A cultivator shouted at the crowd, his eyes full of greed. The treasure on this kid was so heaven-defying that even he felt itchy.

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately rushed forward, including the old men and Huang Hao's guards.

As soon as the figures of these old men turned around, they turned into dozens of rays of light and surrounded them from all directions. The guards were not to be left behind. Divine rainbows streaked through the void and turned into dozens of long swords.

A long sword thrust towards Huang Hao, and another slashed towards his head. One stabbed towards his chest, and the other stabbed towards his lower body. One stabbed toward his neck.

Humph, let me see how you can hide! Huang Hao looked at these people with disdain, his eyes narrowed into a line, and the animal skin in his hand hit the chests of these people.

With a loud bang, all the cultivators were thrown away.

Humph, I'm really vulnerable. I haven't put in much effort yet. Huang Hao snorted coldly, continued to use the magic technique, and chased those people.

His speed was so fast that he shuttled freely through the void and launched constant attacks. However, the few cultivators could not withstand his attacks for long before they were seriously injured or killed.

Under Huang Hao's pursuit, these old men retreated steadily.

Along the way, Huang Hao killed all the way.

These people are all masters of various sects, and their strength is extremely good. There is even an old man who has reached the peak of Venerable. However, under Huang Hao's attack, he was still seriously injured and was entangled by Huang Hao's shadow. There was no The only way to break free is to keep running in the void.

What kind of monster is this bastard? We all underestimated his strength. It is too heaven-defying to reach Venerable's Cultivation Base at this age. An old man looked at Huang Hao in horror, secretly hating himself for being too careless and forgetting to deal with this little devil.

In this situation, you have to risk your life to escape from this place. This kid is really too strong. If you continue to fight, you will probably be killed by him.

Fellow daoists, let's join forces and escape together. I don't believe that he has three heads and six arms and can stop us from escaping. An old man suddenly said.

They had already guessed Huang Hao's true strength and did not want to get entangled with him anymore. After all, Huang Hao's strength had far surpassed theirs.

When these old men gathered together, they took out Wuyi one after another.

Humph, I told you guys, are you looking down on me too much? Huang Hao's voice suddenly sounded behind them, making them tremble and almost fall to the ground.

What do you want to do? An old man said tremblingly, his face pale.

Of course I will kill you. Didn’t you say you wanted to kill me? Don’t you want to rob me of my treasure? I will let you taste the feeling of being killed today.

After Huang Hao finished speaking, he suddenly appeared behind them, slapped their backs with both hands, and a huge force passed through their bodies. The chests of several old men collapsed, and the blood from their mouths spurted out wildly, and the breath on their bodies instantly It weakened and ceased to exist, leaving only a white skeleton.

Their eyes before death were full of regret and unwillingness, but the world is like this, and there is no reason to say The Weak are Prey to the Strong.

This guy is really evil, let's run away. Someone noticed something was wrong and wanted to run away, but the moment they turned around, Huang Hao had already caught up with him and hit one of them in the back with a palm.

With a bang, the old man was beaten to pieces and turned into dust.

For a time, many old men were stunned, and they were all frightened, but it was too late. The performance of an old man just now was so embarrassing, and he was beaten to pieces by Huang Hao. For a moment, a trace of fear arose in his heart, thinking... The thought of running away gradually disappeared.

Boy, don't force us, otherwise don't blame us for being rude. An old man shouted, his voice full of threats.

You're welcome?

Huang Hao sneered: None of you can escape, and no one can save you today.

Before Huang Hao finished speaking, his figure flickered and turned into an afterimage, directly attacking the old man in front of him.

Bang bang...

These old men screamed in agony one after another, and were blown up one after another, and blood mist filled the void.

No, it's impossible, (King Nuo) how could you be so strong, how could you have such strength, this is Venerable's peak combat power.

Boy, we are no match for you, stop it quickly, otherwise we will definitely not give up, and we will definitely tell Sect about this, and you will not be able to escape by then!

Hahaha, do you think I will be afraid? You don’t even have a look at what strength I am now.

Huang Hao laughed wildly, his figure was like a ghost, moving back and forth in the void, constantly killing those old men, each old man was killed by him, and the sky was stained with blood.

No, no, don't kill us, we surrender, we are willing to submit to you, please spare our lives!

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