"I feel like he is the person in the legend!"

"It's so similar, really, exactly like the description."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's expressions changed and they all rushed out of the hall.

But Black Devil has long since disappeared, and Huang Hao's shadow has also disappeared.

The princess on the other side said softly: "His strength has surpassed that of his peers. Today he has gained a memory for those carrying heavy loads. 17

Although she didn't say it directly, she had already concluded that the other party was Huang Hao. The genius who had disappeared for a year was back!

This news, which had not yet been confirmed, soon became known to everyone, and everyone was talking about it, causing quite a stir in a short period of time.

Because no one has ever heard that another great talent has appeared among the children of the human race.

However, Cao Ye, who was exploring Closed Door Training, felt sulky.


"Oh, I don't know how to say hello to you."

04 "It's time to grow up and not always use emotions to make things happen. In the future, we will see more people like this. Isn't it bad to make a fortune in silence?" Cao Ye asked.

Huang Hao also looked impatient, and he didn't know what happened, but he suddenly broke out.

"I just can't stand the faces of these people. They dare to run wild on the territory of the human race. It's too much."

Because he took the initiative to provoke Er, and did not provoke him secretly, he just messed with him for no reason. Huang Hao couldn't figure out why these people had such hot tempers.

Are there so few leisurely and contented people in the world? Do we have to use our fists to speak or fight for something?

Huang Hao saw what he was thinking and said: "If you can explain it with just one mouth, how can there be so many messy things in the world?"

All parties gathered together, and the heroes competed for hegemony, which lasted for Thousand Year Ten Thousand Year and never subsided for a long time. After a short period of peace, a bigger storm will usher in.

"It's good to have a long memory. Don't delay the business. Come with me and go to the city again!" Cao Ye sighed.

Three days later, the news of Huo Ling'er's release caused another sensation.

And a banquet was held in the royal territory for powerful people from all walks of life. After all, this was a good time to promote the power of the Kingdom of Fire. It was not easy to have a successor of the mythical beast Bloodline appear.

"Did he really show up? There couldn't be some misunderstanding." After Huo Ling'er came out of seclusion, he focused all his attention on Huang Hao. The personal purpose of holding this grand gathering was exactly in this way.

Huo Ling'er had already taken pains to deal with this kind of crowd, and had had enough as early as half a year ago.

The Royal Villa occupies a vast area, with spiritual springs, spiritual eyes, and mountain trails. It doesn't feel like a residence at all, but more like living in a spiritual mountain.

As for the pavilions and pavilions located there, one is connected to the other, and the four directions correspond to each other, which is very beautiful.

But now there were traces of people moving around everywhere. Huo Ling'er frowned and said, "Oh, I thought it was just a small gathering. Hou Huang actually invited so many people over again. I'm so worried!"

In the blink of an eye, the final team of people arrived one after another.

One of the teams, wearing black armor, stopped by the gate of the other courtyard, and a person got out of the carriage. The recluse in the dead mountain did not expect that this old monster could not be bothered, and finally chose to come out of the mountain to be used by the powerful.

"Fairy Yuechan is here too, where is she?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and the fairy from the Western Regions was also invited to the scene. Immediately afterwards, most of the core figures such as the Supreme Holy Cult of Tianhui Sect came in person.

"Maybe Huang Hao will come again. All the news about him in the past two days has overshadowed our princess." Someone whispered.

People spread it from person to person, and the unconfirmed news was immediately confirmed.

There are even rumors that Huang Hao came back this time just for Huo Ling'er.

People also had a premonition in their hearts that as long as Huang Hao showed up at the banquet, it would not stop, and there would be undercurrents and waves.

"The royal family is much better than the nobles, making it look like the palace." Cao Dian sighed with emotion.

There are stone paths one after another. The fiery red branches and leaves on both sides of the path are lush. While the spiritual smell of fire is strong, you can also see some fire attribute imprints.

You can see such fire spirit trees almost everywhere 047 in the entire courtyard, but it is difficult to initiate at this time. Wherever you go, there are crowds of people in front and behind, and the flow of people is congested.

And there are all kinds of creatures in Bloodline, they are weird and strange, and they speak different Realm dialects, so I don’t dare to ask more questions.

"It's really very particular. After all, this is a big event, and the Fire Emperor will definitely make it very grand." Huang Hao said.

Walking forward, a bronze door with traces of ancient decay blocked the road.

There were heavy troops guarding the front, but they were just pretending.

There are two marks on the bronze door. Anyone who has the ability to step through the bronze light is qualified to enter the imperial door.

To prevent those who fish in troubled waters from getting in and wreaking havoc secretly.

Cao Ye and Huang Hao already have royal tokens in their hands, so they can naturally come and go at will.

"The Fire Emperor is not a bad person. He is thoughtful and deliberately built a small teleportation array. It's not bad." Cao Ye strode into it, a clear light flashed, and the figure disappeared. .

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