Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 628: The More You Fight, The Braver You Become

The crystal clear and exquisite fragrance contains a special killing intent.

"You are such a disgusting old witch. You are so old, and you imitate Fairy Yuechan when you appear on the stage. How shameless are you?" Although these words were spoken by Huang Hao, they came from Cao. Ye's heart.

The old witch Granny Hua, who was most concerned about her self-image, had her heart and lungs exploded with rage and wished she could tear them apart with her bare hands.

Granny Hua knew that she could not do anything about the mysterious man. Facing a dying Huang Hao, she was already pinching him with her hands.

Is his own dignity, the majesty of the supreme holy religion, not worth mentioning in front of this person? A naked contempt and a naked challenge.

"Fellow daoist of the Supreme Holy Religion, this kid is too arrogant and must be suppressed. I will help you." At this time, several Venerables from major sects came to intervene in this matter and gave up. Continue to wait and see.

In the eyes of these Venerables, being able to establish a relationship with the Supreme Saint 04 Religion will have a far-reaching and long-lasting impact.

Obviously, the color of this piece of Heavenly Horse is about to change. Being able to find such a partner will bring endless benefits in the future.

Huang Hao's choice is extremely simple. Open up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians as much as possible, and connect the top and bottom together in one breath, and then he can exert 100% of his power.

On his body surface, metal lines slowly emerged, and eventually they turned out to be a manifestation of Spiritual Qi, forming a rare weapon, a pair of gold and iron arm guards.

This Magical Item is enough to buy him time to continue to accumulate and use the strength in his body, and then the two work together to carve out a bloody path.

"Then why don't you guys take action?" Grandma Hua yelled, and then quickly stood up and took the lead in the charge.

The faces of the others were moved, and they followed his footsteps. This battle should have a result. They were unwilling to let others share the fruits, so now they had no choice but to give it a try.

Rumbling, thunderclouds rioted in a radius of dozens of miles, and seven or eight figures shuttled among them, surrounding and killing them in front and behind, causing chaos.

At the same time, the figure of an old man appeared above his head. At some point, a small altar was placed, on which he recited incantations, burned talismans, and even threw a small wooden man into the fire. In the figure, the facial features and shape are similar to Huang Hao's.

"It turned out to be the power of a curse!" Fairy Yuechan lowered her head and frowned. She had also encountered this method when she was being chased back then. It was sinister and vicious and impossible to guard against. [I didn't expect to meet it again on the battlefield in the sky.


Huang Hao wiped away the blood drawn from the blood corner and stood up suddenly, his whole body shining with light, in an impeccable peak state. The energy of Dantian goes straight to the heavenly spirit, glowing with joy.

At this moment, Cao Ye's divine power has been perfectly integrated into his body, and at the critical moment, he re-energized the power of the ten caves. The divine lights that emerged merged with each other and slowly formed an Immortal formation.

Cao Ye no longer chose to cover up, and exposed his fierce power as much as possible, evolving the most perfect Kunpeng method for everyone. Huang Hao was able to see clearly the advanced state of Kunpeng law enforcement.

The mighty black waves flowed slowly under my feet, and the fire of Vermillion Bird burned above my son's head.

Once in heaven and earth, but at this moment, a kun fish jumped out of the black sea and swam around the deity.

In the light of the red fire above the head, a roc bird with its whole body burning with fire was walking with lust.

"Use whatever skills you have, don't waste my time anymore." Huang Hao's golden eyes flashed, showing power without anger.

From now on, in an instant, the power of the soulmate and the power of the sun merge together. The huge waves of the black sea under the feet and the red glow above the head go towards each other, trying to destroy the eight wastelands.

Under the sublimation of endless divine power, this full-strength blow consumes not only the divine power in the body, but just raising the breath makes you even more tired than after thousands of rounds.

The most shocking thing is that the ten caves and the flesh and blood cave have supported the Kunpeng method and swept away thousands of armies.

Under the tremendous pressure, some people turned into a cloud of mist on the spot, without even a chance to scream.

Suddenly, there were two weaker Venerables. Their bones were broken, their muscles were twisted, and they were crushed into flesh. Their souls flew away on the spot. 233

At the same time, waves of cursed power were challenging Huang Hao. Facing the turbulent waves, he was unable to overcome the divine power. The old man above the altar suddenly shouted.

Hearing a whoosh, he was burned by the sky fire, just like a wooden figure thrown into the fire [and soon turned into ashes.

Everyone screamed, not knowing what just happened.

It is even less clear why Huang Hao became so powerful, surpassing his performance in the arena. Could it be that there is a new expansion of the secret of Kunpeng method?

I want to tear the sky and the earth apart, the mountains and rivers...

The three Venerables at the front didn't even know how they died, and Huang Hao used the soul-killing needle to lock their souls and perform fatal finishing blows.

The terrifying arrogance forced them to retreat, and they were not allowed to hold back the precious qi at the bottom of the box.

Someone was chanting.

"Isn't he seriously injured? could it be like this!".

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