Almost all have the same face. They know they are outmatched, but they insist on overestimating their abilities.

There is no doubt that these dominant Venerables all died in his hands, causing an uproar.

I don't know how many Venerables died tragically in Huang Hao's hands, completely perished.

In just one day, countless forces needed to be reshuffled, and all of this was attributed to one person. This was simply a big purge.

No matter how you look at it, Huang Hao looks like a child, but he is only fourteen or fifteen years old. Such brilliant achievements are unprecedented and unprecedented.

His rise will represent the human race and will affect the hearts of many human warriors.

"I think it's almost time."

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came, and there was a strange noise in the sky.

The mysterious man used the Six Paths of Reincarnation technique to repel Fairy Yuechan.

At the same time, a mysterious Magical Item appeared in the sky, walking in the void, wildly swallowing the Blood Essence from all directions, especially those who had just fallen asleep in the physical body, 297 slowly turned into blood mist and was collected in their pockets.

"What is this? Is he going to destroy this space?" Everyone exclaimed, not because of the power of this Magical Item, but because the entire time and space Realm seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

The powerful Blood Qi vortex can actually change the rules and order here.

And that strange Magical Item in the sky, the inhalation of Yin Blood Qi is constantly expanding, and now it has reached the level of Shrouding the Heavens. It was not until the end that it was discovered that it turned out to be a huge stone plate, rendering the red Blood Qi , scary physics.

"This is the energy of Sacred. The burst of chaotic energy is not something we can bear. He plans to come back here and make us all die here!"

Venerable screamed in horror, as if he had seen the future.

Huang Hao was also surprised, but through these eyes, what Cao Ye saw was actually a very blurry world. The energy of chaos, vertical and horizontal, had replaced the Spirit Power in the void Realm.

Fairy Yuechan, who was confronting her, also felt something was wrong. In order to get rid of the scarlet energy, she quickly left the battlefield. Her face was gloomy and uncertain, as if she had had a premonition of something.

The appearance of this scene was even more alarming, as if the doomsday was coming, they all ran towards the edge and fled away.

But by the time they reacted, many people had instantly turned into blood mist and become nutrients, so the number of people who died had not reached an exaggerated number, but this was a precursor to the killing.

"Who can tell me what he is going to do? Why is this happening?"

Many people have never seen this Magical Item, how can they know its origin? They are completely regarded as sacrifices, which affects the stability and balance of this space and touches the order of Magical Item!

"You've gone too far, give me some residents!"

It was only now that the messenger, who had another mission, took the initiative to stop him with a livid expression on his face.

"It's too late to come out now." The mysterious man sneered, his eyes fell on the fairy very calmly, and said: "I don't have time to play with you now, I still have business to do, but you will be mine sooner or later." Man, hum. "


The huge bloody millstone began to slowly move downwards, shrouding the messenger below.

At this moment, the fleeing people suddenly stopped, and they finally woke up. The target of the mysterious man turned out to be the messenger. What he had just done was to use the Blood Qi of the people who died in the battle to drive it.

Such crazy actions and thoughts made them feel like they were having a nightmare.

The messenger in the battlefield in the sky is the king here, the god who controls all order. Does this man want to kill the god?

I don’t know how many people have entered a state of confusion. Compared with my own little selfishness, it is nothing.

That guy from the outside world must be ridiculously strong, otherwise where would the confidence come from.

Slowly, all the blood on the stone plate was absorbed, transforming into six kinds of brilliant colors, followed by a stream of chaotic energy that evaporated, completely confining the airspace underfoot. In this kind of situation, With the overwhelming force, everything will be shattered, because the order here is already in chaos.


Immediately afterwards, a beam of light drooped down from the plate, intending to sweep the messenger across the scene, and this encouraged the strange evil. It was just a beam of light, which actually caused the chaotic order to change and the void to collapse.

The messenger's expression was ugly, as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Even though he was the god and law enforcer here, he had no way to take advantage of the geographical location and could only choose to avoid it.

Wherever the light passed, it was as if a hole had been opened in the sky and the earth. Black whirlwinds burst out. Soon the hole became wider and wider. The cracks in time and space slowly fell into darkness, and then the Heavenly Horse would be covered by darkness. Like engulfing.

Those who were not careful, those who were attacked, were not even able to leave behind their shadows.

If a person stands in the way of someone, he will kill someone; if someone stands in the way of a Buddha, he will kill the Buddha.

There were constant rumblings in the sky, trembling violently, and the breath of chaos spread rapidly, forming a black cloud in a targeted manner above the head of the messenger. .

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