"He is actually able to condense into a Taoist talisman within his body and appear outside. Even the peerless Venerable may not be able to do this. He is really powerful." Someone was surprised.

At this time, the sound of fighting broke out, and people who saw the opportunity came to take action one after another. The people who came were all the strong men of Half step Supreme. They acted cautiously. They had always been the mastermind behind the scenes. Just in case, they all sacrificed. Take out the treasure in your hand.

In an instant, the sky was filled with colorful rune symbols, and the power of rune spread across the clouds and fields.

"Father, those Damn it guys have already made it clear, why haven't we taken action to rescue him." Huo Ling'er has been watching from a distance. He thought he could create a miracle, but unfortunately the style of the painting changed and there was a big fight. The scene is uncontrollable.

"Ling'er, there are some things that you may not be able to understand yet."

"Since Huang Hao has chosen to fight in the sky battlefield, it means that he has been mentally prepared for a long time. If he can fight his way out today, he will definitely become a true dragon in the 167th day. If he dies in battle, we...

The Fire Emperor did not dare to say more, but he had already made it clear that he could not take action at this time.

But Huang Hao's movement skills were already very difficult, and he barely managed to occupy a certain position in the airspace. However, what he faced was the hands of thousands of people, and the dense attacks of Realm made him teetering on the edge, and he could fall on the spot at any time.

Fortunately, Cao Ye was able to control the situation and adapt to Huang Hao's strong body.

"Killing chickens to scare monkeys doesn't work, right? Then I will kill everyone everywhere to let you know who is the weak persimmon."

Suddenly, they saw a contemptuous smile on the corner of Huang Hao's mouth. You were obviously seriously injured, but you saw a trace of strong confidence in his eyes.

call out!

I saw a Flying Sword coming. The Sword was awe-inspiring, and the user was wielding the sword thousands of miles away (aeea).

At this time, Huang Hao's eyes also shot out two golden lights, just like the Sword intent, directly defused them and turned the sword into pieces.

"You are the first..."

Huang Hao roared, instantly traveled through the clouds, found his traces, and came to the treasurer at that time.


Seeing Huang Hao's two fingers scratch the man's neck, a slender incision released countless blood, and the man was killed on the spot.

His momentum was like a turbulent wave, and his terrifying and boundless power was like a black curtain, rising slowly under the sky, shrouding these astonished villains.

"call out!"

The sinister man held a golden long bow, and arrows flew out.

However, the person who was hit not only did not hide, but turned around.

"Don't you have a long memory?"

There was just a click, and a flying golden arrow was instantly broken.

The man holding the bow had a look of shock on his face, but in the next second, a black shadow wiped away his neck, his head separated, and he fell to the ground.

However, those Venerables are like poking a hornet's nest, fighting and retreating, relying on the strength of their numbers, preparing to consume them to death.

Rays of divine light flew in, and then he changed corners and secretly fired cold arrows.

However, at this moment, Huang Hao had disappeared from the spot, shuttled among these people, killing them one by one.

No! Run away!

Someone made a sound of panic and ran away quickly, but before he could take a few steps, he was caught by Huang Hao.

Don't kill me! Please! I am willing to surrender at your feet and become your slave. Please forgive me! The man turned pale with fear and begged for mercy again and again.

Although he is a Half-step Supreme, he is far behind compared to Huang Hao. Huang Hao's speed has reached the extreme, giving him no chance to escape at all.

I hate people threatening me the most, you deserve to die!


The man's body was destroyed on the spot, and his soul reluctantly escaped from his body, trying to escape from this area.

Unfortunately, a big hand reached out and grabbed him tightly.

No...please don't kill me!

The soul howled in panic.

However, Huang Hao didn't care so much, he used his wrist forcefully and directly crushed the soul.

Another burst of exclamations came, and several more people were killed.

You bastards, we have retreated here, and you still dare to attack, you are looking for death! Someone shouted angrily.

Hahahaha, you retreated too slowly, do you think I didn't expect you to attack? Although your strength is high, I have seen through that you are no match for me, so you are destined to be the only one to die! Huang Hao is arrogant said.

Then why haven't you taken action yet and are just showing off your power here? Some people clamored.

This is my favorite scene to watch.

Huang Hao laughed and disappeared instantly.

Everyone only felt an afterimage flash before their eyes, and then there was no trace of him. This move was like a ghost.

Be careful everyone!

Someone yelled, but it was too late. A sharp blade slashed through the air and across his neck, leaving a slight blood mark.

His body froze in the air for a moment, and finally turned into dust.

The remaining people's eyes widened in horror. With this weird movement, they had no idea how the other party appeared in front of them, and they couldn't even catch the shadow of the enemy. .

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