Who is this guy?

I won't give you any chance to live this time, just die.

Huang Hao groaned, and electric snakes suddenly danced wildly in the clouds in the sky. Thunders and lightnings were heard. The dark clouds in the sky gathered more and more, and finally turned into a huge thunderstorm, which fell with a roar and hit Huang Hao's body.

Thunder and lightning exploded on his body, covering him completely.



Rays of lightning bloomed on his body, drowning him and letting out a shrill scream.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect this scene to be so real, as if they had actually experienced it.

This scene reminded them of someone who once used thunder magic to chop people into charcoal. This scene was exactly the same as the shape of the person just now.

They were inexplicably frightened and did not dare to move forward.

Hahahaha... you all go to hell! Huang Hao let out a deafening roar, and an unparalleled power emitted from his body, causing the entire sky to violently


A huge thunder pool rushed out from Huanghao's body, drowning everyone in it. Lightning bolts were inspired from his body, hovering in the air, and continuously shooting down, making deep pits on the ground, making the earth turtle It cracked and the soil on the ground rolled like boiling mud.

Wave after wave of thunder can be heard.

At this moment, all the strong men besieged in the valley felt fear and fled in all directions.

But how could they escape? Thunder struck them one after another, tearing their bodies into pieces, and their souls struggled unwillingly in the sea of ​​thunder.

However, the more surprising method was yet to come. Huang Hao's hands were combined into one, and a big black fish, a hundred feet tall, jumped up from the thunder clouds and swept away with endless lunar energy.

Crazy killing, all the people blocking the car are instantly wiped out. This is the true Kunpeng technique, unparalleled and wonderful.

However, Huanghao's physical endurance was limited after all, and the body's counterattack made Cao Ye unable to control it for a while, and he almost fell over again.

All of them came to Venerable. When they were desperate, with the same hands and feet, they took action together. Now not only did the streamers fly up, but countless figures fell down. When they saw the reversal and counterattack, they launched another fierce attack.

"Father will bleed out if he doesn't help anymore." Huo Ling'er was very anxious. There were only a few people who could help now, but none of the human emperors wanted to help at this time.

"This is the path he chose, and he should have walked on his own. But it's too early to draw conclusions now [maybe whether he can really get through this." The Fire Emperor said lightly.

Several other emperors also looked at it indifferently, very calmly, but there were already waves in their hearts.

After all, Huang Hao is a member of the human race and will play a key role in his rise in the future. How can he be expected to die on the spot.

In fact, the current situation is already one-sided. As long as the people of the Supreme Holy Religion don't take action, everything can be controlled.

There was another loud noise, and another Venerable was shattered by the thunder flames.

Those who saw it took a breath of air. What Huang Hao used turned out to be the spiritual fire of the human race, not the inheritance of Vermillion Bird.

And the fire in the center of the earth used by those who fight against it is even more unpredictable.

There are still strong ones among the strong...

However, Huang Hao suddenly sat cross-legged in the airspace, and then four firebirds appeared next to the mountain, circling around him, ingesting the source of the earth's core fire to nourish his body and stabilize his mind.

0…Please give me flowers…

"This is too exaggerated. Using other people's fire essence is too scary."

Kunpeng's technique alone made them lose their shit. Now, with this heaven-defying recovery technique, Huang Hao is a monster that they can't kill, even if he is seriously injured.

It is absolutely impossible to lose.

Their self-confidence was shattered more than once by the Supernatural Power displayed by Huang Hao.

"It's too late to retreat now. If he runs out and chases us to the ends of the earth, and then defeats us one by one, we will have no way back now."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Granny Hua stood in the void and began to speak loudly. I don't know how many people were incited.

"You're right. You're already dead anyway. Even if you die, you'll have to die happily."

One second ago, everyone was Venerable and responded one after another, but the survival instinct is honest, who is willing to fight desperately at this time.

Granny Hua was born in the Supreme Holy Cult. Even if she couldn't clean up the mess and deal with the aftermath, she would be fine if she had a strong backing as support.

Even if someone is taking the lead now, there should be Granny Hua who takes the lead instead of just talking.

No one is stupid, he knows whose blood is being shed.

"Your health is getting worse." Cao Ye sighed secretly.

He has no strength to use, otherwise the powerful enemies that should be dealt with are now buried in the loess.

The pressure and burden on my body is getting bigger and bigger.

At this moment, another bronze sword struck at the head and face!

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