After the six-color brilliance flashed, Cao Ye was teleported to a courtyard, followed closely by his own apprentice.

The yard is not very big, but the smell of fragrant grass is very strong and full of vitality. Looking further forward, it seems that you have come to a medicine garden, but in fact it is not the case.

However, Huang Hao was surprised. There were some strange plants exuding Spirit Power everywhere in the front and back of the yard. They were decades old at least. There were also a few plants with Hundred Year's elixir in front of them. In this small courtyard In the middle, there were bursts of scent of grass.

Looking around, I saw that many people had gathered on the wall of the courtyard and were walking towards the stone path in front. They were in groups of two or two, chatting and taking their seats.

Most of the people who can come here are cultivators with some hard power. Although they chat very speculatively, in fact they just want to broaden their contacts or exchange their treasures. After all, this is a rare gathering.

However, there are also some eye-catching incidents. Most of them are some capable people. If they disagree with each other, they will fight with fists and kicks, and they will not stop until they win or lose ten times.

"That young man from the Western Region seems to be very powerful. He must be a big shot with a good background."

"That's right, that's the White Dragon Han Horse. It's so special to have such a treasure in the palm of your hand."

Some people talked a lot, but most of them focused on some decent teenagers, because they are the future of a family or a force.

Of course, there are also some who are around middle age and have already modified their identity and status.

The people in front were staring at a young man who looked to be in his early twenties. When the man with short hair came in, his palms glowed slightly, which was very eye-catching. Everyone was stunned when they saw him. , the halo also reveals a powerful self.

This is a symbolic object of Western sects. Those who can carry this object with them always have a high status in the sect, or they have very strong connections. Otherwise, how could they have such a mount.

Cao Ye nodded secretly and recognized the person's strength. His status in the Western Region Sect was extraordinary. Of course, his main purpose was to find a decent candidate and help Huang Hao sort out his connections. After all, chaos is coming, so it’s better to be prepared in advance.


At this moment, a roar sounded, and a snow-white tiger shadow was seen at any time, passing through the magic circle and coming into the crowd's field of vision.

This man looked like he had experienced many years, and he had been practicing for at least seven or eight Thousand Years.

Just by looking at the tiger shadow mount, you can tell that this person has a lot of background. The White Tiger clan is also the descendant of the mythical beast Bloodline.

"Who are you in charge of here? The genius of my clan was killed here. Who can give me an explanation?"

The two of Shitu walked along the path, passed through a garden, and came to a larger courtyard. Before they saw Huo Ling'er's face, they heard that someone was looking for trouble here. It depends on the situation. It's not a small matter.

Under the gaze of everyone, I saw a red-haired man exuding fire, his face was red and his ears were red, and he was angry and crazy.

However, this man looks a bit human, but only half of his lower body is actually a long snake tail, and the scales all over his body are red and hot, which is also an extraordinary spirit.

Cao Ye recognized at a glance that this guy should be from the Fire Snake Clan. He had seen a similar totem in a valley. According to rumors, their ancestors also had Power users who ascended to become gods.

There was even a fight between the two sides in Kunpeng's lair, but most of them were slaughtered and brought in. They even roasted snake meat in front of the bonfire. The meat was delicious and left an unforgettable aftertaste.

"`~I have told you before that I can keep you safe inside the city, but that is not necessarily the case outside the city gate. There is a mixed bag of people here, and there are all kinds of people. We have spoken before, outside the city gate You are responsible for the matter." An old man stepped forward and said.

"Yes, everyone agrees by default. In the ancestral land of the Fire Tribe, many of our tribesmen died without explanation. If you have the ability to go out, don't make trouble here. It's too embarrassing." Someone stepped forward. Fight against injustice.

I saw the man with the human body and the tail of a snake snorting coldly, the red scales all over his body shining extremely here, and his cold and poisonous eyes swept across everyone, as if he wanted to find the talkative person and beat him up in front of everyone.

But before this (good) guy could get angry, everyone's noses smelled a strange fragrance.

Everyone's eyes flickered, looking for the Spiritual herb in the garden. Following the traces of fragrance, everyone's vision continued to lengthen, and they saw a Star grass slowly appearing.

"It turned out to be a six-leaf star grass. It's so rare."

There is such a Star grass in the corner of the courtyard wall, exuding a little starlight and a strange fragrance.

The ordinary star grass only has four leaves, but it is so rare to see that it is called a panacea. However, this six-leaf star grass has been cultivated for hundreds of years and appeared in an inconspicuous place.

"It seems like seven leaves!".

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