"Oh, it's you followers. It's okay to come to the domain with me. Now that you've broken into the False God Realm, you still want to kill me. Have you thought clearly?"

The witch was very confident and surprised, and immediately recognized this group of people.

"You are really bullying others. Do you really think that the Radiant Holy Sect is easy to bully?" At the same time, the three old men behind the witch suddenly appeared, and the three figures directly broke into the formation to help the witch.

But the formation has been activated, and both sides hold Magical Items, causing fierce winds, brilliant lights, and deafening sounds, as if the whole world is about to be penetrated.

Some people exclaimed that they were worthy of being great believers from the Holy Religion. They were still able to open up and close with ease under such circumstances. Now that the prelude to their complete news chaos has been set off, everything that happened in front of them was the best. beginning.

It's just that they couldn't figure out how those so-called extraterritorial holy religions could cross so many territories to come here. Not to mention their strength, the battle in front of them made many people tremble.

"Is anyone still dissatisfied? Come here and fight me. Don't make those sneaky little moves to annoy me again!" Huang Hao confidently challenged the strong men. Although he seemed very arrogant, he had the strength. .

I don't know how many people have pale and gray faces. Faced with Huang Hao's tyranny, these old guys have fallen into a deadlock. If they can't escape and try to be the first, they will die even more miserably. They are in a dilemma.

He has a cold heart and a stiff face, but he dares not take action. However, Huanghao is extremely talented. When he grows up in the future, what happened today will definitely be settled.

"We are all in the same boat. Why don't we launch another large-scale attack? Maybe we can really kill him." Someone was secretly eager to try. Even when he was riding a tiger and couldn't get off, he was still using words to win everyone over to take action.

"This kid is pushing too hard and won't let him down at all. If he lets it grow in the future, it will still be us who die.

Sky Realm The mysterious man and Fairy Yuechan fought for hundreds of rounds. The witch and her own guards fought back and forth with the people outside. No one wanted to fight with the other, and no one cared about the other.

Now, no matter whether you are a big shot or a small shot, you are all facing a problem.

"In this case, let's do it boldly. Sooner or later, it's a matter of time. I believe you have seen this kid's temper clearly. There is no way he will let us go."

In an instant, there were sounds of breaking through the air, and then a vague figure hidden in the darkness finally emerged.

The wind and thunder were strong, the wind howled, and the place boiled countless times.

The blood flow is monstrous, and the killing sound is loud.

"Kid, you don't know how to advance or retreat. Don't think that the witch can protect you. Now that she can't protect herself, and your situation is worse than him, don't blame us elders for bullying you, a junior." An old man's face changed. , stand up.

"You dared to come out just now. Well, since you chose to seek death, there is no need for me to be merciful to you." Huang Hao shook his head, and then his shadow disappeared from where it was.

Before everyone could be surprised and recovered, they heard a roar, and a void light fell. Goodbye, Huang Hao stood on the void animal skin and cast the so-called Supernatural Power. The old man who had just threatened instantly sprayed He spit out a mouthful of old blood and was knocked away, almost in a state of death.

Everyone was frightened. The Void Beast Skin was Granny Hua's treasure. Even though she had recognized her master, she could easily break the seal on it and erase the original spiritual imprint.

This kind of treasure needs at least a few days of running-in before it can be activated, but in Huang Hao's hands, it can be used with ease, as if he has been skilled for many days.

"What kind of method are you using? Have you already completed the sacrifice?" an old man asked in surprise.

"You ordinary people, who look surprised when you don't understand, are really in vain, you are a bunch of rat-eyed people." Huang Hao laughed wildly, with arrogant self-confidence in his tyranny, which made these confident old people Guy 940 was speechless for a moment.

Talent is Talent, but despite time and space, the mystery of animal skin is complicated, but it is just a dead thing.

I saw Huang Hao stepping on the animal skin, and his movement skills and Supernatural Power had merged into one. Not only did he show his amazing talent when controlling it, but he could also feel out some other flavors and traces on the animal skin.

Between the electric light and flint, the time and space animal skin led Huang Hao through the void. This speed was too weird. No one knew where he was now and where he would attack next.

Just hearing screams one after another, his shadow flickered like a flash, carrying the aura of life and death, and penetrated the other old man.

But the old guy was also very capable. Even though he had half his life left, he grabbed his heels and refused to let go even though there was blood coming out of his mouth. He didn't want to stop fighting.

"Fellow fellow daoists, I have already held him back, what are you still doing in a daze? Quickly join forces to kill him, he can't hold on much longer, hurry up."

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