In just a moment, the powerful men from all sides came together again, and with the storm, it seemed as if the world was about to be broken.

The messenger frowned, as if the balance had been broken again. If he just focused on it, it would be difficult to ensure the stability of the sky battlefield, and there might even be unexpected disasters.

Under the control of Cao Ye, the bravery shown by Huang Hao has exceeded the range of what his body can withstand.

Now that the oil has run out, he is in a dangerous situation. Under the endless tricks of many people, Huang Hao's body begins to slowly walk in the clouds, using retreat to advance, defense as attack, and finally Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages when possible.

The bronze treasure "890" sword refused to give up. When he was helpless, a Vermillion Bird suddenly flew out of Huanghao's palm, competing with the sword and almost melting it.

With a clang of gold and iron, the azure sword was thrown into the airspace, and at this moment, a large yellow-orange bowl appeared in the sky, which seemed to be another rare visible screen.


He howled angrily, and smoke rose up behind him, and then a Golden-winged Great Peng appeared. Wherever the Dapeng passed, the clouds were light and the wind was gentle, and the power of the waves was huge.

"Dapeng Dharma Phase, it was Kunyu before, and now it's this thing. It's so difficult to deal with."

Some people sighed, but they were clearly the ones in trouble.

"Everyone, retreat quickly, quickly, quickly."

A group of people screamed, but there was no time. Vermillion Bird's flames and Golden Roc's sharp edge made it impossible for them to avoid it, and they were torn apart in an instant, just like the collapsed rune.

Amidst the violent explosions, streams of electric light intertwined, and the golden canopy soared into the sky, obliterating everything, and finally plunged into the fleeing crowd.

There were screams and wailings.

It was too late to kneel down and beg for mercy. They had their hands and hands cut off, and their bodies were completely bruised. They tried their best but ended up with such a disastrous result.

In an instant, six or seven more Venerables were killed on the spot, but this was not the most terrifying thing. What was terrifying was that they were killed almost in one move, without any chance of fighting back.

At this moment, Huang Hao's face turned pale, as if he had lost a lot of Blood Qi, but he was still extremely powerful.

They didn't know how the boy Supreme in front of them did it. Such a tenacious will to live made them uneasy.

At this moment, a small boat suddenly appeared at the end of the skyline, as if floating in the sea of ​​Wang Yang.

Slowly, layer after layer of thin mist enveloped the place, adding some mystery to the small wooden boat.

Meanwhile, the wind is blowing!

"What the hell is this?" Cao Ye used Huang Hao's eyes to see through the truth, but combined with a premonition, he felt that something was not good, and it seemed that the real threat had just arrived.

Suddenly, he punched out, but like falling on tofu, the power was swallowed up instantly. Suddenly the gods and demons howled, the fog became thick, and the small wooden boat accelerated.

"What kind of power is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

As the distance got closer and closer, the treat above became clearer and clearer, as if it was filled with gods and demons. Pieces of demon rune fell on and off the wooden boat, until finally it burned on its own, with wisps of black smoke emerging. The light finally falls away.

This feeling is so weird that even divine power cannot defend it. It seems to corrode one's own spirit and paralyze one's own divine power, but it is more like a ghost ship floating in the void, eerie and terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Hao struck again, using the power of the origin to attack...

Hearing the roar, the wooden boat that was pushing forward was instantly shattered, and the burning black light fire was also extinguished. It was like a mirage, suddenly appearing and suddenly disappearing.

Grandma Hua, who was standing on the other side of the world, was shocked.

"Can't even the Demon God's Ship be able to target him? That is a cursed high-quality thing!"

"The power of the curse is also one of Wanfa. Huang Hao seems to have grasped the true meaning of it. It seems that he has prepared in advance to defeat Wanfa with one method. Unless he is caught by surprise, it is difficult to start, but I have another idea. "Elder Han in the secret is still making preparations, with a pair of golden eyes flashing with a strange light.

Ha ha ha ha....

Suddenly, a mysterious man's wild laughter came from the sky, and then a vague figure emerged.

People finally saw his true appearance clearly, but they were extremely shocked when they found out that he looked like a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Little brother, you are really amazing. 0.3 can actually break the curse of the Holy Religion. So good. It seems that we belong to the same camp. Why don't you join my queue and I can help you kill it first? That old lady Damn it.”

Seeing this opportunity, the mysterious man Wen extended an olive branch to fruits and vegetables.

His mother-in-law knew that she had been exposed, and her veins suddenly popped out. Facing that hateful mysterious man, what could she do? She was extremely helpless and could only endure it.

Huang Hao's attitude towards this is the same as always. He wants us to be free and prefers to follow the direction we seek.

In the end, Granny Hua couldn't help but yelled, and with the word "kill", she scattered the petals all over the sky. .

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