil completely, obliterating everything.

Those old men wanted to reap the benefits, but they didn't expect that they were already wiped out.

This is the moment Cao Dian has been waiting for, and he will annihilate them all with one blow.

"This method is too crazy!"

People marveled that anyone who provoked Huang Hao would pay death.

Huang Hao also didn't expect that under the urging of the Master of the Legend of Vermillion Bird, he would be so powerful. The overbearing flame spear seemed to be able to annihilate all living things, just like the Venerables who were burned to ashes by the fire.

However, the counterforce in his body still made him vomit a mouthful of blood. Standing in the energy storm, he held up a light curtain, still looking like he was seriously injured, and blood was still flowing from the corner of his mouth.

He stared in all directions with murderous intent. The Venerables who were still preparing to take action had already given up their intention of attacking head-on, and began to engage in guerrilla attacks unhurriedly, firing cold arrows secretly.

"You are really an invincible cockroach! But look at it now. Everyone wants to kill you and uses various methods frequently. How long can you hold on?"

At this moment, the shameless Granny Hua poked her head out of the void, her face full of sarcasm.

"I haven't gone to you to settle the score yet, but you dare to show your face. You are very brave. But now I have no time to care about you, so get out of here." Huang Hao said coldly.

But Cao Ye knew better that relying on the opponent's Void Walking Magical Item, he couldn't deal with it in a short time. A pair of eyes were staring at Huang Hao, and he had no time to worry, let alone waste energy and time.


Suddenly, the long bell rang, and in this bloody and violent environment, it was like a stream of heat penetrated into the heart and lungs, making people temporarily stunned.

On the contrary, for Huang Hao, the heartbreaking pain was getting worse, as if a knife was spinning around in his body, cutting his own flesh and blood and disturbing his heart.

This made his soul tremble, which was very similar to the strange feeling at the beginning, but it didn't touch his soul at that time.

His steps were shaky, and he almost failed to stand, causing him to stumble.

In his spiritual sea, a stormy sea has set off, and there is another sharp sword, cutting through the waves, wreaking havoc in his brain.

"`~What's wrong with me?"

"Master is not sure, but you have to hold on and control your mind. As for these idiots, I will let them tell the truth sooner or later.

The spiritual bodies contained in Huanghao's ten caves had to be revived at this moment. Cao Ye couldn't control that much. Even if his body couldn't bear half of his strength, he had to force himself to hold it up, otherwise there would be no way to survive.

Huang Hao's figure gradually stood firm, and he let out a cold snort, as if a Sword Qi erupted from between his brows.

When he was helpless, Huang Hao gave up control of his body and devoted himself to using the divine power in his body, constantly building small cauldrons to protect his heart and stabilize his soul.

As his spiritual power became stronger and stronger, golden rays of light appeared on his body surface one after another, and slowly condensed into reality.

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