There is an underground secret room in the Fire Emperor's tomb, which is a secret treasure house built by the Fire Emperor's father when he was still alive.

In this secret room, there are many rare treasures, various weapons, and various weapons. Some of the weapons have even been burned by the flames, but they are still well preserved.

Even the Fire Emperor only entered this secret room of the Fire Emperor's father once, not often.

The secret room will become the beginning of the search for the lost ancient recipe, and it will also be the only direction to find in confusion.

After all, those five ancient prescriptions are related to the human race's Body Refining method, the book of Great Completion.

The Fire Emperor was naturally not stingy and had no reservations about the Sword God. In order for the human race to find a seat in the future, he invited Cao Ye to search the secret room, but he found nothing. Confuse.

It seems that there is nothing here, but I have a feeling that maybe there is something important hidden here.

Suddenly, Cao Ye's thoughts moved slightly, and a force surged out, instantly covering the entire underground secret room, and he carefully explored it.

There are formations, runes, formation eyes, etc. in the four corners of the secret room. These formations and runes combine to form a formation, which makes the formation operate normally, but there is no way to release the power of the formation.

This formation is very complex and highly destructive. If ordinary people came in, they would have been strangled long ago and would not be spared.

Cao Ye looked at the lines of the formation, and a picture he saw when he read "The Fairy Devil Dao Code" emerged in his mind. This formation was similar to the formation on the scroll.

It's just that this formation is more complex and mysterious than the one described in the scroll, and contains powerful energy fluctuations, and the formation also emits a faint red light.

The red light emitted from the formation gives people a feeling of palpitations.

This feeling seems to only occur when facing a strong enemy. The power of this formation is obviously far greater than the formation I saw at the beginning.

Could it be that this formation was left behind by the Fire Emperor?

Cao Ye secretly thought in his heart, but then shook his head. It doesn't look like it, because the Fire Emperor is a cultivator and a master at the level of gods. How could his formation be lower than the realm of gods.

And the power fluctuations emitted by this formation are not enough for a master of the Realm to arrange it, unless the owner of this formation is the Holy Emperor.

However, the Holy Emperor is a master of the Divine Realm, so how could he be in the Stone Kingdom Palace, and how could he be seen by others?

After thinking about it, Cao Ye imitated the shape of this formation, but there were some differences. The color and texture of this formation were somewhat similar, but this formation was completely different from the one used by the Fire Emperor. Classy stuff.

If the Fire Emperor's formation is a god-level formation, then the formation in front of you cannot reach the level of a god-level formation.

This discovery was an accident to Cao Dianfen.

However, he did find that although this formation had a certain connection with the materials of the five Body Refining methods recorded in his "Xian Devil Dao Canon", this connection was very weak.

In other words, he can only use these five Body Refining methods to modify his physical defects, but they do not have perfect effects because these defects cannot be completely compensated.

In this way, even if Cao Ye can correct this defect, it cannot be perfectly integrated into the body, and may even cause Qi Deviation, and ultimately Qi Deviation and Death0

This is Cao Ye's worry.

After all, this is a formation arranged by the Fire Emperor. It is definitely not a simple thing. If it is an ordinary formation, he is sure to modify it to achieve perfect effects, but this formation is not a god-level formation, but a formation arranged by the Holy Emperor. .

It seems I have to find another way.

These materials are all excellent materials. I can refine Medicine Pill, and I can also refine the materials needed for Medicine Pill. I can use the cauldron to refine these materials now. However, I must first find the Fire Emperor's inheritance.

Cao Ye looked at the Fire Emperor.

And everything mentioned above is just a trivial matter. It is impossible to use the human body as a furnace to refine Thousand Year spiritual objects from the beginning. You can only practice these small Medicine Pills first to test the water.

The Fire Emperor nodded. He was also very eager for the Fire Emperor's inheritance, so he also hoped that Cao Ye could find the Fire Emperor's inheritance as soon as possible to help him and help the Fire Dynasty become stronger, but he also hoped that Cao Ye could Find some information about Body Refining, which will be more helpful to him on the path of cultivation.

4.0 Cao Ye told the Fire Emperor his idea, and took out the refining materials and gave them to the Fire Emperor.

The Fire Emperor took the materials and immediately sensed them, finding that these materials were not ordinary materials.

These materials are extremely rare materials. If used for pill refining, it can at least improve the level of Medicine Pill. If used for refining Medicine Pill, it can at least reach the level of a divine Medicine Pill. With so many materials, it will take a long time to refine them even with divine products. It seems that I need to find a quiet place to concentrate on refining these Body Refining materials. The Fire Emperor thought. .

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